A look at the life of Dr. Nigberger reveals many strange things, one of which is that in the tumultuous days of the Khalsa Raj when Raja Dhyan Singh's authority had grown exponentially, so in those days wherever dangerous incidents came to light, Hanning Burger was already there.
Such as the assassination of Sardar Chet Singh Ji, the end of Kanwar Nau Nihal Singh, the assassination of Maharaja Sher Singh and the tragic death of Sardar Jawahar Singh. Hanningberger was present on all these occasions but it is not known why. At least two things become clear. The first is that its presence at every point of danger seems imaginary and all this is to say that it is aware of every incident.
Secondly, if this fact is accepted, then there is no doubt that the doctor, Dogras had a complete secret and he knew in advance everything that would happen and he would get there in time. Hanniberger himself writes of his presence at the time of the assassination of Maharaja Sher Singh:
I was not farther than ten steps from the place where the horrid crime was committed, and five minutes before his (Sher Singh) atrocious murder I had spoken to him in the garden a tree ..... I intend to give my readers a true picture of what happened to me at the assassination of Sher Singh, an involuntary spectator at this ferocious scene and how I escaped the perils which threatened my own person . At the moment I heard the firing of the guns, and perceived all the people in motion, taking their weapons, I felt persuaded that the locality was not an asylum for a tranquil man; so I

The other side Cavalry of Khalsa empire
RandomSo many kings, emperor's and knights walk over this earth. but there history is like thousands and millions of yrs old. But there is like one knight that happens to be exist on this earth like only 200 yrs ago. a king apparently at the same time he...