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2016 | AVENGERS COMPOUND — Natasha Romanoff just got back from Agent Maria Hill who had just told her that S

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2016 | AVENGERS COMPOUND — Natasha Romanoff just got back from Agent Maria Hill who had just told her that S.H.I.E.L.D. found another possible HYDRA-Base near a remote coast. "Steve, we need to talk." She started and walked up to the super-soldier, who was sitting in the living room, enjoying his day off. He looked up to her face and carefully listened to her. "We found another Hydra base."

"Go on." He said, nodding his head. "It's partly underwater..." she explained, increasingly believing that HYDRA was doing something bigger to hide. "Fury suspects there are several HYDRA weapons and treasures stored in there. Agent Hill, on the other hand, suspects there is a laboratory where they possibly experiment on underwater animals and maybe even humans."

"We have to stop HYDRA. No matter if, weapons or experiments. We have to stop it." Steve agreed with Nat and began to think of a strategic plan. He had stormed HYDRA-Bases many times before but never one that was beneath waters.

"So what's the plan, Cap?" Natasha asked after a while of silence, her brow furrowed in question. They have attacked HYDRA-Bases together many times, but each time it was a challenge.

"Stark, you and I are flying the Quinjet, towards the HYDRA base." Steve explained his plan before pausing for a moment and thinking further. "We're looking for possible entrances on land. We're taking down as many HYDRA agents as possible and search the base for weapons, hostages or anything else we have time for."

"Sounds like a plan." Natasha replied and gave the captain a weak smile. "Wait until I tell Tony about the mission."

"He's gonna be amazed." Steve joked, just as the said Tony Stark himself suddenly joined them.

"Amazed bout what exactly?" Tony asked Steve with a little frown.

"A HYDRA base was found near the water." Steve began to explain. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Don't say anything ... and in there there's the mermaid, I told you about?" Tony grinned and gestured with his hands.

"If you're lucky, you might find Flipper in there, too." Natasha said sarcastically, while Tony rolled his eyes at her snarky comment. Steve couldn't follow them and just stared at two, slightly confused. "Flipper is a dolphin, Rogers. "

"Ah, thank you." He nodded.

"Back to the mission. No mermaid, but most likely a lot of HYDRA agents that the three of us will have to take down and out of our way. Maybe we'll get reinforcements from other S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents." Natasha explained to Tony. "Besides, we don't know what's inside the base, we have to reckon with everything.

"Hydra is run by madmen. Who knows what's going on in there." Steve commented approvingly.

"Speaking of insane, do you know what Barton once told me?" Tony began and the two of them suspected that he had another ridiculous theory. "Supposedly HYDRA is hiding a giant monster kraken that they created ... maybe he'll be waiting for us at the base?"

Natasha and Steve didn't contradict him but believed that Clint was just kidding him. We all know what Clint is like, so the two of them only shrugged their shoulders and left it with Clint's giant monster octopus.

 We all know what Clint is like, so the two of them only shrugged their shoulders and left it with Clint's giant monster octopus

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MEANWHILE AT THE HYDRA BASE — No octopus but the mermaid, who no one yet knew about. Although her eyes were closed, she could still hear unrecognizable noises that surrounded her. Sometimes she heard voices talking around her and sometimes thought she heard the sounds of some kind of machines or tools. She thought her mind was playing tricks on her.

Her head was throbbing with excruciating pain and she could hardly feel her body let alone move it, even though she tried. What happened? Did I pass out? She asked herself. Again and again she heard the voices of different people.

"Sir, are you really sure we should modify her vocal cords as well?" She thought she heard a female voice say with big concern. "It was already too risky to rid the lower half of her body from the fish mutation. We could lose her."

"Well, it just happens that we need the cube! And we've already lost our best enhanced to the Avengers." she heard Strucker's harsh voice say. Avengers? What was he talking about? "We need the girl for the attacks on land. Once her vocal cords are fully modified, she could bring an entire army to its knees. Her new human shape makes her appear even more innocent and we can use this to our advantage."

"But sir, if this procedure goes horribly wrong the girl could lose her ability to speak and thus she can no longer produce any screams." Explained the female doctor, who was still trying to prevent him from allowing the procedure. „You would risk way too much for Hydra, sir. "

But if you take away my voice, said the little mermaid to herself. what is left for me?

"Do it." He said coldly, glaring angrily at the scientist. "Or should I do it for you?!" the girl was still not fully conscious, but she suddenly felt a burning prick in her dry throat. The doctor held the syringe tightly in her hand and slowly injected the cell-changing fluid into her throat.

She tried to defend herself but, her body was too weak and struggled to wake up. Before she knew it, she fell  asleep once more  from all the strange stuff that rushed through her system.

It didn't take long for the doctors to finally finish the procedure and give me some regeneration time, only to probably do more tests on her afterwards. For them her new skills had to be tested after all.

This time she was awakened again by loud noises around her. She was lying alone on the experimental chair in her cell and none of the doctors, scientists, or agents were next to her. However, she didn't hear normal conversations but rather panicked calls or rather angry orders...

"Sir, what should we do? They found us." A panicking HYDRA agent yelled at Strucker as several agents and scientists seem to be gathering. "The captain, is already at the gate. "

"Have your weapons ready! And open the exits, we have to flee!" Strucker ordered several agents. "Have the helicopters and submarines ready."

"Sir, we got the message that Romanoff and Iron Man were also sighted." Another young agent explained and held the communicator on his ear. Strucker looked up at him with interest and grinned slightly at him.

"We're going to blow up this base!" Strucker declared firmly and hereby gave them his last order. "HAIL HYDRA!" Everyone shouted and raised both arms to salute.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃, steve rogersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя