Proper Manners

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Disclaimer: There are parts in this chapter wherein I got some of the ideas from a Thai series U-Prince (The Single Lawyer) from Episode 1.

Thea's POV>

I'm feeling better. Now my lesson will be my communication with others and so on. I'm not the typical girl who often lies but I mostly tell the truth about what I see or even feel. I'm currently sitting right now on the couch of Klein's room waiting for his older brother to arrive.

I'm about to call in my phone to buy food from an expensive fast-food but Kindred suddenly stole my phone.

"What? How did you get in here Kindred?!?!"

He answered, "This is my brother's room and what were you doing?"

"It's my own business and not yours to meddle with."

He replied, "Were you ordering an expensive fast-food?"

"You must have come in for a long time to hear my call."

Then he gets closer to me, "If I'm a burglar... I could have done something to you." I started to protect my body using my arms.

"You could have been sexually assaulted." He said. He looked back to me again, "Why aren't you following me, Thea?"

"Why should I even follow you?"

He seriously looks at me, "It's time for you to work."

I hate him. I really hate him!!!

He started lecturing me about being a noble lady.

"A noble lady should have physical manners, verbal manners, social manners, and cooking skills." He said with a serious tone. You have none of the above.


He interrupted me, "For every tree is known by its own fruit which means no matter how bad your manners may be, you should at least know how to listen and focus."

"We are just starting and you are already acting out Thea. You wouldn't be able to make it." He noted.

Typical strict guy. Anyways I will show him what I got! "Hmm, how hard can it be to learn proper manners?"

"I can show it to you."

He said, "Show it to me, Thea."

"You should change your physical and verbal manners because I'm older than you. You must know how to respect others no matter what you do. You need to greet me whenever you meet me and if every time I give or do something for you, you must know to thank me. Every time you talk to me you must always be polite." His long message to me.

I remark, "Why should I listen to what you say?"

"Remember when you were drinking at a high-end party? You signed a contract with Klein." He then showed me the contract which indicates that I should follow Kindred's orders until he accomplished his duty for me to become a noble lady.

I deeply sighed. Oh god please have mercy on me.

"Now do you understand?" he said.


He looked at me again, "What did you say?"

"I mean yes." I looked away so furious at him.

He started teaching me proper greetings, postures in sitting, and so on. He acts like my teacher in the school and it is super annoying. Time passed by and it's already nighttime. I go to the bed then I saw something in my drawer. It's the old watch my grandfather gave me. I always cry whenever I always see this old watch my grandpa gave me before he passed away.

Kindred's POV>

I lectured Thea many things today and I hope she learned something. I looked at my phone then I saw that it is very late. I should sleep but something is bothering me. I'm hearing someone crying that is why I decided to open my lights again and check Thea's room. I saw her crying by herself while holding an old watch.

I move closer to her, "Hey you okay? What's wrong? Why are you crying in the middle of the night?"

"I just remember my grandpa. I miss him and grandma misses him too. He was always there when I need him the most but now he isn't here with me. He gave me this old watch that his father gave him and he said that he wanted me to have it before he passed away. It means a lot to me. Every minute and every second of his life was meaningful. I regret that when he died I wasn't able to come home since I started to study abroad. After years passed by I decided to come back home but it still hurts until now." She slowly hugs me and I hug her back. We stayed like that until I saw her fallen asleep on my shoulders.

I put her in the bed slowly and I sleep on the couch so that if she needs my help I'm here for her. I'm sleeping and yet I feel someone going in the toilet. I think that would be Thea so I just move a little then I feel her coming near me. What could she be thinking?

She put back my blanket so that I won't catch a cold. She knows what manners are and I think she just doesn't show it to others but I think she is starting to change. She suddenly talked about something, "Kindred did you know that I met you before in my Junior High School days? At that time, I didn't know you but you help me when someone is bullying me and I'm really thankful that you save me. I owe you a big one this time." I feel her sleeping on the other couch.

I woke up early and I wasn't able to forget what she confessed last night. I was able to know her in the past and now that I meet her again I feel that I have to break up with my girlfriend Jenny since I feel that I will be happier with Thea. I put my blanket on her since I think she might get sick again. She's so cute when she is sleeping. I feel that she was made by a goddess and since aunt Miranda was a model before, now I can see their resemblance. Like mother like daughter.

She woke up then she greeted me with a smile. "Good morning, Doctor Kindred."

I smiled back to her, "Good morning to you too. Get up or else you will be late in your class."

She looked at her phone then she rushed to the other room. "That is Klein's room, Thea. The bathroom is on your right side." I laughed. I like teasing her and it makes her cute. She blushed then go to the other side. I send her to school then I decided to call Jenny to meet me in a café.

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