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Its a request UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU _________________________________________
Karl and sapnap went to run errands while quackity was still asleep when he woke up he realized they were gone and decided to suprise them for when they got home
Quackity set up the ingredients to make cupcakes and got to work making them 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 😎 😜 🧁 😋 😍 👌 (I'm sorry I had to-)
-time skip-
Quackity took the cupcakes out of the oven and preped them for when his boyfriends got home
-another time skip bc I'm lazy 🤩-
Karl and sapnap pulled into the drive way getting out of the car with a a bunch of bags on the way to the door Karl dropped a bag from a jewelry store (if ya know what I'm hinting 😏)
"karl- be careful with that one thats the most delicate"
"In sorry sappy"
Karl picked up the bag and checked if the box inside was ok. Then they walked in (im not making a whole ass paragraph just for a box ok.)
Quackity was standing by the door holding a plate of cupcakes and kissed them both on the cheek
"Welcome home!" He said walking over to the living room putting the the cupcakes on the coffee table he sat down and made grabby hands at the two and they placed the bags on floor running to quackity and hugging and cuddling him tightly
They layed on the couch cuddling and soon falling asleep
_________________________________________ A lil hint to a maybe part 2 🤭