I thought I would put Wilbur X Reader in the title bc it makes sense.
There will be other MCYT/DSMP Members in this story. I want to make this a long boi bc of ✨content and quality✨
Please, comment suggestions, they will be added.
"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Niki asked with a bright smile, the sun was beginning to set.
"Of course!" I smiled. Just like old times.
"Here, let me show you guys to your room!" Niki grabbed me and Wilbur's hand and then ran down the hall. There were 2 beds. One had light blue sheets, with all sorts of plushies that you had won from the fair that you went to every week. The other had a darker toned blue. You unpacked your bags, and pulled out a little lamb onesie, you and Niki had matching ones. You went to the bathroom to change, and let Wilbur change in the room.
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(The lamb onesie ^^^)
You walked out of the bathroom and saw Niki wearing the lamb onesie. You guys smiled at each other. Wilbur was cooking popcorn and got some candy.
"So there's two little lambs here now." Wilbur joked.
"Better not let us run away Bo Peep!" Niki teased and ran up to me and tapped my shoulder. We both started running around the living room.
"Shit!" Wilbur said while laughing, running and trying to think of who to go after first. He immediately darts after Niki. I try to distract him to get him to stop chasing Niki, he then chases after me. Niki then distracts him. We played this little chasing game for a while, then suddenly Wilbur tackles Niki to the couch.
"GOTCHA!" Wilbur said with a laugh.
"Run Izzy run!" Niki squealed with laughter. I suddenly started jumping and trotting, weaving around furniture. Wilbur then tackled you to the couch next to Niki. I screamed. Me and Niki hugged.
"Bo Peep's got all his sheep in a row!" Wilbur said, then he booped both our noses.
"I think the proper saying is, Mama's got all her ducks in a row" Niki said with a giggle.
"Save that for when you guys are wearing duck onesies." Wilbur joked.
"I actually packed a duck onesie..." I looked at Niki and we all bursted out in laughter.
"Do you guys wanna watch Hamilton?" Niki asked with a smile.
"My favorite!!!" I said.
"I know, Will's too." Niki said, looking at Wilbur with a smile. Niki sat to my right, and Wilbur sat to my left. Niki threw popcorn at Wilbur. He picked it up and ate it, then I stole some of Wilbur's popcorn. He laughed.
"Greedy little lambs!" Wilbur said, looking down at us. Me and Niki got up and started singing once Helpless came on, we sang for the rest of the whole movie. Me and Niki used to do karaoke all the time. I tried to hold back tears, I can't watch Hamilton without crying, but I didn't want Niki to see me like this... or Wilbur.
"Are those tears?" Niki asked concerned.
"It's fine, just a sad musical." I assured them.
"Here." Wilbur wiped my tears and smiled.
"It's late, lets get ready for bed." Niki said. We all hugged goodnight. I tiredly crawled into bed.