" stop it,stop it,stop it,stop it you are gonna hurt her she's trying her best, Chelsea leave her be jeez I may not be her boyfriend anymore but I still care about her" Kages says pushing Chelsea off of me " like always the king comes to his queen's rescue because she's too weak both of you are pathetic....Oh Oikawa the queen slapped meeeeee" Chelsea said while she slap herself leaving a mark running away.
I stare at kagas with tears in my eyes "what did I say to ayou you choose the king you loose the queen ok now get up and hold your head up high because you are worth it ..... though I was to blind to see it" he says annoyed
"Come here now!!!!" Kagas says to the orange haired boy I look up at tenya I see a tint of red on his cheeks .
oh no not again every time this happens my blush got worse as I tried to hide my face from the shorter girl but failed.she reach for my forward but she said nothing I lead her out of the gym by her hand to the change room I sit her on the table and grab her gym clothes and start to undress myself as she pouted and sulked at me waiting for me to fuss over her like I normally do but instead I start to un button her shirt and dressing her as she rustles in her spot
"Stop moving it will be easier for me and you kitty please" as I speak she stops sulking and gets up in my face and whines " buuuut yaaaaamaaaaaa I don't want to be his ally not what happened last time" for someone who has social anxiety she shore do act like she is an extrovert but I just ignore her and she knocks me over by falling off the table at that moment tuskishima walks in stands there laughs then leaves screaming "yamaguchi I think tenya has a secret girlfriend" which scared me cause everyone could hear him I push her off me and feel a water drop on my shirt she was crying I couldn't anymore.
I grab her sit her on my lap and hold her close to me telling her she's ok but I know the more she is around kagas the happier she will be for him and stop sulking the best thing I could do right now is to comfort her but that meant I had to watch her cry and it broke me but if I didn't watch she would never play volleyball again but she is Good at being my setter she is like her brother but more talkative.
" look at me and tell me you don't want to see tobio happy" I say sadly but she could never do that. she knows that I know that but I still want her answer " I can't say that cause I lie to you I break my promise to my father" I hear her whisper to me.
I rush past the king yelling to tadashi and I tell him but he is unfazed or shocked or something but I watch as he released a deep sigh and walked out the gym me rushing in front of him cackling I lead him to the club room when we walk in we are welcomed with tenya holding Kelsey and I hear her sobs my heart broke I rush over hug them both
I may be salty but for my family not by blood but still my family I am soft and kind especially when it involves Kelsey sobbing or sad I think I know but I ask anyway " he is jerk but you still care about him don't you princess?" I say into her ear.
I feel her body turn and she puts her face on my neck and mumbles " I really do care ......we need to get to practice come on guys" she chimes as she pops up looking happy again she walks out the room I look at tadashi and tenya and we all nod and run after her then we hear a scream " KENMA!!!!!??????" We say all together
I can't stop thinking about what Kagaeama said but as I turn the corner Kenma stand there before I released I saw who it was I clothes line him to the floor making him scream. Just as he land I see his face with tears falling but I tried to pick him but was pushed away by tuskishima worried for my brother.
"Kenma you scared me I so sorry hold on way are you crying?" I look at the smaller boy as he shows me his phone that had a photo of kuroo and what looked like Kenma but was a girl instead and they were kissing I grip the phone with my hand and I start to yell " KUROOO YOU PRICK"
I look over to the tall blonde girl watching my boyfriends every move yelling when he told her to stop which every time she would answer back with you want help then I help you the queens way I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there but I stayed with Kages and this girl.
" you there your hinata right can you spike for the king I can't I am a setter and his teacher" I nod as she says that I run over and start to run and jump and kagas setter for me " perfect" I yelled , but she silently walked over to kagas stood infront of him her back stood to his chest putting her hands on his and saying "you need a lot of work you really are hopeless aren't you straighten you posture and keep your hand cups as you set okay.... here let me show you move" she explained she pushes kagas to the side " ready" she says to me I run leap and it lands in my palm and I directed at the corner of the court and it landed there but normally there are a little off with kagas " cool it land right where I aimed for it to go" I say as I land I run over and hug her I can feel her tense up as I come in contact with her and smile.
"Let her go boke she isn't good with touching and hugs" I hear kagas yell and peeled me off her " sorry my queen" I say as a joke but not really I didn't know her name I feel a firm grasp around my mouth as kagas says in a panicked tone "I am so sorry about him Kelsey please forgive him" why was kagas so scared of her it's like she hurt him or something but as I looked at her she smiled and burst into laughter and shook her head at my boyfriend "you act so scared around me it's like I hit you every day or something it's fine he doesn't know name I am guessing I'm not" she paused and gave him a evil smirk and said " relevant Amore am I tobio you forgot you queen in kitagawa first as well as your crown and your title"
So she was the queen kagas keeped on talking about . Kagas hides his face in my hair mumbling something I didn't hear . I opened my mouth to say something when Daichi called on us to pack up I pick up the volleyballs and take my stuff to the front of the school wear Kenma was standing. "Hi Kenma how are you wat are you here for ohh that reminds me there's this new girl on our team she's really nice but also funny and talkative like she also a setter like you and kagas she called the queen of the court and she's a really good player to she amazing" I ramble " oh hi shoyo I am here for my sister I surpriseing her today" he says in return.
That's when I release that he's here alone normally he's with kuroo where is kuroo I saw Kenma at school in the morning he seemed to be crying as he left and handed me something I opened and it was a picture with a girl and kuroo kissing " aren't you kuroo dating??" I ask looking at Kenma then the photo " huh...... no I just am in love with my best friend and he isn't" said looking down on the floor pouting. " Kenma I have to go I'll see you later okay"
Look at the photo one more time and then up at shoyo as he walks away with his boyfriend. I couldn't watch him so happy with his boyfriend as I think of all the times I Tried to confess but failed to with kuroo it felt like I had been stabbed three times in the chest with a blunt rusty knife. My eyes started to swell with tears as I watch for Kelsey.
She walks up to me hugging me and comforting me.

The forgotten twins
FanfictionThis story is in another universe where tadashi yamaguchi and Kenma kozome have a twin that go to karasuno There will be multiple ships this is also my first fanfic so please comment on how I am going I also have dylesta so bare with me