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In the previous chapter: Uilliam discussed the election for the college Vice-Chancellor. Marian hexed Oriane's bag and, in the process of demonstrating it, caused Oriane to faint.



Oriane woke up to the worst headache of the century. In a bed that smelled like medicine and poultice.

She groaned and raised a hand to touch the right side of her head where it hurt most.

Ouch. She must have hit her head when she fainted.

Fainting was an unusual sensation. Fading in and out of consciousness, she could hear what was going on but could say or do nothing.

Oriane blinked her eyes open, adjusting to the lights blazing down at her from the high ceilings. Looking sideways, rows of empty white beds stretched to the far doors on either side.

She was in the infirmary.

The walls were painted a sickly light green which actually complemented the pots of greenery planted here and there. White curtains were draped as separators placed on one end of the room. She noticed there wasn't a separator in front of the bed she was on. Not that she needed it, she was the only one in the room.

Marian must have managed to call the nurse and brought her here.

Rolling to her side, Oriane used her elbow to prop herself up. The headache seemed to intensify. The room spun slightly.

"Miss Moore, you're up!" a matronly voice exclaimed from the door behind her, belonging to a small and plump middle-aged woman wearing a white apron, faded green plaid skirts, and white headdress.

The woman rushed to Oriane and helped her sit up. "I am Doctor Finnell, head physician of the college. How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm good," mumbled Oriane. "My head hurts."

"Here," said Doctor Finnell. She lifted a silver bottle from her bedside. "Drink this. It's an energy tonic to ease the pain and calm your nerves."

Oriane sniffed the tonic and made a face. It stunk really bad. "Have you got paracetamol instead?"

"This will do more good than any paracetamol tablet," she explained. "Your friend told me she had tapped into your aura with her Energy affinity to activate a hex. While that usually proves to be a simple task, you've somehow over-exerted yourself. In any event, your friend has been placed on academic warning. She should not have used her affinity on a fellow classmate."

"Hold on, did you say she used her affinity on me? And she's been placed on warning?"

"Why, yes to both questions. According to my records, your friend has a dual affinity of Fire and Energy."

"How many affinities are there, Doctor?" she asked, absorbing the information.

Doctor Finnell coughed to clear her throat. "There are five main affinities: Water, Fire, Air, Clay, and Energy. But there are plenty other rarer affinities out there. I'm sure you will study them thoroughly in your Introduction subjects."

"Yes, I'm sure. But where is my friend, Marian, now?"

"She should be back in her dormitories now. It is almost ten in the night past curfew."

"Doctor, it's–" Oriane hesitated. "My friend was just trying to help me. She shouldn't be given a warning. If anything, I told her I needed the help." The Doctor had to know she was new here with no powers. Marian had only tried to help her acclimatise.

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