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    Centuries ago, the war between humans and mystical beings only known as invaders became at the highest casualty event to ever be forgotten in the sands of time. At a ruins of a village humans were running and screaming as the fire illuminated the scene as monsters came from the sky killing the humans in most gruesome and tragic of ways as a child called out for her parents while holding a piece of cloth in her hand. She was then grabbed by a humanoid bat creature and the cloth slowly fell before it showed a symbol on it and it glowed, the child reached out to the sky and yelled, "KAMEN RIDER!" almost as if to try and summon something to save her. Then from out of no where the bat creature was kicked by two different humans causing the girl to be launched in the air. The child screamed as she was falling before feeling as if someone had caught her as she was then being lowered to the ground, she looked up at her savior to see a warrior that had the armor of a beetle with gold horns, red bug like eyes, and a silver mouth piece.


    Now it's 2003 and a excavation was going on at the Himalia mountains, at a ruins with ancient writing everywhere as a man came walking through what was left of the past. He was in his 20s with blonde hair, brown eyes, and was wearing winter gear as he continued to walk to what was now the main focus of the excavation. He looked up to see a symbol which almost looked like a beetle before he entered a main chamber where he looked to see a Asian with long brown hair, brown eyes, and also wearing winter clothes. "Hey Sam," the man greeted his friend as he looked around before at a stone slab with the exact same symbol at the entrance of the chamber.

    "Hey James," Sam greeted before standing up, "We are basically ready to open the tomb."

    "Ok, you got face masks right incase of bacteria or anything that can kill us?" the man named James asks.

    "Way ahead of you buddy," Sam said as he tossed a face mask to James as he then put his on. James put his mask on then other people apart of the excavation came in with facemasks, all of them put on gloves before they all looked at James. James nodded and then stated, "Move the stone slab," he ordered then he helped out moving the stone slab to the side.

    James then looked inside with Sam to see a Asian  man that seamed to be in his mid 20s with long black hair that stopped at the lower part of his neck, a old martial arts outfit with dust on it and at his waist, a odd stone belt that looked ancient. James tilted his head before the center of the stone belt start to emit a red glow that only James could see: the ground started to shake as the team went down to the ground. After a few moments, the ground stopped shaking as James looked at Sam before hearing screams coming back at the center chamber: both ran up before a explosion of red and gold light enveloped both of them while they were trying to get to the center chamber.


    James screamed as he then woke up in a hospital, he looked around before seeing that Sam was also in a hospital bed next to him with a E.K.G. hooked up to him as his heart beat was steady. James breathed hard as he raised his right arm to see the symbol from the chamber and the tomb on his right wrist, almost like it was branded onto him. He stared at the brand before the door opened as the Nurse were trying to stop two Chinese police detectives as James was trying his best to prepare to explain himself. One officer spoke in Chinese as the second took off his hat, "We are here trying to figure out what happened to some of the Chinese researchers that was on your expedition Mr. Masters."

    "What happened?" James asked as he rubbed his face noticing that he had some stubble, this caused him to also question how long he was in the hospital. The officer that only spoke Chinese grabbed James and was ready to punch him as he was yelling to James in Chinese. After that the other officer was pulling the one off of James and after that he left. James looked at the nurse and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

    "The officer called you a murderer and that he will prove it," the nurse stated as she saw the symbol on his right wrist. She went closer to see if it was what she thought before her eyes widen. She then was breathing rapidly as she ran out of the hospital room.

    James looked at his wrist with the symbol before looking at where the nurse left in confusion. The symbol start to glow white as he started to feel intense heat and pain coming from his wrist and going down into his abdomen. He closed his eyes as he started to get images forced into his head, the images seemed like he was watching a battle along with two ancient warriors. He screamed as he was about to pass out from the pain before his eyes shot wide open and glowed white before the glowing died down and his iris stayed white. James looked at the window and whispered, "Invader," almost like something else took control of his body.


    At a forest a few thousand miles away from the excavation site, a thunderstorm was present around the forest causing the sky to be black for most of the inhabitants of the forest. A dark shadowy figure was walking through the forest before stopping at its destination when rain started to pour from the sky. The dark figure leveled a few trees before it started to growl and spread apart its hands where in the light, it looked like five fingers with claws. A ominous blue light start to glow from the creatures hands as it slowly raised them, the light then turned into orbs as lightning was being projected from them. "Kyo-kaka...sen!" the creature growled before turning its hands close to its abdomen, lightning start to interchange from the creatures fingers as red lightning also appeared.

    The creature then put both arms out and shot the lightning into the ground, except exploding the ground, the ground seemed to absorb the lightning as a dark purple haze formed around the grass, leaves, and whatever was on the ground of the forest. The earth broke apart as hands start to rise from several holes made in the ground, like zombies coming back to life. The creature looked to the sky and laughed darkly, "Soka paba...nako mada...MYSTICAN!" the creature roared as he watched as more creatures crawled to the surface.


    The next day, James was then sent away from the hospital with his normal clothes. He pulled out his flip phone and pressed a few numbers, as he continued to walk some natives were walking past him in a hurry or just trying to avoid James almost as if they were afraid of him. James just shrugged it off as his eyes were back to normal, he then called one of his friends as he was trying to figure out how to call the families of the excavation team since he was told that only Sam and him were the only survivors. He got to a train station that was destined to go to Tokyo as the phone rang for a few times before he got an answer, "Sakura, is that you?" he asked.

    "James?" a female voice came from the phone, "What happened?"

    "Sam is still in a hospital...I think we were sent to Tibet after something happened at the excavation site," James stated as he saw the train come, "I don't know what happened Sakura."

    "Sam, he is alive?!" Sakura asked as there was a voice of panic over the phone.

    "Yeah, don't worry about your fiancé. He is tough and he will come through," James stated as he boarded the train. "I do have a symbol for you to translate though, I will show you when I get to the university."

    James turned hung off the phone as a thud was heard from the roof, he looked up as he felt the pain again. This time a white light appeared at his abdomen as he went to the ground screaming. One of the window smashed as he looked up and saw something horrific. A humanoid spider creature with two arms wrapped in bandages, two legs with some type of ceremonial braces, a bronze belt, then ornaments on the side of its head to represent the legs of a spider, eight eyes, and a mouth similar to a spider as it was hunting for something. James looked up with his eyes glowing white as the monster opened its mouth and talked, "Kuuga, baka yugi no katai Rider...." the spider said as he tried to stomp James. James got up as he yelled at the spider then the end of his black shirt started to smoke, then another bright flash of light caused the Spider creature to shield his eyes, "YUTO!" the spider yelled.

    As the flash of white light died down, what remained was a warrior. The warrior had what look like black spandex underneath white chest armor that had gold lining at the top, white shoulder pads, white gauntlets with gold braces, gold kneepads with white gemstones in the middle, gold braces above the boots with white gems on both sides: and a helmet with a silver mouthpiece, small gold horns at the top of the helmet, along with orange eyes. At the waist of the warrior was a belt: similar to the one in the tomb however the belt was silver, with ceremonial writing around the orange stone in the center of the belt. The warrior looked at his hands before looking at the creature and ran at it causing both to be launched from the train.

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