This is short story about our DC couple "TimKon"
One night as every patrol Tim went out with the Bat Family; Then he saw Conner "Hi Kon! Bruce can I stay at his home tonight?" He said to Bruce with puppy eyes and how Bruce can say "NO" yup he said "Yes Timothy but you have to touch the batcave at 8 am."
Then Tim ran towards Kon he asked Kon to stay at his home Kon said yes as Tim is his best friend.
Kon took Tim in his hand "Hey Tim look at the stars don't you think it's so romantic?" Tim blushed and replied "yup..." Kon had thoughts in his minds keep thinking Tim loves him but he wasn't sure he try to ask Tim but he shy all the time
When they came home Kon asked Tim for dinner Tim said yes after dinner Kon asked "Hey Tim buddy; do you need a seperate room or you'll sleep with me?" Tim said "with you" because he loves Kon unfortunately they both don't know they love eachother.
At night almost about 2 am Tim starts have bad dreams Kon was sleeping Tim suddenly woke up from his dream he was scared he tries not to wake Kon up but Kon heard Tim's heavy breathing Kon asked "What happened Tim? Something wrong" Tim replied "No" because he don't want to Kon worry about him Kon asked again he said "Tim if you love me you can tell dear" Tim shocked and starts staring at Kon Tim said "How...I mean how you know?"
Kon said "I...I just... Guessed!" Tim suddenly said "I LOVE YOU CONNER!" "I know Tim I love you too!"
Then Kon took Tim closer and hug him tight and said "it's all fine darling it was just a bad dream" Tim said *blushing* "yeah... okay let me sleep B... Bruce said I have to touch the 8"