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As soon as I opened my eyes, everything went to hell. Literally. It was black, as far as the eye can see. It was infinite, unforgiving, black.

Then, as if a boulder had fell on me a deep grinding pain filled every last inch of my body and refused to stop. I tried to cry out, but to no avail. It was as if a vacuum was sucking the sound right out of my throat.

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of me. He appeared in a rush of wind, or what I thought was wind. As the man snapped his fingers, the pain subsided.

I could finally tell what he looked like. He had dark black hair that was sleek, almost greasy. He had a slight shaggy beard, and deep hazel eyes. He was wearing a black robe on that seemed to glow slightly.

For a few moments we merely stared into each other's eyes. Then, he said the two words that changed my life forever. "Hello son." And he disappeared.

I couldn't speak. I tried to call out to him, but my throat refused to form words. My mind was racing like you wouldn't believe. If he was my father, then why can't I remember him? Then, realization struck me, I can't remember anything.

I was shocked, how could I not remember anything? Am I dead? Then suddenly out of the abyss a blinding light appeared. I started moving towards it. I was getting closer and closer. Then, right as I was about to hit it I braced myself, but as I hit it, I blacked out.

The Hildaria Chronicles: Book 1 ShatteredWhere stories live. Discover now