Start writing your story
The class started and she was introduced to the class, she's in the same one as saiki
- "We have a new student today who traveled here from overseas, please be kind to her" the teacher said
- "hi I'm y/f Y/l and I just moved here from (country) I hope we can get along" y/n says with a smile
- the guys seem eager to have her start in the class
- and the teacher quits everyone down before telling y/n to take the spot behind chiyo
- as she walks to her spot the guys and girls look at her in aw, well all except for teruhashi who looks irritated, and Saiki who doesn't care
- y/n tries to clear her mind but can't hold in her excitement and ends up thinking about how excited she is to be in the same class as Saiki and his friends and making a small comment about how nendos butt chin looks crazy in person
- this peaks saikis interest a bit as he is shocked at her knowing so much about the class but he sone forgets it as the class starts
------ after class ------------
-the class ends and y/n starts stretching before some girls start surrounding her asking her questions about where she is from and so on
- she gets a bit overwhelmed but tries to be social and answers their questions
- behind them at the back of the class guys surround teruhashi and start having a convo about who she has a crush on
- she mentions someone she ran into over the vacation, which reminds y/n of the episode, where teruhashi met Saiki while out during the break and he ignored her and snorted when she remembered how he teleported on top of a building when nendo twisted his neck looking for him
- the girls around her snap her back out of her thoughts before inviting her to have lunch with them, and she says yes and walks out with them
- on the other hand, Saiki was sitting frozen in his seat after hearing y/ns whole thought process where she retold the whole meeting he had with teruhashi over the break INCLUDING the part where he TELEPORTED which means she knew of his powers, he thought, maybe she was in the crowd and saw the whole thing unfold. "but he thought nobody noticed" he mumbled
- he had to first do something about her and then make sure to be careful next time
A/N: I'm just posting the drafts unedited for those that want to read them because I sadly don't think I'll be fixing them or posting more anytime soon, but ii have a lot of drafts hahaha so...

RomanceYou are a saiki fan that just loves watching the series and one day something out of this world happens. ( i know this story is so original) There will be smut in the future