The first day back at Jones-Nolan feels like no time has passed at all. My office is just as I left it, a disheveled mess. I like to call it 'organized chaos'. To any other person, they may see this as a complete cluster-fuck of my crap, but I know where everything I need is. My entire morning is consumed by a ridiculously full inbox, filled mainly with webinar meetings that I missed in my absence of school. I could just highlight them all and hit delete, but it passes the time and keeps my mind off of other things.
"Welcome back."
I look up to a smug Graham walking through the door with his hands in his pockets. His hair is cut a bit shorter than when I left, but it still looks like a complete mess and contrasts against the crisp lines of his expensive gray suit.
"Hey." I lean back in my chair and motion to the stacks of folders that have found their way to my desk. "I see you have plans for me for the next three weeks."
He chuckles and moves further into the room, pulling out a chair and making himself more comfortable. "Sure do. Don't worry, you won't be closing accounts this time. You'll be writing a report about the money we've reclaimed for the company, amounts, general idea of where it all came from, so on and so on."
I nod at the stack, welcoming a new challenge. Writing isn't exactly my strong suit but I can handle it. I would much rather be playing with accounts again.
When I look back to Graham his eyes are focused on me, yet he's fallen awkwardly silent. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and begin 'organizing' my new workload.
"Graham, I'm uh – sorry that I didn't call you after I stayed with you. I really appreciated it. Things just got hectic with my life and this place was the last thing on my mind. I've been-"
"Pregnant," he finishes my sentence truthfully where I was going to fill it in with a lie. My mouth falls open as he gives an awkward chuckle. If he can tell I'm pregnant that means everyone in this damn office can tell. People cannot know.
"I'm uh, I, well..."
"Killian told me this morning."
"Damnit." I sink into my chair and toss down my favorite purple highlighter. "Well, at least you didn't guess on your own."
Killian cannot be running around telling people that right now. I need to carry out my plan before this entire place figures it out and tells his dad.
"He's worried about you. I am to keep an eye on you and make sure you are reading your blood pressure routinely. He's also pretty damn excited to be a dad."
That last part makes me smile uncontrollably. Sometimes I still wonder if this worries Killian, if he's worried about his dreams ending, if he's worried that this baby will cause him to be stuck working here for the rest of his life, or if he's scared about being a dad and becoming his father. That comment made me feel loads better.
"That's good to hear."
"Your secret is safe with me, Emma. If you aren't feeling well just let me know." He gives me a friendly smile and stands from his place just as a certain brunette enters the office. Her normal little bouncy walk stops when she sees there is someone else in the room. "I sent an email about those reports. If you need help with them let me know, but it should be self-explanatory."
"Thanks, Graham. I appreciate it." He gives Milah and I both a nod before exiting the office.
I watch Milah eye the door from where Graham just left and laugh. The girl is practically drooling down her pretty burgundy dress. When she turns back to me, her blue eyes are ridiculously wide like those of a Disney character.
Milah's thumb motions behind her. "Who was that?"
"Graham, the head of accounting."
"Holy shit," she turns and looks at the door again, "I chose the wrong field. I hate numbers but I could learn to love them. Pretty sure Sesame Street tried to prepare me for this moment. Is there like a number of the day or something that will land him in my bed?"
I find myself laughing again. I do believe that perhaps in another life I could have been friends with this girl. I can't lie and say that I didn't find Graham ridiculously attractive the first time I saw him. He looks like he belongs on the damn cover of the 50 Shades of Gray novel. But then I remember that Killian has slept with this girl, proposed to her, she insinuated I was a whore like my mother and then tried to sabotage my relationship with Killian. So, no. I will tolerate her and that's the extent of it. For now, she is going to help me with my plan to get Killian's trust fund, parts of this plan she doesn't even know yet and neither her nor Killian are going to like it. Well, that is if she was telling the truth about moving on from Killian.
"Next time he's around I'll introduce you."
"Yes!" She returns her attention to me with a smile. "Anyways, I wanted to come and prepare you for that meeting we have to sit in on today. I wanted to make sure your bump wasn't showing. I brought an extra sweater with me that might hide you better if we need it, since Killian's dad will be up there."
Wow. She's being really nice. A little too nice. Am I wrong about her again? Is she still trying to butter me up just to attempt something with Killian later? I can't be dealing with her spazzy shit right now.
"Emma..." she sighs with her shoulders drooping a bit. "I swear to you. I'm not trying anything. You can keep your eyes narrowed at me all you want and assume the worst. I will not attempt to come between you and Killian..."
I hadn't realized that I was narrowing my eyes. My resting bitch face as taken over again. I stand from my desk with a heavy sigh. "You've attempted before."
"I know." She frowns and begins adjusting my sweater that I picked out for today to try and hide my growing belly. "I'm the first to admit I'm a bitch." She gives a little chuckle and takes a step back, eyeing up my outfit again. "It's uh, one thing to try and come between your ex-almost-fiancé and his new girlfriend, it's entirely different when it's breaking up his family."
"Milah!" But before I can even respond to that comment being about my mother she holds her hand up and stops me.
"I don't mean anything against your mom! It came out wrong! I really don't. It's just that, Killian has been through a lot when it comes to his family and messing with something that is good in his life is not my intent. I wanted kids, he didn't want them with me. You changed that. You are someone special to him and I won't come between that."
This time I believe her. She is definitely correct when she says that his family has been through a lot. I can't imagine my mom willingly walking away from me and what that would do to my thoughts on marriage and kids.
"Thank you," I mutter, the words stinging my lips as they fall from them. I never thought those words would ever be directed at this girl. "Not just for helping me with the clothes, and with my plan, but for understanding that Killian and I feel like a family."
"It's fine." She smiles brightly. "I'm still holding you to that introduction to Graham though. He's hot for a number cruncher."
I should take offense to that remark, but in the scheme of things, that was tame for her.
"I can do that." We both nod at each other, smiling, but not knowing what else to say. It seems we've come to a mutual understanding. In the long run, we both want what's best for Killian.