2. Moving In

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warnings: fighting, hinting at smut

“I swear Blood kink! You can never do anything right!” Pee pant yelled across the house, the box he was holding nearly falling out of his arms.

BK flinched as PP stomped through the house.

“I’m sorry, love.” He sighed, placing the box where PP had originally told him to. He was struggling to move boxes as he’d never been the strongest. Plus, PP was tired, and when PP got tired he got angry fast.

That was never something that had bothered BK until they’d started looking for houses together. It was a stressful process, and that led to a lot of yelling. BK hated yelling, but he loved PP so he was learning to deal with it.

“I can’t deal with you right now.” PP yelled, storming off into their bedroom and slamming the door.

BK flinched and curled up onto the sofa, holding his legs close to his body and crying as quietly as he could. It would just create more of a problem if PP heard.

PP had sat on his bed running his hand through his hair. He felt bad for yelling at BK but his ego is too big to admit it. He sighed, getting up and heading back to the living room. He knew that he was in the wrong, and had to do something about it.

PP walked out and saw BK crying on the couch. He immediately rushed over and slung his arms around his shaking boyfriends body.

BK immediately melted into his embrace, snuggling into PPs neck.

“I’m so sorry love, is there any way I could make it up to you?” PP asked, kissing BKs forehead.

"Hmm, I think I have an idea" BK grinned. PP immediately picked him up and headed towards their bedroom. PP threw BK onto the bed and climbed on top of him, leaving kisses all down his neck

He made his way down BKs neck, tugging at the hem of his shirt and looking into his eyes.

“Can I?” He asked gently.

“Of course.” BK nodded, lifting his arms so PP could remove his bright blue T-shirt.

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