23. Lockdown

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"The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong."  ― Laura Ingalls Wilder

The Fighter

Spencer and I clambered off my bike and one of the guards, Pedro, came hurrying over to us as we approached the main entrance of the Bureau.

"I don't know what's going on, but we've not to let you inside." He said to me as we hurriedly stalked towards the doors.

"What? What do you mean?" Spencer asked incredulously.

"The technical analyst has re-routed the elevators so nothing stops at the twelfth floor, and the stair doors have been jammed closed. Acting Chief Morgan is warning the rest of the Bureau to stay away, the heads are out for you, ma'am."

I looked at Spencer worriedly and chewed on my lip.

"How can we get inside?" I asked worriedly.

"I can take you in the service entrance," He said, nodding to a singular door which was normally alarmed that nobody ever used. "We allow deliveries through there," He explained. "It's quiet because most people have finished, so use the stairs and run fast." He smirked and brought out a security card attached to a chord with keys on his belt.

"Thank you so much for this, Pedro," I said in relief. "You've really saved us."

He dipped his head in a bashful nod.

"Anything to make sure I don't have your gun to my head again, ma'am."

We laughed and hurried through the service door before keeping our heads down and walking swiftly towards the staircases.

Either the receptionists were on our side or they genuinely didn't care, because nobody even batted an eyelid as we pushed into the stairwell and took to the stairs at a run.

"Not everyone is going to be as kind as Pedro." Spencer gushed to me as we took the stairs two at a time.

"I know." I breathed, dialling Morgan's number on another burner phone Jason's men had given me.

From the first floor, we could hear movement and people scuffling about towards the staircase.

We pressed ourselves to the outside wall as we hurried faster up the stairs, our cheeks flushing and our chests tightening.

From above, people were beginning to descend, and I felt as though I was going to pass out.

But, eventually, we made it to the twelfth floor, and began frantically banging on the doors to try and enter.

"Hey, what's going on?" One of the agents called from a couple of floors above.

We ignored him and I pressed my phone to my ear, hearing the dialling tone reaching out to Morgan.

A moment later, his face appeared in the slim window of the door, and metal against metal sounded before the doors swung open.

"C'mon, hurry!" He gushed and we pushed inside, breathless and desperate.

"What the Hell?" Spencer choked, dropping Caitlyn's bag to his feet as he doubled over to breathe.

I turned to look as Morgan closed the doors and slotted a crowbar between the handles of the doors, alongside a wooden floor-brush, a mop-pole and a shot-gun.

"What in the world?" I mumbled, staring in awe as the men from the staircase rushed to the doors and began frantically pushing them.

"It was all we could find to barricade the door." Penelope said in a soft voice, appearing from the bullpen.

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