Chapter 16: IM INVISIBLE
"Willow Get up" Ron shouts through the door into the Gryffindor girls bedroom for our year, which was followed by a loud knock and retreating footsteps, peering out from under the covers I look at the door sighing as I sit up in bed."Willow are you up" I blow at the stray strand of hair that falls in front of my face. It's a good thing no one else was in here at the moment otherwise Ron would not be very popular with the girls even if it was Christmas day.
"Uh-huh, yea im coming hold on" I half shout back as I pull the covers off of me stifling a yawn i finally find the strength to push myself into a sitting position. A smile tugs at my lips as Gizmo lays curled into a little ball on the end of my bed, swinging my legs off the side I slip on some fluffy slippers.
Just as I walk past my bed I reach over grabbing a thin blanket and place it over a sleeping Gizmo before heading out the door onto the balcony just as Harry opens the door to the Gryffindor boys dormitories as he joins me on the balcony we both peer over the side down at Ron who was standing next to the Christmas tree.
It seemed like he had gotten a head start at opening his parents presents as he has thrown on his mothers knitted sweater with the letter R sown into it.
"Happy Christmas Willow and Harry" he cheers smiling up at us me and Harry turn to each other before looking back down at Ron "Happy Christmas Ron," we both say at the same time as Ron's smile grows bigger. "What are you wearing?" Harry questions his friends dress sense as I roll my eyes I think its cute his mum knits clothes "Oh, Mum made it for me. Looks like you guys got one too!".
"We've got presents," we both say again at the same time surprised I think the only present we've ever really gotten was used clothes from our Aunt, Uncle or Dudley. plus the generous Hagrid with our pets and the cake he made us. "YEAH!!" me and my brother both turn to look at each other are eyes widening and huge smiling faces as we both run downstairs to where Ron is.
Ron jumps on the armrest of the couch as he opens up a packet of BertieBott's Every Flavour Beans popping one into his mouth as me and Harry take a seat by the tree Harry picks up the small golden box reading the label aloud "To Willow, I know your mother would want you to have this use well" Harry reads as he hands over the box curious I pull on the small ribbon untieing the small bow before lifting the lid off.
Inside layed a beautiful golden ring, picking the ring out of the box as I old it up by my thumb and index finger, Harry looks over and I could feel Ron Peering over my shoulder to also get a better look. "It's beautiful" I mumble as I hold it in between my fingers "Look there's an encryption on it," Harry says looking closely holding it more clearly I still couldn't read it clearly.
Holding my free hand out I feel Harry place his glasses in my hand as I use them as a magnifying glass to see the writing more clearly "This isn't even English ... ό, τι είναι ορατό κρύβει κάτι που είναι αόρατο" I glance up at the guys that shrug as I sigh looking back at the ring I hand back Harry's glasses which he gladly puts back allowing him to see.
I shake my head as I notice Harry looking at the other present picking the present up myself I read aloud the note that it came with "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well" I hold out the present towards Harry to which he does not hesitate to take as he rips the bag open and pulls out a black cloak.
"What is it?" Ron questions placing another BertieBott's Every Flavour Beans into his mouth "Some kind of... cloak" he doesn't seem so sure about it himself as he holds it out in front of him "Well, put it on then" I smile as he twists the cloak around him and his body disappears all except his head.
"Harry give me back your glasses I think my eyesight is going funny" he gives me a funny look as Ron sits there mouth a gap "WHOA!" Harry looks down as his eyes widen noticing what we are seeing "My body is gone!" he says in shock.
Ok good, they can see that too.
"I know what that is! That's an invisibility cloak!" I lean my back against the bottom of the couch as I look up at my brother "IM INVISIBLE". Fiddling with the ring in my hand I slip it on rubbing my fingers over the beautiful embroidery that's decorating it looking back at the wrapping paper I narrow my eyes reaching over I pick it up seeing a small note inside. 'A Wand Will Help You use these two words αόρατος then once complete ορατός' I look to the ring on my finger before pulling out my wand.
Ron gets up as he picks up the letter that had fallen on the floor "They are really rare. I wonder who gave it to you. Looking at my wand then the ring I sigh "αόρατος" lifting my wand up I tap it against the ring looking around nothing happens. looking at the ring the embroidery turns blue in colour but other than that nothing happens.
"There was no name on it just use it well," I say as I look up at Ron, Ron turns to me but narrows his eyes "Willow?" I pull a funny look as he walks slightly closer to where I'm sitting "Yes Ron" he jumps looking down as Harry looks over "Where Willow go".
"What do you mean where I go im here right in front of you" I huff as I stand up Ron outstretches his arms waving them around trying to see if he could touch me. "Am I Invisible?" I ask as Harry nods his head I pick up his glasses of his face as I hold them in the air "They look like they are floating" I smile as I put them back on harry "But I can see your body now while im wearing this oooh so if you're wearing the cloak and I've got my ring activated we can see each other and everyone else but no one can see us that's cool" I laugh before I walk to the couch and lounge on it.
Using my wand I tap the ring again "ορατός" I grin sliding off the ring and holding it out to the light of the fire the blue glow from the embroidery vanishes the glow is an sign that the magic of the invisibility is working "Oh this will come in handy" Ron jumps as he turns around to see me laying on the couch he clutches his chest as I give him an evil grin putting the ring back on my finger I lay my head back on the cushion looking at the new jewellery I have acquired.
"Helpful indeed"

The Potter Twins
FantasyWillow and Harry Potter had never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by their grisly aun...