chapter 25

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~talking to a friend~


It amazes me how things can change your perspective so quickly.

Kissing Enzo changed how I see him, Although we've kissed before this was different.

I don't even know how to act around him, just thinking about him is getting me extremely anxious and I don't know why.

I hear a few soft knocks snapping me from my thoughs. "It's open" I yell exhaustively.

The girl I least expected came in with a soft smile.

"What brings you here Hermione?" I ask sitting myself up from my bed.

"Well you didn't attend class so I came to deliver your homework." she hands me a stack of papers.

"Sorry I got a tad bit carried away." She clears her throat as I look at the work with a few answers written in.

"Thank you" I smile politely, although I couldn't help but notice the girl seemed to have more on her mind.

"Care to stay?" I ask with hesitation hoping I didn't get the wrong impression.

"I don't want to annoy you." she shakes her head with a dry chuckle.

"Nonsense have a seat" I nod reassuringly, I've noticed Hermione is the type of girl that feels like she's always imposing on eveyone.

She awkwardly takes a seat on the corner of my bed fiddling with her fingers. Me and Hermione have talked here and there occasionally hence the reason for the awkward tension.

"What's up with you Granger?" I question in a enthusiastic tone trying to get her more comfortable and less tense.

"Well, I need help." she replies with a anxious look. "It may sound silly but I need help with a boy." she laughs looking back to me.

"Ah i see."

I knew the exact boy she was talking about, based off the way she looks at him I knew for a fact it was Ron.

I've heard rumors about her and Harry although I never picked up that vibe. They had more of a brother and sister relationship nothing more.

"I just don't know what to do! I mean do I like him do I not?" She starts. "He can be so bloody stubborn and Merlin he is cluless." She rambles in frustration tossing her hands over her head.

"You just want to know how you feel towards him." I chime in.

"Exactly!" she sighs.

"Yup I know exactly how you feel." I nod starting to zone out as thoughts of Enzo fill my mind.

"Well I'll tell you what, dress amazing and play hard to get, act like you're having the time of your life. We will show Ron what he's missing." I nudge her shoulder playfully.

her face turned bright red at the mention of Ron's name. "What makes you think it's Ron" she questions with her eyebrows furrowed.

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"I'm a lot of things Hermione but I'm most certainly not blind." I shake my head as she rolls her eyes.

"Well thank you Maria!" She pauses as she had more to say. "Enzo is a lucky one." She smiles innocently.

I knew what this girl was doing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask at her statement as a cheeky smile appeared on her face.

"For merlin's sake Maria I'm a lot of things but I'm not blind nor stupid!" She laughs sarcastically using my own words against me.

I roll my eyes feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Do you have a date?" I ask deflecting the attention I was put under with Enzo.

She shakes her head as my mischievous smile grew. Hermione told me how Ron was going with Lavender as I assumed Enzo would go with some other pretty face he sees.

I got up from my bed kneeling down to the floor infront of the girl.

"Hermione Granger will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the masquerade ball." I grab her hand placing a gentle kiss.

She had a puzzled look on her face then gasped blushing lightly.

"Why I wouldn't want to attend with anyone else." She says dramatically as my smile grew.

"See you then Granger"

"I'll be ready." she gets up walking towards the door as I follow behind.

"Thank you again Maria I've never met such a nice Slytherin." she let's out a dry chuckle.

"Bye Hermione."

I felt bad for the poor girl, I've noticed Slytherins seem to be very rude to Hermione and her friends in general.

The word 'mudblood' made me uncomfortable as it was, I hated how oftentimes I'd hear it thrown to Hermione especially by Draco that boy just has no common decency.

Having a date to the ball took major relief from me, even if I was just going with a friend it made me feel better I could politely reject people by saying 'I have a date.'

A few people have offered me although i denied, it just didn't feel right going with some random boy I didn't even know.

I slump back into bed feeling miserable yet again, it's like I can be happy one minute then straight sad the next.

Sometimes I wish I was back home, my life may has been complicated but for the most part it was simple back there. No bloody boys messing with my feeling and not knowing the existence of my shitty mother.

It was just easier. Even if my life was filled with nothing but lies at least those lies kept me away from everything.

My anxiety has been coming back worse than normal, I haven't heard from professor Lupin as he told me he'd help me with my mother. I just feel helpless at this point I haven't gone no where in finding her.

I know what I have to do. I didn't feel like taking it up with them but I don't seem to have much of a choice anymore.

I need to get into contact with my father, it's the only way I will be able to get true answers. As much as I didn't want to do this my father knows more about my mother more than anyone else I could ask.

Lorenzo Berkshire/ 3 Words 8 Letters Where stories live. Discover now