Jiro Ayane is hopelessly in love with Kikumaru Eiji, the problem is that he's super dense and doesn't notice her advances. Ayane then decides that she'll try a different tactic... being cute, as in adorably cute in her actions and mannerism. Will Ay...
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Step Two: Watch him practice! ヨ位院ギバ
It's the end of the day and I decide to watch the boys tennis team practice, not because of Eiji or anything but because I missed the thrill of the sport. As I'm watching, two freshmen girls walking towards me.
"Sakuno chan, isn't Ryoma sama so cool?" the girl with the brown pigtails asks her friend.
"Tomo chan..." the girl named Sakuno says while sweat dropping.
The girl known as 'Tomo chan' notices me and begins to point.
"You better not be here for my Ryoma sama!!!" she exclaims while stomping her feet.
"Ah no, that's not it at all. I'm a former member of the girls tennis team that's all and Fuji and Eiji are in my class," I respond while waving my hands frantically in front of my face.
"I'm sorry about Tomo chan, she doesn't really have a filter. I'm Ryuzaki Sakuno, nice to meet you, senpai," Sakuno introduces herself.
"Nice to meet you Sakuno, I'm Jiro Ayane," I introduce myself while smiling softly.
With that being said, we face the tennis courts and watch the boys practice. As the practice is going on, I can't help but have my eyes drawn to Eiji. He looks like he's having so much playing the sport he loves and his playing style is so unique. When practice ends, he comes running up to me with a bright smile on his face,
"Ayane chi, did you come to watch me practice, nya?"
My face becomes bright red and I begin to stutter.
"Nyahaha, I'm just teasing you Ayane chi, no need to get all embarrassed," he giggles.
"You're so mean to me, hmph," I pout teasingly.
We begin to walk towards the locker room.
"I'm going to go change real quickly so wait right here and then we can hangout together afterwards," Eiji says.
I just nod in response. Soon enough, Eiji walks out of the locker room in his school uniform and we begin to walk towards the school gate.
"It's nice to be able to talk to you like this," he muses.
"Yeah I agree. We don't get to talk like this very often," I nod in agreement.
"Hey the Kantou Tournament starts this weekend, you should come and watch me play. I mean if you want to that is," he tells me.
"I would love to come and watch you. I bet the others will want to come and watch as well," I tell him.
"If they come, you're hanging out with me alone afterwards, got it?" he demands cutely with a pout.
"Of course," I smile warmly.
"Oh! That's right! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to help me try to get Echizen and Shion together. It's so obvious that they like each other but they're both so dense," I ask him.
"You know I'm down for it. I bet Momo will want to get in on it as well," he agrees.
"I was thinking about asking him as well."
We reach the tennis courts without even realizing where our feet were leading us. Looking at the courts brings back painful memories of what happened to me here, something that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
"Ayane chi, what's wrong?" Eiji asks me, noticing the anguished expression on my face.
"It's a long story that I'm not sure you want to here about," I respond, looking down at my clenched fists.
"I have all the tome in the world I'd you want to talk about it," Eiji says with a determined look in his eyes.
"Well, it all happened last year..."
【A/N:】 the next chapter will be a flashback of what happened. Sorry that the format is a little different, I wrote this on my phone so it looks a little different than normal.