Henlo and welcome back hoomans. So this story is a Jasmine and Aladdin Fanfiction. We had to do a child-friendly book or movie cause this class is filled with mentally unstable teenagers- My friend and I didn't know what to write so we did a wheel and got Aladdin. I wasn't that mad cause that is one of my favorite Disney movies. SO, I hope you enjoy this FF!
The quiet flow of the wind whooshed through the desert. But there was joy in the air, for the first time in forever. You could see the light shining through the Palace, and you could see the happy smiles of the newlyweds. Aladdin and Jasmine were the newly crowned Sultana and Sultan of Agrabah. Knowing Jafar was locked away in a little lamp, the newlyweds were able to dance and feast the night away.
" I'm so happy that I'm going to be able to spend the rest of my life with you," said Aladdin.
" I am glad as well," replied Jasmine while giving a closed eye-smile.
The newlyweds left the palace with smiles on their faces as they set off to the celebration. Aladdin bowed down to Jasmine and held out his hand to help Jasmine get on the chariot.
"Ladies first."
Jasmin grabs his hands and chuckles while entering the chariot.
As they were riding around in the chariot, they saw all of the smiles of the city as it was celebrating the wedding of the princess. As the couple was riding in the chariot, flowers were being thrown over them and little kids running around with candles in their hands. The bakers, farmers, and noblemen all came out into the night and had a loud celebration.
"Jasmine," whispered Aladdin in Jasmine's ear.
All of a sudden, a little monkey swung down onto Aladdin's shoulders.
"Abu!" exclaimed the couple in unison.
Abu laughed as Aladdin and Jasmine were startled.
"What are you doing here!?" said Aladdin.
Without saying anything, Abu jumped out of the chariot and onto a nearby building.
Before they knew it, the newlyweds were at the celebration. Still confused about what happened to Abu. But, Rajah was sitting at the steps wearing his little fez. Rajah was jealous and sad because he thought that Aladdin would steal Jasmine away from him, but Jasmine assured Rajah that she would never leave him. All of a sudden, Abu appears from the shadows holding a small present just the size of his monkey hands. Jasmine smiled from ear to ear as Abu walked toward Jasmine handing her the present. As Jasmine opened the present, she found a little locket inside.
"Thank you so much, Abu." Said Jasmine with a humongous smile.
While the couple was celebrating, on the other side of the desert, hell was happening. Jafar and Iago were squeezed into a tiny little lamp covered in sand. The lamp was continuously shaking and moving all on its own. That was until a merchant riding on his camel came across the lamp.
"Ooo~ Look at this shiny little lamp," the merchant exclaimed.
" If I sold this I could make a fortune," said the merchant with a greedy grin.
The merchant hopped off his camel and walked toward the lamp.
"Rub the lamp... Rub the lamp... Rub the lamp..." whispered an unsettling voice.
As the merchant rubbed the lamp, it started to shake violently. The same unsettling voice started to get louder and louder. Until the point the voice became so loud, you could hear the voice's maniacal laughter. That laughter alone was able to destroy the once dark silent desert. All of a sudden, the voice stopped. The merchant, thinking the voice was a hallucination. Proceeded to pick up the lamp, and continued his travel.
"Boss, we are gonna get back at those pests," giggled quietly the parrot, Iago.
"Yes, we shall," said Jafar with a hysterical evil laugh.
While all the chaos was happening in the desert, the newlyweds were enjoying their night at the celebration. Abu and Rajah were stuffing their faces at the buffet while Aladdin and Jasmine were dancing in the ballroom. All of a sudden, a soldier came in with a cage in his hands covered with a white cloth. Covering the contents inside. Everything stopped and everyone had their eyes on the soldier.
"Your majesties, I found this in the city," the soldier announced.
He ripped off the cloth and everyone had their jaws on the floor. Iago was in the cage, sitting there, staring at the newlyweds with a horrendous grin.
"I'm back~," said Iago with a hysterical laugh.
"Where did you find Iago!?" The couple said in an angry fashion.
"I found him roaming around in the city while I was on patrol. He claims Jafar hates him and he wants to be acquaintances."
The couple started to grimace at Iago. That was until Jasmine had an idea. She grabbed Aladdin by the wrist and walked him out into the garden in the back.
"I have an idea," said Jasmine.
"We should set a trap for Jafar to see if Iago is telling the truth."
"Well, what will we do?" said Aladdin.
"I was thinking, we could tie Iago to a pedestal not so far from the Palace. We could also put a cage around him just in case he chews off the rope tied to his claws. We could also have some soldiers hidden nearby. If Iago is saying the truth that Jafar hates him, then Iago wouldn't be rescued by Jafar. If he is lying we have a patrol to catch Jafar."
"But isn't he a genie?"
"He is, and since he is most likely awakened by someone, he can't hurt someone due to Genie Laws," Jasmine thought out loud.
"But what if the person that awaked Jafar wants to use him for evil purposes?' said Aladdin.
"Well, I don't know what we will do, but we will figure it out together," said Jasmine with a smile.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"What are you doing to me!?" yelled Iago.
"You will see," said the soldier in a monotone voice.
While the soldier was tying Iago down to a pedestal and putting the cage over him, Aladdin was instructing where the patrol soldiers will be hidden. Some were hidden inside shops, others on top of homes. As time passed on, the patrol soldiers were getting impatient. After two hours of waiting, the soldiers started to believe Iago. But slowly, they started to drift off into deep sleep. Iago already fell asleep an hour ago.
Suddenly, a gush of very strong wind started to come. The soldiers woke up abruptly and were very confused.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" yelled a soldier who was on top of a home.
All the other soldiers who were on top started to come down into the shops. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, to the point where the cage was starting to rattle.
"OI HUMANS, I'M GONNA DIE IF YOU DON'T HELP ME," Iago screamed at the top of his lungs.
All of the soldiers looked at each other. One of them shook their head 'no'. While one gave a thumbs up. The soldiers started to bicker. Until they heard a maniacal laugh. Right next to Iago's cage, there was a short merchant. The merchant seemed very dazed and confused. All of the soldiers were very confused until one of them saw it.
"LOOK," said one of the soldiers.
"Someone is holding the lamp!" yelled a soldier.
All of them knew what Jafar's lamp looked like, and they know, boy did they know. They knew that Jafar was back. All of the soldiers started to run into the city scared for their lives. But out of the shadows, came Aladdin and Jasmine. Abu was riding on Aladdin's shoulder, confused and scared for his life. Jasmine whistled while she was running, and three objects came. One was the magic carpet, the other was Jasmine's horse, and lastly was Rajah. The magic carpet rushed over and tied up the merchant, while Rajah got distracted by Iago.
"WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT LAMP?" yelled Aladdin in an angry voice.
"I just found it in the middle of the desert, it looked costly, and I figured that I could get an excellent deal for it," said the merchant with a greedy look.
"Please give me one moment," Aladdin said as he pulled Jasmine to a nearby alleyway.
"Jasmine, I have an idea. If we overpay for what that guy thinks is just a normal lamp, he will for sure give us Jafar's lamp. Then we can seal him and the lamp in the dungeon forever."
While the couple was talking, the soldiers started to grab the merchant. The soldiers were very mad at the man for bringing the lamp back to the city.
"STOP," yelled Aladdin.
"We have come up with a compromise," Jasmine announced.
"And what would that be?" the merchant said with a grin.
"If you hand over the lamp and we don't have any bickering, we will pay you double the amount you were originally going to sell the lamp for."
The merchant thought about it. The soldiers were staring at the tide-up merchant. Rajah was still guarding Iago. Abu was still on Aladdin's shoulder sticking out his tongue and making funny faces at Iago. After a couple of minutes of thinking, the merchant finally agreed to sell the lamp. As dawn started to arrive from the east, the merchant handed over the lamp. The soldiers untied the merchant and everyone said goodbye.
As everyone was heading back to the palace, Rajah noticed that Iago was gone. Aladdin and Jasmine were worried for a second, but then remembered that they still had Jafar, and their worries melted away. When the couple got to the palace, they headed straight to the dungeon.
"Jasmine, I'm going to need to rub the lamp. If he is gonna listen to us, I must be his master," Aladdin said walking down into the mysterious dungeons.
Aladdin rubbed the lamp and out came Jafar.
" Hello master, I am Jafar, and I-"
"WHAT," yelled Jafar in disbelief.
"There is no way, why is this happening to me."
Jasmine stifled a laugh as Jafar had a tantrum. The couple ordered Jafar to go into his lamp and never come out. Jafar, with nothing to do but agree with his commands. Went inside the lamp, never to be seen again.
Okay so that is done- WELP I really don't have to say anything except keep updated with my other book ADHD (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader) I am really gonna pour my heart and crack on that cause why not? OKIE BYE BEECHES