♡battra x lonely!butterfly kaiju!reader♡

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No one's pov

Battra is flying at the sky,looking for a place to
Relax in since he had been flying for hours now
'God damn it!i've been flying for 4 fucking hours now!
Is there even a damn island here?"

His eye then had caught something,an island!finally he
Thought he landed on the island,and looks around seeing
Gorgeous lands and trees,it makes him frown but nonetheless
It's good enough for him to take a rest,he lay down at the
Soft grass and fall asleep,meanwhile you were making flowers
At the near by trees just a few meters away from battra

You looked at the beautiful flowers with sad eyes,you wished
Someone is here at your island but since it's too far away from the
Other islands they never visit not even travelers!you sighed
Softly and decided to take a nap,you lay your head at the tree
And drowsed asleep

After 30 minutes battra had awoken and saw something from the
Trees,it was a large f/c butterfly wing!he yelped and fell on his
Butt suprised that someone is here,he stared at it for awhile
And saw how beautiful it is but then he wing started moving and
This alerted him he had a fighting stance but quickly stopped
When he saw your face...your face had shine in the bright day
Light and it made him blush...

Wait..why the hell is he blushing?!it's just a kaiju!nothing
More!he's so busy on his thoughts that he didn't notice you
Waking up,you saw the black moth and screech in fear he noticed
That you had awoken and he widened his eyes you are alot
Beautiful when you stand up!

Meanwhile you were starting to felt nervous,who was this
Guy!what is he doing here!what does he want?!

But then something clicked you mind..maybe he wanted to
Visit this island?!yeah,that must be it!

You looked at him,your e/c orbs shining like stars in the night
In excitement you immediately asked him if he visited your
Island because he wants to and he twitches his brow and
Thought that,that is the most dumbest question he had ever
Heard in his entire fucking life like what the hell?!he felt
Incredibly annoyed

But in the same he felt incredibly happy that you talked to
Him,after a while he said yes and you guys started to talk and
Chat for hours,and you know what's crazy is that he never
Wanted to stop talking with you,as he think that your voice is
The most melodic voice he had ever heard in his entire existant

After another hours he told you he had to go and you widened
Your eyes you begged him not to go,he softened his eyes and
Smiled at you,he pats your head and told you..that he'll visit
Again,but..the again part means that he'll forever visit you until
Its the day you and him finally got married...

"And that's how we met sweetie" you told your
Daughter alexandra,she was a fushion of you and battra
Like her wings and eyes came from you and her color sceme
Came from him you had never thought you and battra really
Got married,but you were happy that you will never be lonely

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