Chapter 1 - SOLD

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Waking up at 05:00am , was a must. Just one minute late, could cause a set back to my schedule. There's just strangely much to do and apparently not sufficient hours in the day to do so.

My morning routine was simple. Wake up, get ready, and take orders from my mother. That was the way of life, and that's how it was throughout the world.

I imagined a different life. One with an overflow of knowledge, being independent and not having to just do what elders say.

My mother has so called, being preparing me my whole life, as she says it.

Once I got ready, I always started with making breakfast for my family, which included my mother, father and baby brother, and then it was off to cleaning the kitchen. My dad would go to work, and my mum's job was to inspect me the entire day, picking out faults and failure in every task I'm doing. Sometimes I wondered why not help me instead of just complaining, but dare I ask and it will mean punishment.

My mum also took care of my baby brother, he was just 7 years old, and he never did a chore in his life.

Life was straight forward in the most brutal way possible for being an object called "female". You're born and the doctor announces "you've given birth to a girl" I could only wish I could see the disappointment on my parents faces. You're then given a name, mine was April. April Standof. Named after the month of April.

Soon after birth, you have some time to be free and do nothing considering you can not walk, talk or simply understand anything humans are saying. Those years were probably the best days of my life. I could not imagine having no duties or responsibilities , and the thought of my mother caring for me, stunned me.

The moment you learn to speak and start to understand is the very instant you are yanked into your purpose as a women, your duties and responsibilities. When I was 6 I could clean, cook, wash clothes and essentially do everything a grown women would. That was the "norm" for me.

By 10, I was fully trained to doing everything an elder would say without question. I could do anything. By 11, I completed an actual training for women. I even picked up a liking for reading, which was considered pointless for someone of my gender, so that was done privately. By 15, I was curious to go "live with an extremely rich family" as my mother would say it. I imagine this meant I could go to school. Just like the boys did and the women from wealthy families.

In just a day, I would turn 16 and my life would change for the better, hopefully. I could not wait to see life from the eyes of the wealthy. Every time I thought about it, adrenaline rushed through my entire body. I wondered if they would like me. What would they think about me?

It was just around noon, and I was tidying up the lounge. I was in a buzz, from the fear of the unknown tomorrow holds, my hand unknowingly tipped over a toy of my baby brother's which was placed on the edge of a small table placed in the middle of our lounge. I closed my eyes in annoyance at myself.

"Where is your head today April ?" My mother asked the moment the toy landed on the ground.

"I'm sorry Mum, it was a mistake" I said apologetically.

"There's no time for mistakes! You can't mess up." mum said in anger You know how important tomorrow is" she added.

"yes mum, it won't happen again" I said looking down in embarrassment.

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"listen April" she said, it looked as if she had some guilt on her face. "about tomorrow..." she paused. "You know I love you" she continues as a single year rolls down her eye.

"Please do not cry mum, I will not mess up" I pleaded. I hated to see her like this. We don't cry.

"It's not about that, I know you are perfect. Most women have to go through this, you will be fine. Just do as they say" she said and then let in a brief hug.

"I will, and I will make you and dad proud parents" I said as I held her hand gently.

"Now go, carry on your duties" She commanded.

It was work along work, each and every room needed to be cleaned thoroughly. Mum and I would then bake and cook, which was fun for me. She would teach me new menus around the clock. I did not really have a liking for cooking, but it was not my place to decide.

Sometimes I thought about being free to say what I felt. It feels like a build up of thought and emotions that just has to be void.

In my slot of taking a break, I would sneak some book reading time, or just take a refreshing walk where I could air out my thoughts and conceptions.

Following that, will be my mum lecturing me. Today marks my final lecture. I go into the learning room, which was directly next to our lounge in a separate room of course.

I sat down on the same desk and chair I've been sitting on for as long as I can remember.

"I'm speechless today, you know that" Mum said as she just stood there. "you're ready April " She said, half smiling. "you just have to remember to be always be polite, kind and do what they say, and don't ever catch feelings for anyone in that family you're going to help"

I was so confused by that last part, but I did not want to question. I sat there and let everything soak in.

The rest of the day went speedily.

When my dad came home, he acted as if nothing were happening. As if he didn't even care I was going away. I brushed it off.

Before I knew it, morning arrived. 18th April, my birthday and the day I will be leaving my family.

I woke up way before I was supposed to. I started pacing up and down anxiously. I immediately stopped when I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom door, followed by the door handle turning to be opened.

"Nervous April?" My dad asked as he saw me.

"I'll be okay" I reassured him.

"I know you will" he said as he leaned closer and pressed a single kiss on my forehead.

My mother rushes in my room, with the finest of dresses. She presses them on me to see how it would look on me.

"perfect" She finally let's out as she placed a navy blue dress in front of me. It was plain, the sleeves were long so was the dress, it reached my ankles.

I quickly had a bath and got dressed.

I glanced a brief look at my reflection in the mirror. I was quite fair skinned. Skinny and stood as tall as 5'6. My dark brown hair stopped by the middle of my back. I had good features, my mother is to thank for that. I'm especially grateful for my hazel coloured eyes. I was very average in everything, my family was average in wealth, we was not poor, we lived in a little sunny area called Anchorage place in the States, where all middle class people lived, it was a small town of barely 100 people.

I left my home, unaware of when I would be back.

In a blink of an eye we were at the venue.

It was packed down to every last seat.

Backstage stood 15 girls tagged with numbers. I was number 4.

It was eventually time for girl number one to take the stage. The host started by calling our number, describing us.

I was disoriented when the host started to claim money from the guests, and the guest with the highest amount would win.

I then realized we were all being bought. Part of me felt disgust and anger towards my parents whilst the other part of me knew I did not have a choice. We women were built for this. Although one part of me was clueless, the other knew this was the preparation, mum always mentioned.

"Next up, number 4" The host shouted.

I slowly walked up in humiliation from what I had realized.

"She's a hard worker, trained from a young age, and is willing to do any tasks without question" He described me.

I was in shock, frozen. I did not even want to look in the crowd for my parents.

"let's start the bidding a..." The host said before he was completely cut off by a man in the crowd.

"$5 000" he said standing up.

"wow 5 000, do I hear $6 000?"

"$6 000" another man shouted.

"$8 000" the first man said annoyed.

"$10 000" the second man shouted.

"wow $10 000, can anyone beat that"

From the crowd there was another mid aged male, who stood up. "$20 000" he said loudly as the rest of the audience all went mute.

"$20 000, going once" the host paused, "going twice" he paused before screaming "Sold to the Carter family for $20 000"

The word "sold" struck me like lightening. Even though I was just sold for $20 000, I never felt more worthless in my entire life.

Hii everyone, hope you enjoyed chapter one!!! Let me know what you thought about it

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