Chapter 4: The Drive

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We've been on the road for about an hour now and I just woke up from my nap. Then my brother Dayton tapped my arm.
"Hey Gab. You've been asleep for a while."
"Where are we now?"
"At the looks of it I think we're in Rochester."
My mom cut in.
"Actually we're in Times Square, so if I were you I would turn around and look at it for a last time."
Gabriella did what her mom advised and turned around to look at the big city. The lights glimmered and she could see signs saying "The Lion King Broadway". She had seen a Broadway production when she was thirteen. She enjoyed it very much and wanted to see another. But since she was moving to Texas, she wouldn't be able to see another one. Thoughts flew through her head. Thoughts about how Ava was taking this, thoughts about who the man was in her dream, and thoughts about how it's like in Texas. But she would have to wait until she got there to see if it really was a nice place. Gabriella looked up at the night sky. It was pitch black. She could see nothing but city lights. That's one thing she wouldn't miss about New York, the fact that she couldn't see the beautiful night sky glimmer. As she stared into the blank sky, her eye lids slowly started to drop and soon was asleep.
A couple hours later...
Gabriella's father pulled the family van into the parking lot of the airport at sunrise. Both her mother and father turned back to see all of their kids asleep.
"Rise and shine. We're at the airport!"
Everyone started to slowly wake up. A man that works for the airport came to our car.
"Alright sir, is this your owned car?"
"Yes it sure is."
"Ok. So what you want to do is pull into parking lot B, and put this in your car window and we'll have your car shipped to wherever your going. Sounds good?"
"Yep. Sounds perfect."
The man handed her father a sticker that read Parking Lot B #239. The man walked to the next car and my dad put the sticker in his windshield. Then my dad started up the car and drove to Parking Lot B. It had a category for each state and we drove to the Texas category. Then in the Texas category we drove to Houston and parked.
"Alright guys. Were here! Ok Gabby help the babies out of their car seats. And the rest of you are grabbing bags. And Gabby's bags too."
I climbed back to the fourth row of the car to find Cheerios, Froot Loops, and Apple Jacks scattered all over the back of the car. So I did a mature action.
"Mom! The babies got their breakfast all over the back of the car!"
"Oh shoot."
My mom climbed to the back and started picking up the cereal bit by bit muttering to herself "And this is why we put adults in the back to make sure the babies don't throw stuff." My brother Ethan opened the sliding door.
"Hey mom do you and Gab need help back there?"
"Oh yes Ethan that would be wonderful."
He climbed to the back and started helping mom and I pick up the crumbs. Dad looked through the door as we were finishing picking up the food, and he started to speak.
"Hey guys we got all the bags. Are y'all all done in there?"
"Yes honey were finished."
My mom let Ethan get out first, then me, and then her. Once everyone was out of the car, we seen that dad had gotten everyone's things in a cart. Dad motioned for us to follow him while he pushed the cart all the way to the entrance of the airport.

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