The next day I wanted to ask the grown-up something. so I got them all around the kitchen table. the people that were there were Padfoot, Molly, and Arthur, Lupin has been busy with something and Bill was there too.
I said, "I would like to move back to my Cottage with Hayden." they all look shocked at what I said. Molly said, "You don't need to do that dear." I said, "I do I will be working at a shop in Diagon alley for some time and I don't really need to be here. I will come back before the summer ends."
Padfoot said, "If you want but that means you can't send owls to us and that includes Fred."
I said, "I Know but I need more space and flow to create outfits for people."
Molly said "Your house is still apart of the order hun. I know it will be safe but we can send you notes to tell you that we are ok and I can still watch Hayden sometimes. Beth the store owner in a very nice lady. you will be fine with her help." I thanked Molly.
Arthur said, "Can you visit Amos Dear." I agreed.
I said "I will leave late tomorrow." they all agreed. Padfoot kind of hated that I was going to leave but he knows it was good for me.
I went up to the twin's room to tell them. Ginny had Hayden. I walked in and saw blood everywhere. I said "Hello?" Fred said, "Hey love what is up?" with blood going down his nose. I said, "What happened?" He said, "We were testing out some candy." I shook my head and laughed. I said, "when you are done I have to tell you something."
I went to Ron's room but he was sleeping. Then to Ginny's room. She said, "Hey Hell just teaching Hayden to say, Ginny."
Hayden said "Gin Gin and Mama." We clapped for him and he clapped for himself.
{Hayden can walk run and even try to climb stairs that's another reason why I don't want him here. He also knows his manners.}
I said "Ginny, Me, and Hayden are going to my cottage for the summer. We are leaving tomorrow."
Ginny's smile went down and she said "No why?"
I said "This place is not safe for Hayden and I need to work I can't just come in and out of here. but I will be back before you know it. Also, I need to process what happened so I can return to school new."
Ginny understood and said "You are just like my sister but I get it. You need time to process what happened. It's going to be hard on Fred."
I said, "Ya it is."
I was holding Hayden going down the stairs. The twins popped up at the bottom of the stairs. I said, "Don't do that." George said, "We have magic for a reason."
I put Hayen in bed and Fred was waiting for me to talk. I said, "I am leaving for a little time."
He said "No, Why. Is it me? What happened?" I calmed him down and said "This place is not safe for Hayden. I need to work on myself and processed what happened. I will be back very soon. I still love you but you need to work on things for your shop with George. I will be back in time for my birthday and our anniversary."
Fred said " I understand and we can't even write to each other. When are you leaving? " I said, "I leave tomorrow." He hugged and kissed me.
We went for dinner but first Bill brought me aside and said "Do you know Fleur?" I said "Yes we were pen pals. why?" He said "I kind of like her and wanted to know if she was single. She started working at the bank." I said, "Yes she is, and tell her Enfer misses her a lot."
We both went for dinner. Fred looked and me and said, "What was that about?"
I said sarcastically "Bill wanted to steal me from you but I reminded him that I'm a teen mom and love you too much to do that."
Bill said, "Ya that sounds right." Fred faked laughed. I said, "He told me Fleur works at the bank with him."
I spent the night with Fred to say goodbye. I love him so much but we need to look at our future and see if we still need each other in the end. I will return on the 20th of August.

Hell and Angel {Fred Weasley love story} in process of change.
FanfictionA girl raised at The Leaky cauldron. She tries to live her life with a lot of struggles. Try to understand family and love. makes friends with people she never thought she would be friends with. Her mother is known for being with muggles than killi...