Part 5

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London 2004 - Four Years after they first met

I'm practically skipping my way down the busy London streets, a huge grin on my face. I'm seeing Elijah for the first time in ten months. His quest to find a way to punish Niklaus for dumping their family in the Atlantic ocean taking most of his time and energy. He is only in London for a short stop over, he is on his way to Rome from North America. He calls me every other month but the sound of his voice can only curb my cravings for so long.

I spot his glorious silhouette from a distance; he is on a bench reading a newspaper he has his back to me but I can still see his crisp suit. Even from this distance I can feel my body reacting to him, I decide to sneak up on him, moving silently I creep up to the bench ready to pounce. Without warning he pulls me across his lap.

I curse loudly 'Will I ever be able to sneak up on you?'

'Olivia' He scolds me for swearing and I feel like a child. 'I could smell you from a mile away.' He knows this will cause a reaction from me and smirks down at me.

I crumple my face in disgust. 'That's not creepy at all.'

He leans down to kiss me before shifting me from his lap onto the bench beside him. He folds his discarded paper and takes my hand in his.

His face becomes serious 'How was your meeting?'

'Great, I handed in the manuscript to the publishers. I feel like I can finally call myself a writer.'

A cheeky grin crosses his face and I almost melt. 'We should celebrate.' He begins to kiss me fiercely and I push him back gently.

'Easy their tiger, I realize I haven't seen you for a while but we should spend some time together before you pounce on me.'

He frowns 'You're right as usual. What should we do first?' He stands and offers me his arm.

'Why don't we stroll along the Thames and we can spot something from there. The weather is nice today.'

'As you wish my Lady.' I can't help but giggle at him.

'What time do you fly out?'

'6am do we have about 18 hours.'

'Then we will make it count.'

We walk slowly along the north bank chatting idly before I decide that I'd like a trip to the National Portrait Gallery. It's one of my favourite places in the city. I would pay good money to see Elijah on the tube but as it's only a short walk we just manoeuvre through the crowds of people. Even on a Tuesday lunchtime the city is heaving.

We enter the gallery through the front entrance and Trafalgar Square looks magnificent in the sunshine. Hundreds of tourists are milling around, some climbing on the lion statues. 

I am suddenly aware of how out of place Elijah looks. 'You realize that you are totally overdressed for sightseeing?' He shots me a look. 'I'm just saying; maybe I should by you some chino's.' He ignores me as he ushers me through the crowd.

We wander slowly through the rooms my arm linked in his; stopping every so often to examine the portraits in more details. We stay in a comfortable silence just enjoying being in each others company. My mind starts to wonder as I look at a painting from the 16th century and it occurs to me that Elijah would have been 500 years old when this was painted. Would he have been in the country at the time? Did they find it easier to mix into society in those days? No internet or instant messaging, everyone relied on your word and honour. Could they kill and feed without suspicion? I stop that train of thought as it's starting to take me to a dark place and ask questions I'm not sure I want the answers to. I feel claustrophobic; the walls and the crowds are starting to close in on me and I can't breathe. I have to get out. I pull my arm from Elijah's and leg it out of the nearest exit.

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I burst through the side entrance and lean on the bars outside hyperventilating. Elijah is by my side in an instant; but the sight of him triggers another bout of panic.

'Olivia, what is it?'

I look away from him and concentrate on a building in the distance. After a couple of minutes I have my breathing under control and I feel like I've just run a marathon.

'It's just a panic attack, I get them sometimes in crowds.' That isn't a lie but it is a half truth and he seems to accept it.

'Am I just a distraction for you?' My voice is small.

'What do you mean?'

I gather my courage and look him in the eye. 'Am I just a distraction from your real life? Something you get out to play with once in a while and then put back into a box until you want to play with it later.' Stop talking Olivia you'll ruin everything.

He sighs loudly before replying in clipped tones 'We can't discuss this in public.' My weariness transforms into anger. How dare he! All I did was express myself he has no right to talk to me like that. My blood is boiling.

He hails a cab and we travel to his hotel in silence. We pull up to the door of Claridge's and he doorman opens the cab for us to get out. He guides me through the lobby and into the lift. I bite my tongue until we reach his room but as soon as the door is shut I let rip.

 'The last four years have mean' something to me. I'd just like to think that they did to you as well. You do have almost a thousand to compare them to.'

'Is that the reason for your sudden change of mood? You have finally realized my age?' He says incredulously.

'No of course not but looking at the paintings raised a lot of questions. What we you doing then? Were you in the country? Were you and your family on a murderous rampage?' I gesture wildly as I talk and my anger is still growing.

'What is it that you want from me?'

'I want to know about your life. All of it, not just the sugar coated moments but the things the make you who you are today.'

'What's passed is passed. There is no need to dredge it up.'

He puts his hand on my arm and leans down to kiss me. I throw off his hand and walk to the opposite side of the room. 'If you think that is going to placate me you are dead wrong!' I hate that my temper is getting the best of me.

'Olivia please.'

I spin around and walk right back up to him. 'I put up with a lot when it comes to this relationship and you can't just give me this? What are we even doing?'

'This was never going to be a normal relationship.'

I interrupt him my anger spiking 'Your damn right it wasn't. I get to see you, what about ten days out of the year. What do I tell my friends? My family?'

He rubs his hand over his suddenly tired face. 'You know my reasons Olivia. My family must come first.'

'It's not your family though Elijah. They are gone; you said it yourself. This is about revenge; killing Niklaus is not going to bring them back. How can you spend your whole life focused on that hate? It's poison.'

'When you have been around for as long as I have you would understand.'

I look at him exasperated 'Really you're going to play the immortal card on me now?

I rip the lamp from the nightstand and throw it at him. He swiftly dodges that and all the other random objects I throw at him.

'Enough!' He yells at me from across the room. Despite my anger I stop, but only because I have run out of things to throw. My breathing is rapid and ragged. For the first time since we met he is angry, his eyes are fierce and he looks like he could tear me apart in an instant. I should be afraid of him, he's a killer but my stubbornness won't allow it. I stare back at him defiantly.

'Olivia, please be reasonable.'

My eyes widen and my anger flares up again at his comment. Reasonable! When he sees my reaction he realizes his mistake.

I turn and head for the door but he quickly cuts me off. On instinct I hit out at him to get him to back away. This seems to amuse him which only angers me more. He blocks my arm and pushes my back against the door blocking me in. I lash out with my knee hitting my target and I instantly regret it. He doesn't react to my attack but if looks could kill. I'd be a bloody pile of flesh.

He sighs heavily and takes a while to think before speaking. 'You are an extraordinary woman.' He brushes my hair away from my face and tucks it behind my ear. My heart flutters and I hate myself. I will not give in. 'You are beautiful, smart and I care about you. No matter what we have you are still mortal and I want you to stay that way. You deserve a full and happy life' He pauses again before whispering in my ear. 'I love you.'

With those three words my anger melts away and I throw myself at him. His shock quickly disappears as he returns my ferocious kisses. Our passion is as fierce as my anger.

As we fall back on the bed in a tangled mess some time later I feel sleep calling to me. I finally find the time to whisper a reply to his declaration. 'I love you too.'

I wake up early the next morning my body blissfully aching.

'We should fight more often.' I lean down and give him a quick kiss. I glance over at the clock and realize it 7am. 'You've missed your plane.'

'I know.' He gently stokes my exposed back with his left hand. 'I thought I might stay a little longer.'

A huge smile graces my face 'Really?'

'Yes, I thought that we might talk and do some of the things you mentioned yesterday.' He grins back at me 'Like a normal couple.'

'Hmmm.' I pretend to consider his proposition. 'I think it would be boring if we were a normal couple don't you?' I untangle myself from the sheets and straddle his waist. 'I propose that we spend the next few days right here and you can show me a few more of those vampire moves.'

He laughs heartily and it's like music to my ears. Brushes the back of his hand across my cheek and slowly pulls me towards him. He flips me onto my back in half a second changing our positions.

'Now that's what I was talking about.' My smile disappears from my lips as he crushes his to mine.

A/N Hi folks I had planned on only doing eight parts overall but after all of these extras we might make it to twelve. Who knows?? 

Let me know if you would like to see Olivia and Elijah in any specific situations and I will try to write it in.

I have started to think about doing a fanfic for The Originals with Olivia included. Any takers?

The next chapter is almost finished so I'll try to it up by Saturday



My Knight in an Armani Suit (Series of One-Shots) Elijah MikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now