Chapter 8

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As soon as they went home to the orphanage, Harry and Joseph went to their spot. While Joseph played with his new wolf toy, Harry put a notice me not charm up so he could call on death.


"$Yes, master?$" Arziphales knew what his master was up to. His young master would be fine, as long as he could keep hidden.

"Joseph needs to get adopted, not by insufferable muggles either. He needs an open-minded wizard family. I will not place him in Europe!"Harry started to pace as he thought over his options, it was risky, but his best shot was Gringotts.

The goblins did not answer to the ministry, and they were loyal if treated right. A fact Dipstick-door never seemed to understand. Even if he supposedly lobbied for creatures' rights. He never took time to research the supposedly "dark" ones, instead, he tried to suck up with a fake smile. They were his best shot at getting Joseph with a family in America.

He would find a way to Diagon and would be back before sunrise. That is if he could refrain from getting caught...

Harry left Arziphales to his work, he wanted some time to clear his mind. He checked to see if Joseph was still occupied with his toy. When he saw that he was, he put up the strongest protego there was, and settled down to start the process of entering his mind-scape, he calmed his breathing, and he followed the trail of magic to the block placed on his core. He was slowly chipping away at it and soon he would be free!

It was now six o'clock and the boys were heading back to the orphanage. Carol didn't mind them going past the grounds as long as they stayed together, and were back before dark. As they went inside, dinner was just about in full swing, they got in the line with Harry helping Joseph with whatever he couldn't reach. Then they found an empty table where they wouldn't be disturbed.

Carol was one of the main matrons of the orphanage, she had been for quite some time. She remembered why she loved her job when she watched Hadrian, being able to give these kids their best chance at life...she only hoped that they proved her thoughts wrong and got adopted.

Harry could easily tell what was going through the matron's mind, she wouldn't have to worry much longer.

When they finished eating, Harry took Joseph to the playroom. They found a corner to themselves and Harry made the wolf toy walk. Joseph's face lit up in wonder he knew his friend could do amazing things, but he never thought that Hadrian would care enough to use it for him.

Arziphales watched his master and young charge as they played. Harry never did get the childhood he deserved, and he was used by people that could have helped him. He didn't have to do anything to make Joseph happy either, but that didn't stop him from finding a stuffed dog and some toy cars and sitting on the floor so Joseph could have fun. Harry might not trust easily, but when he did he was fiercely loyal, and heaven help those who dare cross them!

After they had played for about an hour and a half, Joseph was getting tired, so Hadrian stood up, took Joseph's hand, stopped by the library, then took him to his room. He knew one of the junior matrons would be down to help Joseph get ready for bed, he hoped it was Miranda, she took care of him most nights and was very nurturing.   As soon as Miranda got there, he said good night to her and Joseph, and then he went to his room. He set an alarm spell so he would wake up at midnight, then he went to sleep.

As soon as the spell awoke him, he cast a spell Arziphales had taught him to make it look as if he was still in bed. He put back on his clothes, brushed his hair, and threw it in a braid. He had work to do...

Getting on the bottom floor was easy, getting out the door, however, would be extremely difficult since it was patrolled extensively. So he decided on a better option, he would go out the window. Arziphales said that visual aid would be best to help him with his transformation. Good thing he was able to get a book on birds from the library. He flipped the pages quickly until one caught his eye, it was a small bird, small and common, the kind someone would underestimate. It was called a starling.

He looked at the picture and quieted his mind, he visualized himself shrinking and gaining feathers, a beak, and claws. He felt the barrier try to stop him. He pushed it with all his strength, then his eyes flew open, and flashed the same color as the killing curse! He started to shrink and before he knew it he had finally completed another transformation!

He flew around for a while then when he got the hang of it, and flew out the now opened window.

$You really should've done that before you transformed.$

'Gee, really? No, I didn't think about it'

$Do you want fries with that sass?$

'No, but directions to Diagon would be welcome.'

$You mean you don't want to keep flying in circles?$

'And to think you call me annoying.'

$You are annoying, I on the other hand provide scintillating conversation.$

'Whatever you say'

He follows Arziphales' directions to the Leaky Cauldron and turns back into his human form. He then casts a disillusionment charm. Then more silent than the dead of night, he slips into the familiar alley.

Hello Potterheads! Thank you all for sticking with this book! I know my update schedule is all over the place. I wanted to say thank you for the 3,000+ reads, seriously people it is amazing! You all are amazing. I will do my best to have another chapter out tomorrow.

P.s. If my injury and school allow, I will try to update at least once every two weeks, I have been able to use my hand more so I will try for once a week. Thanks again!


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