004: "push"

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CLEM PROBABLY SHOULD'VE MINDED THAT MEREDITH AND CRISTINA WERE USING HER AS THEIR OWN PERSONAL BABYSITTER, BUT SHE HONESTLY DIDN'T. Seeing the two very capable surgeons drunk and hormonal, slouched in Mer's bathroom the fifth day in a row, was amusing enough in itself, and her position as permanent hair-holder afforded her immediate respect from everyone in the house. George and Izzie, after the first two nights, were willing only to be common bystanders in their friend's breakdowns, as long as Clem was there with a bottle of Advil and makeup wipes. They said their thank-you's in a never-ending stream of coffee and homemade pastries.

It felt like her fellow interns had accepted her into their circle in record-breaking time. She had been a bit afraid, given that everyone had known each other two months before meeting Clem, but one morning when she was running a bit late, struggling to tie her shoes, she'd overheard them discussing how "adopting Clementine was the best thing that ever happened to them". They had all tried to call dibs on her, but shut up quickly when Clem caught up to them, a beaming smile plastered across her face. She had friends now, a group of people who she could share things with, and who understood her passions like no one else. The relief, sometimes, was almost palpable, after years of distancing herself.

She did feel kind of bad, though, laying flat on Meredith's bathroom mat, still in last night's dress. Clem and Callie had gone clubbing at Monkey Loft after work, but their night had been cut short by a 911 text from George. Clem had apologized profusely to Callie, even inviting her to come with (unless she minded the occasional vomit), but Callie quickly said no.

"No offense, but you're the only intern I want to be associated with," she'd said, hailing a cab for Clem outside. "Everyone knows you're an angel on Earth."

Clem rolled her eyes, then kissed the resident on her cheek. "I promise I will one day be as good of a friend to you as I'm being to Mer and Cristina."

The aforementioned girls were rambling about penises and shitty boss boyfriends currently. Cristina had managed to crawl into the bathtub and then refused to get out, and Meredith's feet were propped on Clem's stomach. The sun had barely risen, and already they were waging the war against unwanted pregnancies and sort-of-ex wives.

"Look, the problem is estrogen," Cristina groaned.

"No, the problem is tequila," countered Meredith.

"Uh-uh. It's men. The whole damn gender." Clem settled the argument, pulling her knees up and hitching her dress by her waist so Meredith could rest her chin on them. A week of barely any sleep was just starting to creep up on her.

They both paused, humming in agreement, before continuing on their rant. Clem found the best way to deal with heartbroken women, one unwillingly pregnant and the other quite willingly hungover, was to let them talk until their anger was all dried up for a bit.

The bathroom door opened, and Izzie and George stood in the hallway. George blushed when he saw Clem's ridden-up dress, purposefully turning his eyes upward and walking to brush his teeth. Izzie, on the other hand, grinned as she went to pour water into a glass Cristina was holding.

"Nice panties, Santos! And that dress... were you planning on getting laid last night?"

Clem snorted. "Not unless Callie's into girls. And my night was cut short... again."

They all flashed semi-sympathetic and mostly greatful looks at her. The first night, everyone had been concerned. They had been given the rundown of the Burke and Shepherd drama, although apparently George already knew about Burke and Cristina somehow, (George had also not-too-subtly asked about Meredith's relationship status). They'd heard the penis v hormone argument enough times now not to be phased anymore.

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