Chapter 6

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As we reached the woods, the now group of around three thousand survivors and me of course were all stopped. We then all slowly were spread out and divided into three groups of one thousand people.

Then me and the rest of my group were told to advance into the woods first.

I slowly began to walk forward, Lance was next to me. I kept looking around. My hands also couldn't stop shaking.

'This is it. This has to be it. The bandits must be in this wood somewhere.'

As we walked through the woods, I began to gradually slow down. At this point I was near the back of the group. Behind us though, were a couple of hundred soldiers, each armed to the teeth.

"I wonder if they are here for the bandits...or are they here for us?" I mumbled to myself.

Lance, who had seemingly stuck to my pace. Almost leapt up in joy.

"You can talk! You can actually talk!"

In his joy, he picked up and spun me around.

The racket he was making thought, echoed around the forest. In that second every person looked at us.


"Why did you have to drop me!"

As I stood up, dusting myself down. I glanced up to him. His face was scarlet.


My laughter caused him to grow pinker....

"Oi! Slaves move! Or are you rebelling!" The guard as he yelled, threatened us with his spear. This caused me and Lance to move much quicker than before. Reaching now the front of the group.

As we continued to walk forwards, the shaking of my hands began to grow and my breath began to quicken. It wasn't just me though, I could see that others were just like me. In fact some were worse.

I think now, everyone knows what is happening and it has finally sunk in. Not only that...we are the first wave in this assault.

Up ahead, I could see a break in the trees. It seemed lighter. A Lot lighter, at least compared to the shade of the forest.

In about a few seconds, we all reached the tree line. Looking out I could see it. The bandit encampment.

It was a lot like the military camp in a way. High wooden walls, multiple towers. Each tower had people on by looks of it. Not only that I could just about hear some yelling coming from the camp. I guess we had been spotted by them.

I began to feel, the people behind me pushing, as I looked back to see why. I could faintly see the spears of the guards, dancing around at the back.

Then a yell sounded out. "Attack you slaves! Your time to fight is now! Charge! For the glory of the Empire!"

With that, people began to scream. I was confused why, until the very next second. I heard a message that the guards had begun to attack us!

People began to push at me even more. I slowly was coming out of the tree line and now into the open space where I could easily be seen by the towers.

I heard a loud whistle, as I looked up. I felt something pass by my face.


I screamed and sounded out from behind me. I quickly looked back.

An arrow was sticking out of someone's chest.

He reached down to pull it out...

"No! Don't!" I yelled out too late.

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