Chapter 4 | Leila

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I clutched my stomach as fluid splashed down my legs, my stomach cramping.

"Leila," a voice in the distance called through the buzzing in my ears.

I cried out as another wave of pain washed over me.  My babies!  My poor, innocent babies...

The door slammed open, Suadela sashaying in, red waves flowing around her like a pool of blood.  She abruptly stopped in her tracks, lifting her face and sniffing.

"You fool," she hissed as she stalked towards me.  "Can't you do anything right?  All I needed was the two remaining babies," she muttered as she yanked the covers from my bare body.  "Move," she barked at Romulus.

Eyes once more distant and glazed, he made his way back to the bed to patiently await her next order.

"I can't wait for her to finish Hathor's Kiss," she continued.  "Then I won't need you."

My brows raised at that before my thoughts were overwhelmed by the next wave of pain rolling through me as blood coated my thighs.

This was far worse than the pain from any of my periods.

A thick clump ran down my thighs, settling between them as my back arched.  I lay there, sweaty and bloody as I panted, eyes blurred by tears.  A drop of sweat made it's way into my left eye, stinging, momentarily distracting me from my most recent loss.  I clutched my stomach, hugging it, feeling empty.

"Great, now I'll need to change you sheets.  Romulus," she barked.  "Go clean this up while I get new sheets."

Romulus stumbled over to me, blankly staring at the sheets, eyes glazed.


I felt empty.

I had lost something I could never get back, a part of me.

"We're going to need to impregnate you again," Suadela grumbled.  "Drink this."  She forced a steaming cup of a bubbling forest green down my throat.  "Swallow," she barked.

I refused at first, but she pinched my nose shut so that I finally opened my mouth in an attempt to breath, only to swallow the foul mixture.

The cold brew fizzed it's way down my throat, strangely thick.  It tasted bitter and noxiously sweet at the same time.  Once it reached my stomach, it began to feel warm.

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?  You'd better hope that you manage to conceive before the potion is done."

"What did you just give me," I rasped.

"Just some of Oshun's Elixir," she drawled as she examined her nails.  "I'll leave you to it then.  Try not to have to much fun," she smirked as she made her way to the door.

"What do you mean," I whispered, more to myself then to her.

Romulus emerged from the shadows, his glazed eyes blank.

"No," I whispered.  "Please, don't do this!  I love you!"

He ignored me as he stalked towards me.

"Why are you doing this Romulus," I cried.  "I know you can hear me deep have to."

He ignored me, unable to react normally through his drugged haze.  I squeezed my legs as close together as possible. only to be stopped by the weave that tied my arms and legs open.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

He spread my legs further apart and slammed into me without any warning, causing me to cry out in pain.  My hands clawed at the air, unable to clutch anything since they were firmly tied above my head.

He began to thrust into me hard, grunting, as his hands dug into my hips  Tears silently poured down my face as he took me, over and over again.


"Someone seems to have had fun last night," a voice crowed, waking me from the blissful escape of sleep.  She examined me from head to toe.  "You'll need to pee on this."  she threw a pregnancy test at me.  "Help her Romulus."

"Yes my love."

He untied me and helped me stand, leading me towards a rusted tin bucket, half hidden in the shadows of this strange room.

Everything hurt.

He had gone at it for hours, pounding into me like a jackhammer as he came inside of me so many times that I lost count.  Everything from my waist down was numb.

He helped support me while Suadela held the stick beneath me as I went.  I had never felt so humiliated in my entire life.  She let me wash my hands with Romulus to supervise me while she waited for the results.

Gee, I was being treated like royalty here.

I came back into the room to find her fuming.  "You'll have to do it again," she growled as Romulus tied me up once more.

I could feel horror wash over me.

"Don't look at me like that," she hissed.  "It's not like I'm jumping for joy myself.  Romulus," she barked.  "You know what to do," she said as she made herself comfortable on the bed across from me, her features smoothing over as she draped herself across the be.

Her face turned thoughtful before a devious smirk lifted her lips.  "Maybe we can all have fun with this," she murmured, rising from the silken sheets.

What was she talking about I thought as I warily watched her every move.  

"Romulus," she purred, "Be a darling and lift her, won't you?  I think I'll join in too."

He grunted, turned to me and lifted me as she positioned my face at her entrance.  "If you please me, I'll let you go.  Try anything and your children and mates suffer at my hands.  Understood?"

I reluctantly nodded as I began to lap at her weeping center, her head thrown back.  Her hands wove themselves in my hair as she ground herself against my face.

"Don't just sit there, join us," she panted as she untied my hands so that they weakly flopped down to my sides..

I felt him lapping at my own entrance as she raised my hands, showing me where she wanted them.  I pinched her nipples just as Romulus parted my lips and two fingers entered me.  A single tear rolled down my cheek as she let out a moan.

"I can see why they like you so much," she groaned.  "You have a talented mouth.  Maybe I'll keep you after all."

A/N: Do you think Suadela will keep her word?

Do you think she really wants Romulus?

If so, why?

A/A/N: As always, votes, comments and adds are appreciated!  For the latest news and updates, make sure to follow me!



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