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This will contain spoilers for Genshin Impact regarding Venti and partials of his Storyline.

It had been 3 years since the Traveler found their sibling. After meeting each respective Archon, making their way into Celestia, and have a grueling battle with the unknown God, only succeeding due to their rather curious grasp of the seven elements, they were reunited with their sibling. Now of course they couldn't stay in this world forever, and goodbyes were no easy term. But, everyone bid farewell with time. From Inazuma, all the way to where the two twins stood now.


A place ruled by a carefree Archon, who busied himself in the smaller joys of mortal life, always protecting the city, unknown to the civilized folk like those who spoke among themselves at The Good Hunter, whispering tales about Barbatos's glory of freedom, words carried to the Archon by the gentle breeze.

Mondstadt was the first real place the Traveler had ever seen when arriving this world, flying down past the towering statues hands, only to end up right back where their story started. In the end, it was kind of touching. Leaving the first place they could call a temporary home, the last place to bid off before leaving Teyvat once and for all.

Taking a deep breath, the Traveler could recognize many different scents that they had grown so familiar with. The Windwheel Asters and Sweet flowers in display outside of Flora's shop, the irresistible smell of Sticky Honey Roast, mixing together with the scent of Dandelions.

Hey, they knew that scent...

"Traveler." A familiar voice called. Looking down the main pathway of the welcoming city, windmills filling the bustling air with a gentle creaking, was Jean, Acting Grand-master of the Knights of Favonius. Thought her title was originally intimidatingly authorative, the Traveler soon came to realize that she was a woman proud of her work, and excelled in effort of her job everyday. The blonde was more than deserving of such a name for herself.

"I see that you succeeded in both stopping the Unknown God, and finding your sibling. We could hear your fighting all the way here in Mondstadt. It's almost as if the wind wanted us to hear your courage and strength." Jean congratulated. As if on cue, the rather small fairy that had been with the Traveler since the beginning, floated out from behind the Dandelion Knights back. After the Traveler had mastered the last element and was off to Celestia for the final battle, Paimon had been convinced by the Knights- with a bit of food- to stay behind for their safety.

"Jean's right. Paimon could hear you shouting from the Cathedral, and that place has thick walls! Do you think a certain Archon made sure we could hear you?" They questioned, tilting their head slightly as they floated back and forth in a set place near Jean's side. "Barbatos has always taken quite the liking to being a companion to the Traveler. I'd think that him making their voice echo out among Mondstadt is very likely. It's an achievement that needed to be broadcast." Jean filled in before any others answers could rise.

Looking to their sibling for a fleeting moment and earning an understanding nod in return, the Traveler turned attention back to Jean, giving a small yet friendly smile. "Do you know where he'd be right now?" They questioned, curious of where the god they grew rather fond of resided currently. They knew very well of the places he could likely be, there weren't many options. But, he decided it was best to just ask and narrow it down. Save time.

"Well, Diluc put a drink limit at the Angel's Share, and he's already been there today. And Barbara is practicing her singing on the hands of the statue.." Jean listed off the places she had passed by on her way to meet the twins here at the gate. Giving a nod, the Traveler didn't waste time after that, calling out a quick 'Thank you!' And running off, leaving their twin, Jean, and Paimon alone for a moment. Saying goodbyes was more of a private ordeal to the Traveler. And, since their twin didn't really know those in the nations as close as they did, it made sense to ask for solitude for the time being.


Running along the dirt path, through the fields, the wind was a gentle breeze, the sound of Dvalin's call from his lair being ever so slightly audible. But, to contrast the warm and sunny, finally peaceful day, his call did not sound of the same accord. No, it sounded pained, angered.

It sounded sad.

Weird. Since he had been cleansed, he usually sounded quite thrilled. Had the Abyss Order tried him again? It wouldn't be surprising. But, the Traveler knew very well Dvalin could protect himself since Venti had given him the godly blessing.

Speaking of which, coming to a walk, the Traveler squinted slightly at the increasing wind, watching a few leaves whip away from the tall trees, always shining in glory to honor Vennessa. She was a very notable hero to Mondstadt. And the tree carried her glory on, even after death. Brushing off the increasing wind, they made their way up to the tree, an expecting smile on their face. "Venti!" They called out past the rustling of the brush and the grass, dandelion heads blowing past in their slight glow. Coming to one of the large roots of the tree, the Traveler waited for a moment, looking around, just expecting the bard to suddenly appear and give a witty line.

But, as they waited, that didn't come. And, their smile faltered slightly, winds picking up subtly and blowing them to the side slightly. The more they resisted, the stronger it blew. "Venti?" They called out past the increasing breeze, in a more questioning than excited tone this time. Before the Traveler could call again, the wind suddenly burst against them, earning a shout of surprise as they were sent tumbling back. Though, as the wind slowed back down a bit, their attention turned to the sky, grey and dark blue clouds slowly making their way forward. Wasn't it just sunny without a cloud in sight a moment ago.

The more they stood there, the more sounds made their presence aware to the Traveler. Dvalin's cries becoming louder and louder, the slashing of the wind against the land, Windwheel Asters spinning violently, Seelie pushing against the wind as best as they could. And yet, with such deafening sounds, none were as loud as the one that was barely a whisper.

Cough, cough.

After hearing the quiet noise of strain, it seemed that everything else had become background noise. Slowly being drowned out as the Traveler turned their head towards the home of the coughing, eyes coming across a familiar green hat, that flinched with another sound.


Before they could really think about the situation, the Traveler's legs began moving on their own in a haste, ignoring the strengthened wind that tried to slow them and push them away. The strength of it, wasn't intended. But the direction, going directly against the visitor? That was no strange occurrence. Approaching quickly, they pushed through the wind, ignoring the sting it gave their eyes, turning the corner of the large root that the familiar hat was taking shelter behind..

They wished they really hadn't looked.

There, behind the old branch, was Venti. In his usual attire, lyre by his side, arm wrapped around himself, with his hand clining to his side;

Stained in blood. Red as the crimson that made the tear of Dvalin. Rivaling even the purest form of the strongly iron scented liquid of even a mortal. The blood of a God.

The blood of someone who was terribly injured.

The Traveler, previously excited to see their old friend, was now horrified, a twisted expression of many emotions painting their face. And, Venti, who stared at them with half-lidded eyes, a gaze that almost wordlessly said; 'Don't look at it. I'm fine. I'll be fine.'. But, the both of them knew that was far from right. Straining an expression, Venti's face turned from pained, to a struggling smile. "H-Hello, Traveler." Another cough interrupted him. "You..caught me at a bad- time." The injured God stated, still trying to keep up with his well known identity. Always joking, never failing to make someone smile or catch them by surprise. But, this time, it had caught attention for all the wrong reasons.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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I feel like a bit of food is an underestimation

3y ago

The traveler clearly went through the 5 stages of grief lol

But im not the one crying, you are

3y ago

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