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In the wee hours of the morning, when Ingrid had just managed to doze off peacefully after a night of contemplation, a series of harsh knocks interrupted her. When she opened the door, standing outside were Baron Althaus's guards. 

"What is it?" Ingrid asked, stifling a yawn. She hid almost partially behind the door, so that they couldn't see her hand on her sword. 

"His Lordship demands your presence at breakfast at the castle today," The guard replied. 

"Ugh, today?" Ingrid didn't wish to go out anywhere, but she groaned and accepted her fate. She turned to the guard and said, " Tell him I'll be there."

But what about Frederick? Breakfast meant she'd have to... actually see him. And was she looking forward to it? After last night? Absolutely not.

The guard nodded and was just about to leave when Ingrid stopped him, "Will the young lord be there too?"

The guard raised his brows so high that they disappeared inside his helmet. Then he guffawed, "There goes another. You seeing this, Tobias? Jack's gonna have a hell of a time with this one." He gestured to the other guard, who stifled a laugh. 

Ingrid looked at the guard and then to Tobias. What was so funny?

"Another one bites the dust," remarked Tobias, his lips pressed tightly against each other. He leaned against his lance, "It may seem like a fair bit of unsolicited advice, Lady Ingrid, but you aren't the first girl His Lordship has charmed. And you definitely wouldn't be the last. It's best for you and your little heart to crush any feelings you have for him."

"I do not have feelings for him!" Ingrid hissed. But it must've not looked very convincing, because the heat rose to her cheeks like the flame of a thousand roses. Ingrid was dead sure she must have looked like a blushing maiden being teased about her first love. 

"For your sake, I sure hope so," The guard chuckled, and turned away. Tobias followed.

Ingrid shut the door behind her as soon as they were gone. Then she collapsed against the door, crumbling to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest. Her hands were cold against her forehead. 

Fuck. They actually thought she had feelings for Frederick of all people. Even if she was capable of yearning for men, Frederick would be the last person on earth she would fall for.

She recalled the guard's words. Jack. They were going to tell about this to more people—she couldn't exactly expect low ranking guards to keep such juicy gossip to themselves—and then the insinuation would be everywhere.

Ingrid groaned into her knees. 

The day was already off to a bad start.


Ingrid did not miss the many snickers and giggles she heard on the way to the dining hall. She saw maids look up from baskets, pass a knowing glance to each other and then giggle like it was all a supremely funny joke. 

She was dressed in her armor today, and she felt much more comfortable than the horrifying dress and choker she was wearing yesterday. Somehow... the armor felt like, instead of protecting her... it made her stronger too. 

She was announced into the dining hall by the page-boy. 

"Announcing, Lady Ingrid of Devenlen!"

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