Quirk VI: Emerged Vs Premature

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*As the two succubus hybrid stand their ground, building up enough power before starting the battle. Ochako's aura is calm in visible, but the pressure of the of the intense. While Itsuka's aura looks forced and untamed, while the pressure is smoothing and makes it hard to breathe. Itsuka could enduring the pain, since she's powering up well beyond her limits*

Itsuka: Tsk....."trying to withstand her overflow"

Ochako: What's wrong? You seem pretty uncomfortable there Kendo. Do you want to give up after releasing it's pointless to fight me while you're premature. Just hand over Deku, and I'll let you live!

Itsuka: Bastard! Ochako! "Starts walking up to her"

Ochako: Oh? So you're approaching me? You're coming right up to me? Even after I given you a warning that if you fight me, that you will very well die!

Itsuka: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer!

Ochako: Oh ho! Then come as close as you like. "Begins walking up the Itsuka"

*The closer they get to each other, the more intense their power become. Itsuka goes for a punch, but before she could punch Ochako, she kicks Itsuka in the leg as a counter.*

Ochako: Come on Itsuka, you gotta be faster then that!

*Itsuka is now pissed, Izuku can feel her rage radiating and things aren't going to be pretty. Itsuka goes for another punch, but Ochako only grins able to kick her in the other leg, before realizing Itsuka increase the size of her hand she throw at her, launching her back several feet. Itsuka chases after her and unleashed a barrage of attack, putting Ochako on the defensive and unable to guard against most of the attack Itsuka handed on her. She lands a final spin kick into Ochako's stomach, sending her flying into the mountain cliff like rock Midnight was standing on. Itsuka exhausted herself from the attacks and prolonged use of her power over her 30% limit, her aura disappears as she dropped to knees, her wings get floppy since used up at the strength she could use.*

Itsuka: "pant" "pant" "pant" "pant" Serves you right! "pant" "pant" "pant"

Ochako: Did you think that you beat me so easily?

Itsuka: Na-Nani!?

*Ochako breaks free from the rock she was embedded into after impact, increasing her power and slowing descending down the ground. She dusts off the dirt on her clothes and widened her wings as her power starts to kick the sand up. Itsuka breaks into cold sweat as she used all the strength she had to beat her, and she looks like it barely fazed her.*

Ochako: I actually felt, your the first uncooked bat to somewhat harm me! But that wasn't no way near enough mortally harm me, it's make me want to see how much power you really have hiding!

Izuku: It-Itsuka! "Still can't move due to the z.g. shockwave"

Itsuka: Damn it......."struggles to stand up"

Ochako: Just watching you stand up lets me know you can't keep this up. So just submit!

Itsuka: I'll.....never give up! "Powers up while in agony"

Izuku: Itsuka no! You're pushing yourself to way to hard!

Ochako: Quiet Deku-Kun! If she wants to keeps pushing till it kills her, then let her do!

Izuku: Till it.......kills her!? "Thoughts: No I won't let that happen!

*Izuku activates One For All, and starts to stand up. But the pressure causes the ground underneath him keeps caving in. He can feel his bones in legs shaking since he's focusing his quirk into his legs. But he wants to try to avoid destroying his leg, and then gets an idea. He then starts focusing the quirk throughout his entire body, causing the red energy veins on his body to disappear and creates a green electric like aura around his body. Both Itsuka and Ochako is staring at him, Itsuka being amazed that he was able to change the way One For All worked, while Ochako looked very unamused."

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Izuku's Thoughts: Focusing my quirk throughout my entire body, so I can use it all at once at the same time. This is One For All: Full Cowling!

Itsuka: Izuku, you were about to......

Ochako: I'm amazed at mere human can do this, just makes me lust for you even more!

Izuku: I need to get over to Itsuka...."walking over to Itsuka slowing due the Z.G. shockwave still having an effect on him"

Ochako: How are you still walking!? That pressure should be destroying you!

Izuku: Trust me......it's not as easy as you think it is. My quirk manifested really late, and my body can't handle it! But thanks to Itsuka.........and I'm knowledge on quirks.......Im able to temporarily use 100% on my quirk, just to walk over........to her! "Collapses, making him kneel at Itsuka"

Itsuka: Izuku! "Runs over to Izuku but trips infront of him"

Izuku: I'm fine......but what about you?

Itsuka: I'm fine........I'm just really drained.......

Izuku: You remember what you can do to regain strength?

Itsuka: What do you......Izuku, no! That's dangerous for me to do to you! Not in my premature state!

Izuku: You don't have much of a choice if keep going like how you are! Use my energy and beat her, just don't kill her! She's still human..

Itsuka: I'll try not hurt her too much.....but are you sure you want me to take your energy? I could possibly kill you!

Izuku: Just imagine me being a egg, try not to break it.

Itsuka: O-okay........ "blushes"

*Itsuka gets really flustered, looking into Izuku as he got flustered aswell. They got closer to each other, and they kissed. Ochako realizes what Itsuka is doing, and she lets it happen. Itsuka's body starts to glow as Izuku's aura starts to faded away. She departs from his lips and look at each other, blushing and smiling. Ochako and tapping her foot from being impatient, waiting for orange haired halfling to stop making out with her future boy toy.*

Ochako: Come on, time is a wasting here! Could you co-

*Before Ochako could get another word out, Itsuka had her tail wrapped around her neck, cutting off her oxygen circulation. Not only stopping her from breathing, Ochako energy was quickly since the tip of Itsuka's tail was in her neck, draining of her power.*

Ochako: How........did......you......

Itsuka: I'm not going to lose to someone like you!

*Ochako breaks free from the tail grip, causing them to engage into combat once again. Only for Itsuka to have nice amount of energy she borrowed from Izuku, and stolen power from Ochako. As their trading blows, Itsuka begins to slowly overpower Ochako, since her power is devolping muh faster then Itsuka. She slammed her into ground presuming Ochako is down for, only to be surprised be her appearing behind Itsuka, using a midair suplex into the ground. This caused Itsuka to massively loses focus, giving Ochako the chance to unleashed string of attacks, only to be stopped by Itsuka and sent back. Both of them are several hurt, but Ochako is much more injuries then Itsuka is. They stare at each other before Ochako broke the silence between them.*

Ochako: You may have became a much more worthy opponent, but probably wouldn't have been possible if you didn't borrow power from that cute cinnamon roll and me.!

Itsuka: ........

Ochako: Not going to say anything?

Itsuka: .........

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