🐍 Safe In Octavinelle

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"Sh-shit!" Omar cursed. "Retreat for now!"

"We'll remember this...!" Zayn said as the two ran off.

"That's right, scatter, you damn fry!" Floyd cackled as they left.

"We are looking forward to your next visit." Jade called pleasantly.

"We did it!" Grim cheered. "Did you see that!"

Azul had kept Gwen distracted from the rather brutal fight with kisses. "Oh, Angelfish." He said in between kisses. "Where." Kiss. "Have." Kiss. "You." Kiss. "Been?" Kiss. "We've." Kiss. "Been." Kiss. "Trying." Kiss. "To." Kiss. "Call." Kiss. "And." Kiss. "Text." Kiss. "You." Kiss. "For." Kiss. "Days." Kiss.

"Azul!" Gwen replied, trying to pry Azul away from her lips long enough to respond. "Azul, hold on..."

Azul sighed, pulling Gwen close and nuzzling into her neck. "I hate to bring this up while you're in such a good mood but..." Azul sat down on a barstool, pulling Gwen into his lap.

"About the damage that several of the tables and chairs sustained during the battle..." Azul continued. "I'd like Ramshackle Dorm to cover it along with our service fee."

"The usual payment?" Gwen asked.

"The usual payment." Azul confirmed.

"Cuddles and kisses!" The two said in unison, grinning.

"A small price to pay for being spared from being beaten to a pulp, right?" Azul asked.

"Should I start paying it off now?" Gwen asked.

"Oh, please!" Azul replied.

Grim gagged. "We escaped Hellrabia for this gross stuff!?" He asked.

"Hm?" Azul pulled away from Gwen. "What do you mean by Hellrabia? Angelfish, what happened?"

"It's a long story but..." Gwen began to explain everything that had happened.


"I'm gonna go over there and squeeze every last one of them." Floyd said, starting to stand.

Jade grabbed his brother's shoulder and pulled him back down. "I'm just as angry as you, but we should attend to our dear Angelfish first."

"The tyrannical rule of Scarabia's dorm head...?" Azul repeated. "Although that does explain what this is." He began to unbraid Gwen's hair, taking out Jamil's ornament.

"Yeah!" Grim nodded. "The residents are having the crap kicked out of them by Kalim everyday."

"Kalim is capable of something like that?" Azul asked, running his fingers through Gwen's hair.

"Whaaa." Floyd's eyes went wide. "Baby Otter is the type to do that kinda stuff?"

"He really doesn't have that kind of image." Jade said.

"The vice dorm head, Jamil, is at his wit's end." Grim added. "He's a rare nice guy at this school so we really feel for him, y'know. And Gwen left her phone in the dorm so we haven't been able to call the headmaster."

Azul, Jade, and Floyd all turned to look at Gwen. Gwen blushed and buried her face in Azul's shoulder.

"Azul, aren't you in the same class as Jamil?" Jade asked.

"Yes." Azul nodded. "We also have similar electives so we spend a lot of time together. Grim is right that he is a rarity among the students here. It's like he lacks... presence? Or he keeps his head down at all times?"

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