Finally waking up from my little nap, my eyes remain close as I stretch. The smell of food fills the air and it is causing my stomach to growl. Realizing I'm not in my bed but on a couch, my eyes snap open to an unfamiliar environment. It was a nice apartment that was much better than the one I live in. Sitting up to look around, I notice a spiral stair case which I don't remembering seeing at all. It dawned on me that I was in Mark's apartment and just as I think of what happened before my body surrendered to sleep, Mark comes out of the kitchen. Seeing that I am awake he smiles at me which causes my heart to skip a beat. "Hello sleepy head." his voice was soft which nearly made me melt at the sound of it. "Hey.." Was all I managed. He sits down next to me a little too close making my body warm, my heart beating faster as I breathe him in. "How are you feeling?" He asks as he looks into my eyes. 'Oh God save me from myself. What is wrong with me?' I blink to help clear the sleep from my mind and to focus on how I felt at the moment. "Honestly I feel like it's really warm in here." I fan my face hopefully I wasn't blushing. All too aware of him looking at me, I glance around to avoid his sight. He chuckles a bit. 'Oh shit, did he notice?' Looking back at him, seeing his eyes glimmer. "It is warm in here but I think that's just you. You look flushed. Are you feeling alright?" His face was serious as he presses his hand to my forehead and then my cheek. If I hadn't melted at his voice before then I sure did at his touch. Butterflies had formed in my stomach and I felt weak. His hand lingered on my cheek for what felt like an eternity, staring into his dark eyes filled with an emotion I could not name. We stay like that for some time, ever so sweetly, his thumb brushed my cheek in a slow motion. Feeling as if I couldn't breathe he starts slowly getting closer. Looking down at his lips and back up to his eyes, I shut mine unsure of what was going to happen. Just then right as I thought I'd feel his lips, my stomach growls. My eyes open with him just a few inches away from making contact. We both laugh at it, making the room feel less tense and more comfortable. Moving away from each other, we sit there slightly awkward. "Come on. I made us some food. Let's get you fed before you starve." As he stands up, moving to the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts. I take a deep breath as soon as he was out of sight. What almost just happened? Was he going to kiss me? My heart was loving the idea of it but my brain was filled with caution. With all the stuff that was going on, I wasn't sure what to do about Mark. An innocent bystander in the chaotic world known as my life and to be honest, I felt bad. With Sam and James, my sweet little Emily, my incredible strength was winding down on how much I could handle and he was in the middle of it knowingly. Yet he's still here and hasn't abandon me. My heart swells at that thought of him being there. Closing my eyes for a second to clear my head of all of the crap that was building up. Feeling a bit more relaxed, I grabbed my ponytail that rested on the table in front of me and started to braid my hair to the side to get it out of the way. As I finish, Mark comes back with two plates in hand, the aroma of the food causes my stomach to rumble yet again as he hands me one of them. I take my fork and start to dig in. Mark looks at me as I take the first bite of his chicken alfredo. Holy.....sweet mother of baby Jesus was it delicous. I groan lightly as I chew, looking back to see a smiling Markiplier. "Oh my, Good sir this is amazing.." He laughs making my heart skip again. 'Dammit knock it off.' I shoot glances over at him as he eats and I felt it. A connection. We've had it for awhile now, maybe since the moment we met but it was strong and it was a bit overwhelming. 'Oh God what am I going to do.' I sit there for a moment feeling a battle rage war inside me. Confused and almost angry. Just a woman with a daughter looking for.... what exactly, I'm not sure but I'll know once I find it but for now I'll just forget the world and be in the moment with Mark. Feeling his look on me, I turn and smile at him. "Mark can I ask something of you?" I sit my plate down and sit straight as I glance back at him. His face becomes serious as he sets his plate down as well and moves closer to me. "Of course you can Kyra." Feeling the heat of our bodies being so close, I had to breathe to focus. "Mark, whatever happens... with us..." I had to look down uncertain if I wanted to feel so vulnerable. "Just please.... always be there for Emily. Keep her safe..." Asking him to protect someone he's hasn't met or even know was a bit weird to me but I felt like I could trust him with the task. I felt his hand slide into mine slowly and squeeze. My eyes filled with tears as I look at him, he presses my hand to his lips with a soft kiss. "If you only knew what I'd do for you Kyra...." He moves closer to me like before, his free hand cupping my face. I lean into it entranced by his eyes. Slowly his lips met mine with a tender kiss that made my heart come a live. Wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning more into the kiss, feeling his arms come around, holding me close to him. Yep. Yep I think my heart won. I think I'm in love with Markiplier...

Hello, My name is Markiplier
RomanceThere are some major changes in Kyra's life. Her move to L.A. being recently single from a four year relationship, she just wanted to start a new life with her daughter. Things get pretty rough dealing with her boss and the difficulties of being a s...