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"Hey, princess want to play a game?" "Why did you say it like you wanted to get inside me" "I was just gonna ask if you wanted to play truth or dare-" "Oh sure" "So chaton truth or dare?" "Truth" "Ah! I see your a baby"  "I am not!"Okay okay, whatever" "Is it true you tripped on a ball and landed on your butt while fighting night owl?" "Yes-" "AHA I knew it!" "Well, obviously your ladybug!" "Heh anyways ask me, ask me" "Truth or dare" "Dare!" "Okay I dare you to get a lemon and eat the whole thing and you have to bite it" "Okay" 

A minute after she ate the lemon

"EW, WHO WOULD EAT THIS!?!?!" "You duh

Hey everyone hope you eat a lemon after this

word count: 131

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