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Siddarth malik

I woke up with the sun kissing me. haayee!! when will I wake up by the kiss of someone else!! I stared dreamingly towards the roof. I know no one will believe that the mafia king Alex is acting all like a lovesick puppy!! I know!! anyways then I remembered that I need to go shopping with girls I got up groaning. I went to take a bath and changed into a pink hoodie with white jeans I know I hate pink but no one can deny the Vaishnavi Rao. it's her choice. I set my hair and was going to have breakfast when I was in front of my babygirl's room I heard a scream

"NO!!!" she screamed.

I got alerted I would have barged in but waited and peeked into her room I saw her sitting on the bed closing her ear with her palm.

she was sweating like hell. she looked here and there and realized it was a dream.

calm down sid she just saw a nightmare!!!

yeah, you are right!! I should give her some time!!

Avneet Malhotra

"you are a bad omen,avneet"

"you killed her!!"

"no one should have a person like you in this world"

"you weren't worth it!!"

"you are worthless, you bitch"

"if it wasn't to save you she would have been alive, you whore"

"as soon as you came into this world you killed your mom"

"NO!!!"I woke up with a jerk with sweat forming all over my forehead.

my head was paining.

"it was a was a was a dream." I kept on chanting it

I went to the washroom while I stumbled over things. I looked in the mirror only to see a fragile broken girl who was staring back at me. she looked vulnerable. I threw a punch to the mirror not being able to withstand that vulnerability in my reflection. I hated to see this side of mine.

"I need to tell sid about this" I whispered to myself

I don't know why but it felt right to open up to him. maybe cause I love him. then I noticed my hand was all messed up with blood flowing from it and small pieces of glass in it

then I remembered I need to go shopping with all others I went and slipped into my white turtle neck crop top with blue ripped jeans tying my hair in a ponytail.

I went downstairs praying that no one sees my wound I don't know what to reply. I reached downstairs when sugar said

"sorry babies we have to change our plans we ar-"mom was cut off by sid.

"What happened to your hand amore?" asked sid with a concerned face I knew he will see it he have damn good eyesight.

wait didn't he called me amore right now. I- no!! he is a flirt you remember leave it now what will you say?

(A/N - "amore" means "love" in French and no one except sidneet knows french there)

now all of their attention diverted to me or I say my hand which was wrapped in white clothing.

"a..b..b...woh I actually got hurt while washing dishes in the kitchen"I at last found an excuse.

lame!! I know but they have to believe it I have come up with it by so many difficulties.

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