The girls have just brought out Shout out to my ex. It's more than obvious it's about you.
You're sat in an interview with Roman Kemp.
"So, Y/n, Little Mix have recently brought out 'Shout Out To My Ex'."
"What are your thoughts?"
"On the song?" You ask
"Yep." He says.
"Honestly, it's an amazing song. It gives all the girl's ex's something to think about." You answer.
"And the rumours that it's about you in particular?" Roman asks.
"Yeah. I think it would be aimed at me. I mean, me and Jade dated for 4 years. In all honesty, them 4 years were amazing. But uh... yeah the song would be partially aimed at me. Like i said, it's aimed to all their ex's. I wont take all credit and be like 'yas the song is about mee' because that would be a little selfish. I mean, i gotta share it haven't i?"
"Are you still on talking terms with the girls?" Roman asks.
"Nope. They blocked me on everything."
"My manager advised me that i dont tell what happened but i think it has to be out there. So, my apologies to the girls and my manager."
You move your chair forward.
"At some point in relationships, the people argue and fall out. I will fully admit, the whole reason we split was on me. So i completely understand why they blocked me. But, uh, one day i found an old picture of me and my best friend from years ago. So, i posted it on my Instagram. That was stupid cos i look the exact same as i used to do now. So, and rightfully so, Jade thought i was cheating. I tried to explain but she was incredibly angry at me and i understand why. Thing is, she'd never seen this person before. Like, not once, and me putting a picture like this up was a stupid idea. I mean, i was out the house for like a week to go meet up with someone to colab with. Jade had no idea who this person was and i think that picture made her think it was this person. Now had she had let me explain this, we wouldn't be in this situation we're in right now. And no, before anybody says anything, I'm not blaming Jade. She had every right to be mad at me. I'm mad at me. I hate myself for what happened because it was an easily avoidable thing. Now please, whatever yall do, dont go sending hate to Jade or the girls. This isn't on them. If you girls happen to be listening, i want to apologise for what happened. Specifically to Jade."
"Do you happen to have that picture?" Roman asks.
"Uh.... yeah i think."
You clear your throat and wipe your eyes. Yes there's tears there.
You find the photo and show Roman.
"You do look a little younger."
"It's not that. It's the fact that i was out for over a week and that photo would've send millions of thoughts through her head. So i dont blame her for what happened. If anything, i completely understand."
A few more questions about you and Jade ends up bringing tears.
"Can we.... can we move on from me and Jade please? I-uh-I wanna talk about my music." You say.
You wipe some tears away.
"Do you need a minute?" He asks.
You nod.
"Okay and for you guys listening, next up is Move by Little Mix." Roman says.
The song plays and you go stand outside the building for a few minutes.
After the interview, you go to your car and sit on the bonnet for a few minutes.
You look up and there stands Jade.
I'm feeling a part two.... hehe

Jade Thirlwall imagines.
FanfictionA bunch of imagines between Y/n and Jade Thirlwall. Please enjoy but also note this book is completed. However there are other imagines books, including a second Jade one, on my profile. Bye :)