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(I swear I was going to write smut but after my break imma need a few chapters to get my rhythm back so here's some fluff!) 

Jughead's POV

I woke up in Daniels arms, only this time it felt weird, maybe it's because Sweet Pea is back and I'm being hit with all of the memories aka waking up in his arms. I got out of bed and started getting ready for the day, we had a serpents meeting today, they started letting Daniel come meaning more Sweet Pea and Daniel bonding, what could go wrong?

 I walking over to Daniels side of the bed, "Babe are you coming with me." I asked shaking him lightly, "Yes, differently with your asshole ex running around.", "H-He's not an asshole" I mumble pulling away and putting on my boots, I heard Daniel scoff than start getting ready. 

I sit down and scroll threw Instagram, "Ready." He said grabbing his truck keys, I smile and stand up shoving my phone in my back pocket and grabbing my beanie, we leave and hop into the truck. After a couple minutes of driving Daniel pulls into the parking lot many trucks and motorcycles filling the usual spots, we take ours and hop out of the truck, it was new walking in and seeing Pea but that's fine.

I became a serpent after he left, they were down a person so I got that spot, now that Pea was back I was still in the gang almost like an extra but still useful. 

He was smirking and sitting on the pool table talking with Fangs, rare sight even before he left now it just felt foreign. My dad walked out and told everyone to shut up with one deadly look, everyone stopped talking and looked at him. 

He clapped, "Let's give the not so sweet Sweet Pea a warm welcome back home!" My dad yelled all the serpents started clapping and hitting his shoulders, I gave him a light smile and he returned it, only if it was like this all the time. "Okay serpents there's been some issues, the Ghoulie king had returned after being gone and he's out for every serpent's head, we have to do something to stop him." My dad started looking for replies the first one didn't surprise me, "War." I heard Sweet Pea said like it was nothing, "They bite us we bite back harder." He growled with an evil smirk on his face, "Of course YOU would say that Mr. pack up and leave everything." I snap at him, he scoff, "Why you always in a mood? Fuckin 'round actin' brand new." Sweet Pea asked obviously pissed, "I ain't tryna tell you what to do, but try to play it cool." I warn looking around. 

I already knew where this was going, "Baby, I ain't playing by your rules." He growled, "Everything looks better with a few." I shrug looking him up and down, "This is why I can never get attached when I start to feel I un attach." He started, "Somehow I always end up feeling bad." I growled standing up. 

He jumped up to, "Baby I am not your dad, it's not what you want from me, I just wanted your company." He snapped, I scoff and back away a little bit, "Look it's obvious elephant in the room, and we're apart of it don't act so confused." He said with a shrug, what the hell, "You love startin' it now I'm in a mood." Sweet Pea said finally meeting my eyes, "We play games of love to avoid the depression." 

He finished looking me up and down, I scoffed, "We've been here before and I won't be your victim." I said my voice breaking, I felt tears start to well up, "Don't be dramatic." Sweet Pea said, I stormed out and he followed me, "I have so much love-", "Well you have so much love better save it for me." He said interrupting me.

This man always made my blood boil, "I'm sorry Jug you know I didn't mean those things, I just-" I interrupted him by putting my lips on his, something to shut him up. 

He groaned and gripped my face, the doors to the Wyrm opened and we tried to pull away put everyone already saw there was no use, Daniel scoffed, "Wait I can explain!" I said starting to chase after him, "Jug-" I heard Sweet Pea whisper, I turn around, I wanted to follow after Daniel but the look on Sweet Pea's face, "Just choose." He said again, I looked at him, not the facade he put up the real him. 

I fucking hated when he did this, "I choose you Pea, I love you, I'll always love you." I said facing him, "Son-" My dad tried to interrupt but it was to late. 

If my dad wanted to stop this he should've done that 5 years ago when I first fell for this tall, handsome, asshole in-front of me, "I have to go still, I still have to explain." I mumble running to my trailer, Daniel was already there packing his stuff, "I'm sorry it happened like this.." I mumble trying to meet his eyes. 

"I could have guessed it would, as soon as you guys started talking/ arguing, I knew it was over, when you jumped out of my arms, I knew Jughead, I knew. The way you looked at him, you never looked at me like that, we never fight, and that might be good but it some ways it broke us. I'm fine with it- j-just be careful with him, he seems like trouble and I don't want you to get hurt, bye Jug." Daniel said leaving. 

I sighed and sat down on the bed, I knew this was the right choice, for fucks sake I was in love with Sweet Pea and that was never going to change. My thoughts are interrupted by a certain tall serpent.

"Jug?" He asked sitting behind me, "Pea." I mumble gripping him tightly, "I love you, do-don't ever fucking leave me again, got it?" I asked trying not to break down, "I got it.." He whispered cupping my face and kissing my softly.

It wasn't needy or rushed, he was being gentle. I love him more than I thought was possible. 

(Short chapter ye ik but it's 6:37 and I'm pissed bc my girlfriend was supposed to bring me over some Chinese food and she fucking forgot, I'M IN PAINNNNNN. Let me stop being dramatic bye.)

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