The White Warrior

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    The spider creature and the warrior landed on the ground before the creature jumped away from the warrior. "Bakano owate, Rider..." the creature whispered before running at the warrior. The warrior got back his feet and was able to deliver a punch that only staggered the spider creature, the warrior then collapse to his knees before then holding himself up with his arms and breathing heavily. Police then came onto the scene and looked at the creature and the warrior, understandably scared since they never seen anything like this before. The officers shot at both of them and the bullets bounced off of the armor of the warrior: the creature's skin absorbed the bullets before bouncing them out and the bullets fell on the floor. The warrior got up as the creature started to turn its attention towards the officers: the warrior looked at a garbage truck and looked at where the creature was at.

    The creature opened its mouth and shot a web at the officers before hearing the squealing of tires, it turned it head before getting hit by a garbage truck with the white warrior pushing the truck and running as fast as he can. The warrior then slowed down as he tripped over his foot, he rolled on the ground before looking at the truck, he pushed, slowing down. The tires slowed down before coming to a halt, "Kakatori no hoti, Rider?" the creature asked as the truck then went flying at the warrior. The warrior rolled out of the way as the truck hit a building behind the warrior and exploded, he turned around to see some people running out of the explosion in pain and on fire along with some officers trying to help them. As the warrior turned around the creature was gone and he looked at the officers closing around on him, he looked up and then jumped away from the scene of the battle. The officers looked at each other, before trying to figure out how to tell headquarters about this.


    A few hours later, the warrior was having trouble standing up as he walked into an alleyway. He put his back against the wall and slowly slid down until the dumpster that was next to him covered his entire body. The orange stone at the center of the belt glowed white as the armor and the spandex disappeared revealing the warrior as James. He was breathing, sweat dripping down his head and his clothes were drenched in sweat as he looked down at the belt. The stone in the center was clear as he raised his head back to the wall and talked to himself, "I...transformed," he breathed, "How?" he asked before hearing a low humming. He looked down to see the belt start to emit a glow around the its outer casing then phasing into his abdomen. He looked at the symbol on his arm before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


    As the sun set over a piece of land, a man wearing  black clothes along with a black hat looked around before entering a church. He walked in and looked around, the man had pale skin, black eyes, and slick black hair as he took his hat off. A priest walked in as he heard the door open and as his profession, he wanted to see if the person needed help or consolation. "How can I help you?" the priest asked as the man turned to look at the priest. The man stared at the priest before opening his mouth and roaring at the priest, a purple haze went around the man as his clothes start to rip apart. "What in God's name?" the priest asked as he started to run away from the unholy site. 

    As the priest got the doors opened he hid in the confessional chambers and started to pray. "Gorago naki hooman?" a dark voice boomed throughout the church which caused the priest to hush. "KASHIWO!" the voice stated as a brownish hand with long claws broke through the walls of the chamber, the hand grabbed the face of the priest and pulled him out of the chamber creating a big hole. In the lit room the shadow of a humanoid bat pulled the human shadow in and the sound of piercing of skin was heard along with loud slurping sounds. The shadow of a bat then slowly turned into human as a laugh was then boomed throughout the empty church.


    James woke up with a start as he looked down and saw that his wet clothes were stuck to him and the end of his black shirt was still burned where the belt disappeared. He looked up to see the bright light of the sun came from the sky, he shielded them before looking down. James rubbed his eyes as he heard the phone rang, he found the phone as he answered it, "Hello?" he asked tiredly.

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