**yea, idt they really have technology during black clover but i'm giving them medical tech anyway so oh well heh**
I tried to keep my composure as I laid back on the cold hospital bed. It had been 3 weeks since we first found out about the baby, and Yami had been gone over a week now to prepare the attack.
I slammed my eyes shut, biting the inside of my mouth to keep myself from crying. I didn't want to be here alone. I didn't really want to be here at all.
I wanted to fight by Yami's side. And more than anything, I wanted him to be home by now. He should've been back. I didn't understand what was taking them so long.
Our plan laid out something that should've taken a week tops, and yet I hadn't received any updates.
"Good morning, Y/n. How are you?" the doctor asked as she walked in.
"I'm fine, thank you," I smiled politely.
"Any troubling symptoms?"
I shook my head and listened carefully as she continued to ask questions, speaking as little as possible.
"Well, should we get started?"
"Yea, that sounds great."
I tried to relax as I laid back and let her adjust the bed. I watched as she pulled up my shirt a bit, covering it in a cool, slippery gel.
I couldn't help but smile as she put the small device on my stomach and a small heartbeat showed up on the screen.
I looked at the tiny little body on the monitor, feeling an overwhelming amount of love for the first time. Until now, I was dreading every moment but this was definitely giving me a change of heart.
The doctor smiled, "Well, there's your little one."
I smiled and laughed softly through the now happy tears, "It's so little."
She laughed, "Would you like to know the gender?"
"W-what? Already?" I looked at her with wide eyes.
"Mhmm. It's up to you though."
I bit my lip as I thought about what to do. I wasn't sure if I should wait for Yami, or find out now and then surprise him when he got home.
That would be a damn good surprise.
I smiled softly, "I'd like to know."
**few days later**
I laid lazily on a couch in the main foyer, Lunelle laying on the ground beside me. It was the middle of the night, but my body refused to sleep.
I had been a wreck the last few days as Julius was called elsewhere and I was left here alone without any semblance of what was going on.
The attack was scheduled for well over a week ago now. I just didn't understand what could possibly be going on.
I sat up as I heard the clanking of feet against the marble. It sounded like someone was running through the headquarters... More than one person actually.
This place had been a dead zone for weeks now, so I had no idea who it could be. Especially at this time.
As they approached, Lunelle got to her feet, ready to attack whoever came charging through. My eyes widened in horror as I watched the unconscious, blood-covered body being carried.
"Y-yami?" I called out, my heart shattering. I immediately got up and started sprinting towards him when Magna cut me off.
"Y/n, stay back! He needs to get to the hospital wing!"
"W-what happened!?" I cried out desperately. "I-I have to see him!"
I hadn't even noticed everyone who had entered the room.
"Y/n, it's going to be ok," Asta called out as he approached me, trying to calm me down.
I heard some yell from the distance, "He's bleeding out!"
My eyes widened as I heard that, and I saw more of my friends walking towards me, ready to hold me down. I didn't have time to think about anything other than saving Yami.
"Blood Magic: Blood Ties," I muttered out, wrapping everyone in my presence in a tight blood rope.
"Y/n!" Magna yelled out as I sprinted past them.
It was a low level spell, but it would give me a few moments at least to get to Yami as the others tried to struggle free.
"Yami!!" I cried out while bursting into the room where I heard a loud commotion coming from.
"Y/n! You shouldn't be here!" the doctor yelled.
Every part of me broke as I saw gashes covering Yami's body, a giant hold on the left side of his body that they were desperately trying to close.
"Move!" I demanded as I pushed past them to get to his lifeless body.
"Y/n, we have to operate now! You need to leave!!"
I was a frantic mess, but I took a deep breath as I focused on him. I knew I could heal him. I knew it. I could make him as good as new if I could just concentrate.
"Everyone stand back," I called out. "I'm healing him."
"You can't do that!" she yelled at me again.
I looked down at my stomach, the one that didn't look pregnant yet, just a little bloated.
I'm sorry, my little baby. I know this won't be easy on either of us, but we have to save daddy, ok?
I couldn't explain it, but I knew the child inside me was all for it... I knew we'd both make it out of this just fine, no matter how much body protested.
I gently pushed Yami's sweaty, sticky hair out of his face and leaned down to kiss his forehead, "Sorry, Yami. Can't die on me yet. You're not getting out of this that easily."
"Y/n," a stern voice called.
I had laid my hands carefully over his wounds, his unconscious body still twitching at the contact out of pain.
"It's ok, Julius. Please just trust me."
Slowly, I watched his insides start to reconnect, the healing process beginning to take place. I instantly began to sweat as my body trembled.
I had never healed anything of this magnitude before, and my magic was seriously lacking due to my pregnancy.
But Yami had to live. That's all the mattered.
I felt myself beginning to collapse, but I fought to keep my body upright. Every inch of my body was screaming at me to stop.
"Y/n," Julius called as he helped hold me up, realizing just how fragile I was becoming. "You need to stop."
I shook my head as tears rolled down my face, "No. I can't. If I do, he'll die."
He didn't try to fight me on it, he just kept supporting my body so that I could focus all my energy on finishing the healing process.
I just had to get this giant hole closed, and stop the internal bleeding. The other gashes weren't life threatening, and thankfully, none of his major organs were destroyed.
The pain was worse than when I was escaping from
the inner castle of the Spade Kingdom, and that was a forbidden spell. This was just my typical healing magic.The doctor told me the pregnancy would drain most of my mana, but I had no idea it would be this bad.
The wound was slowly starting to shrink as I healed the deepest part of it first. Since it was getting smaller in size, I knew that the worst of the damage was finally recovering.
I pushed to keep my eyes open, but as soon as the last of the hole closed my eyes rolled back into my head, and I immediately collapsed into Julius' arms.
The sound of Julius' voice yelling my name was the last thing I heard as doctors and nurses began to rush around us.
Please, Yami. Please live.