Chapter 6

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Coruscant: Level 1313 - 6 Days After Attack

The man at the front desk had been of no help. It had been everything the bounty hunter could do just to wake him up.

He gave up on that quickly. Instead, he was making his way through the halls, level by level, scanning each room with his helmet's infrared.

So far there was nothing. Just drug addicts and a few people making out. Nothing he was interested in. He pushed forward. There were still plenty of rooms left to check.

Coruscant: Level 1313 - 6 Days After Attack

The Senator woke up to the sound of scraping. At first, she was disoriented. Where was she? Then it all came back.

She turned her head to see Jethro, with his armor off, scrubbing it furiously with a small, wire brush.

"What are you doing?"

Jethro never paused.

"We need to be as inconspicuous as possible. I'm removing my Jedi and Republic imagery."

"What about me? There aren't many Pantoran's down here."

Jethro finally put the brush and armor down and picked up his discarded Jedi robe. He cut a strip from it and handed it to the Senator.

"Tie this around your face, then put the cloak on. It's not perfect, but it should help."

"And you? He's seen your face."

Jethro strapped the armor back on, then pulled the dirty blanket off of the Senator and tied it around his head in a way that it covered part of his face and head, while the rest trailed down his back like a cape. He hid his lightsaber under the blanket cape.

"This will have to do."

The Senator got up and did as she had been told, wrapping her face and donning her cloak.

The two set out, determined to make it this time.

The door slid open and the senator was nearly frozen in her tracks by what waited in the hall.

The bounty hunter was making his way up the hall, stopping at each door and staring at it before continuing on.

She felt Jethro's arm around her.

"Lean in," he said under his breath. "Keep your head down."

The bounty hunter was getting frustrated. There was nothing here. 

He bumped into a couple of lovers headed for the stairs. There was a flash of blue as they passed. He turned to watch them go. Was that a blanket around the man's head? And that armor, the spots where it has been recently scrubbed.

The bounty hunter pulled his pistol and fired.

The Senator felt Jethro's grip on her tighten as she was pulled in closer. She heard Jethro grunt.


She did. Behind her, there was more blaster fire and the sound of a lightsaber igniting.

Jethro swung, but the bounty hunter sidestepped and returned with an elbow to the face. Jethro swung again. A step back, followed by a volley of blaster fire.

Jethro deflected them back, trying to strike the adversary, but this time he was ready for it. He managed to dodge and sidestep every bolt coming back at him.

Jethro reached out with the force and shoved, sending the bounty hunter into the wall. He recovered and responded with his wrist-mounted flamethrower.

Jethro parted the flames with the force. They blinded him to his adversary, who used the opportunity to get in close. 

The flames cut out and Jethro felt a fist to his face.

Coruscant: Level 1313 - 6 Days After Attack

Riyo ran through the streets. She didn't know where to go. She felt like everyone was watching her. They knew who she was, they were closing in on her.

She had been in dangerous situations before, but she had Jedi with her then. Now, she was alone. And she was afraid.

She felt like the crowd was going to eat her alive. She had to get out of there. But where to? Nowhere was safe. She was trapped. She felt like she needed to scream!

She tripped and fell into an alley, out of the crowd.

Dragging herself further into the alley, she started to cry.

The whole situation seemed hopeless. She was terrified and there was no way out.

She had no way of knowing if Jethro had managed to eliminate the bounty hunter. She didn't even know if he was still alive. Even if he was, how was he going to find her again?

She sat there in that dirty alley for a long time. No one seemed to notice a small, huddled figure, sobbing in the corner. At least if they did, then they didn't care.

She wiped her eyes and looked around. Only then did she notice the old man hunched over, arms wrapped around his knees. He was shivering, an empty bottle clutched in his hand.

Riyo approached him. If there was nothing she could do to help herself, at least she could try to help this man.

"Are you alright?"

"So cold," the man mumbled without looking up. "So very cold."

She thought for a moment about what Jethro had said, about covering up her blue skin. Then she removed her cloak and wrapped it around the old man.

The man stopped shaking and looked up at her.

"Why would you do that?"

Riyo sat down next to him.

"It looked like you could use it."

"But why would you help me?"

The man looked at the empty bottle in his hand.

"I'm just an old drunk."

"Everyone is worth helping."

The man looked into her eyes with a depth of gratitude, then turned away again, as if he were ashamed.

"I wasn't always like this you know," he said. "I used to work on power terminals. I even lived with my son."

"What happened?"

The old man hung his head.

"There was a fight, and I left."

He looked back up at her.

"I miss him."

"Why haven't you gone back to him?"

"That was so long ago. He has his own life now."

Riyo put her hand on his shoulder.

"I lost both of my parents when I was quite young. I would give anything to see them again. I think your son would feel the same."

"But what if he doesn't?"

Riyo got up and helped the man to his feet.

"You can only find out one way."

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