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I'm leaving Wattpad.

Wattpad is an amazing platform and I wanted to thank every single person who's ever followed me or replied to a comment by me, everyone who's made a quirky announcement that brightened my day (theimortaldoctor i'm talking about u) etc

Wattpad is the only place where I can loudly discuss all sorts of things I'm passionate about, mainly LGBT+ related things. That might change in the future, though. My YouTube channel is Inchy Draws and if I get other socials I'll update my bio (or whatever you call it on youtube)

I might not ever be able to tell you guys this again, so

Remember that you are more than your body
You are more than the hate you get
You are more than what society says
You are amazing the way you are
The only parts of yourself you need to change are the parts that are hurting others
You are making a change, beleive it or not
At least one person would die inside if you quit
People are cheering you on, even if you can't hear them
There is so much beauty in life, even if you can't see it
People care about you. I care.
You are capable of fighting and winning against your struggles.
Whether they are external, like friends, family and society
Or internal like identity crises, dysphoria, eating disorders, self-hate and self harm, anxiety, depression
You are beautiful, anyone who disagrees must be insane
Remember that your actions have consequences
There is not always a right answer
Always consider others
The smallest things can make a big difference that's why I'm writing this.

Unless you're a homophobe, transphobe, biphobe, sexist, racist, discriminatory in any way, misogynist etc

Then you can go fuck yourself.

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