Dazed & Confused

699 19 6

Came out of the closet together, hand in hand. My ass.

The dark janitor's closet just witnessed a very strange turn of events with the school heartthrob and the head cheerleader.

After their laughing fit, Xueer and Jiaqi were seated on the dusty floor of the janitor's closet, in the dark with their own thoughts, without seeing each other. Also, without saying a word to the other. It was dead silent.

Xueer bit her lips as she tried collecting her thoughts together. Xueer was confused.

Likewise, Jiaqi who was seated at a distance away from Xueer, with her back pressed to the wall and who was also subtly stealing glances at Xueer's hunched over figure in the dark, was also in a daze.


The silence continued.

"Xueer!" A high pitched voice suddenly cut through the still air. Jiaqi, as deep as she was in the closet, still winced as Xueer's name rang out clearly in the four walls.

"Jiaqi! Where are you?" A muffled voice soon followed, sounding farther away.

"Move out of the way, Yu Shuxin!" The faraway voice shouted. Xueer, as close as she was to the door, could only make out the first two words as her voice was faded.

Move out? What the hell? I know Yu Yan and I are on like the basic minimal friendly terms as acquaintances and roommates, and the only thing that I know about her is that her name is Yuyan and that her nickname is Scary, so she should not hate me to the point to ask me to move out, right? Oh my god. Its been only a week!  Xueer's brain went into overdrive. 

I should go and beg her for forgiveness. It must have been about last night! I am too young and broke to survive renting a flat alone. Xueer began slowly panicking as she sat up straight from her hunched position.

"Shut up, Zhao Xiaotang!" The voice apparently belonging to Shuxin increased in volume as she neared the closet.

"Oi, let's just find them. Can't the both of you stop fighting?" Shaking shouted at the pair who were shouting and pushing ahead of each other in their search of the school heartthrob and the head cheerleader.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Sureeeeee Shaking." Shuxin dragged out.

Xiaotang rolled her eyes at the sound of Shuxin's exaggerated tone.

"That's it, I have had it with the both of you! Let's head the other way, Xiaotang!" Shaking pulled Xiaotang into another direction. The hallway abruptly became peaceful, which did not last for long.

Before Jiaqi and Xueer knew it, the light in the cramped and dark closet suddenly flickered on.

Jiaqi's eyes squinted as they tried adjusting themselves to the sudden light invading the room. She then saw pale fingers at the light switch slowly move from their position to fold with another hand, leaving Yu Shuxin crossed arms on her chest at the entrance of the closet.

However, Shuxin's attention was only on Xueer as she had not realised that Jiaqi was there too.

Xueer remained on the floor as she widened her doe eyes at Shuxin as she uttered, "...Shuxin?"

"There you are, Xueer! I have been looking all over for you! Did you forget about our sleepover? It's Friday!" Shuxin exclaimed as she batted her eyelashes at Xueer, putting her hands on her hips in annoyance.

"I have already prepared the things we need, the Frozen movie, the popcorn, the-" Shuxin abruptly cut herself off once her eyes landed on the school heartthrob. All the attention in the room was suddenly focused on Jiaqi, like the spotlight was made to shine on her and her only.

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Jiaqi, feeling the heated stares, then stood up and brushed dust off her black ripped jeans before staring curiously at Shuxin.

Shuxin's eyes rested on Jiaqi for what seemed like an eternity before she snapped out of her trance, and then her eyes went to Xueer before falling back on Jiaqi, and this happened a few more times until she jutted out her lower lip and rolled her eyes dramatically at Jiaqi.

"And to whom do I owe this pleasure to? It's the school's most favourite heartthrob, Xu Jiaqi." Shuxin emphasised Jiaqi's name, changing her demeanor entirely from how she treated Xueer.

Jiaqi amused, cocked an eyebrow in question. A smirk slowly spread across her lips.

Shuxin was like having her own one person performance and Xueer and Jiaqi were the audience.

Suddenly, Shuxin's eyes hardened once she caught sight of the purplish lovebites on Xueer's neck. Shuxin then proceeded to look once more between Xueer and Jiaqi disapprovingly, with her disapproving gaze lingering on the latter. Next, Shuxin frowned at Jiaqi. Maybe if she frowned hard enough, Jiaqi would stop harrassing her baobei Xueer.

In one swift motion, Shuxin pulled Xueer up from the ground by her hands, and adjusted Xueer's long red hair so that it could cover those bite marks.

Next, serious Shuxin began saying to Xueer, "Baobei..." Shuxin trailed off.

"Don't be afraid. You can tell me if the dangerously charming  playgirl behind us with absolutely no morals has harassed you. I will beat her up for you." Shuxin mocked while threatening Jiaqi.

At that, Jiaqi could not help but scoff. Shuxin beating her up? Shuxin? The Shuxin who loses to Xueer at arm wrestling? The same Shuxin who Xiaotang always complains about? Haahaa. Funny.

Shuxin did not take notice of Jiaqi though, as she straightened Xueer's skirt to get rid of its creases before continuing, "Girls like her are bad news. Let's get Yuxin and head over to my place." Shuxin ended off curtly.

Xueer did not even register the fact that Yuxin and her were going to have a sleepover or the fact that Shuxin was in front of her. Unsurprisingly, as her thoughts were dominated by the school heartthrob.

Jiaqi just remained at the back of the closet the entire time, while watching Shuxin and Xueer, but her eyes seemed to be unable to pry themselves away from the redheaded, even for a second. A tense silence echoed in the room. 

Before Shuxin dragged Xueer out of the closet, Shuxin went to wrap her arm protectively around the head cheerleader while she pointedly directed her next statement at Jiaqi, 

"I would appreciate it if you stopped messing with XueXue. I am pretty sure there are many others in school who would be dying to get your attention." Her voice was laced with blatant sarcasm. Her sentence was completed by her sticking her tongue out at Jiaqi.

At that, Jiaqi's eyes glinted dangerously.

Before anyone even knew it, Jiaqi had pulled Xueer back to her side as Jiaqi went to sweep a loose strand of hair behind Xueer's ear. Jiaqi then briefly looked adoringly into Xueer's orbs before wrapping her arms around Xueer's waist in a gentle hug, and whispering into her ear, 

"Who said I was playing?" Jiaqi then shot a smirk at Shuxin who rolled her eyes and fake gagged at her antics.

Xueer could have sworn all she heard was her heart thumping against Jiaqi's chest as she tuned out the rest of the world. She could only feel Jiaqi against her, nothing else.

Xueer's eyes stared into nothingness as her hands were balled into fists which remained motionless by her sides.

Jiaqi then shifted backwards so that she could lock eyes with Xueer. Faster than Shuxin could cringe, the both of them got lost in each other's eyes. Xueer's pupils were dilated against the glaring light of the room, trying to capture more of Jiaqi in her vision while Jiaqi's eyes held a sky full of stars, as if the only star Jiaqi could see was the one right in front of her.

It was like they had created a world of their own and no one could even hope to break the attraction between them.

Xueer's lips parted slightly before closing and this repeated once more like she was trying to say something but forgot, as she was hopelessly captivated by the school heartthrob.

Jiaqi's eyes flickered to Xueer's lips before they went back to intensely staring into Xueer's.

Jiaqi's gaze then softened as she leaned in once more, her face only inches apart from Xueer's, as she whispered softly to her, "You believe me, right." 

Xueer could feel Jiaqi's breath against her lips. Startled by their proximity, Xueer flinched and the moment was gone. 

"Whew~ I know that they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer but I think the both of you are getting way too close for comfort." Shaking entered the room, joining the three of them in the janitor's closet.

Suddenly, the world was in motion again and Shuxin went to pull Xueer back to her side. Not before shooting a disgusted glare at Jiaqi.

Jiaqi just winked and said, "You are just jealous, Shuxin." 

Before Shuxin could refute, a wolf whistle invaded the room.

"Zhao Xiaotang in the room. Yo, all of you having a cleaning party in the janitor's closet? Why wasn't I invited eh, Jiaqi?" Xiaotang directed her question to Jiaqi, who was fixing her hair.

However, Shaking was the one who responded with, "Wow. Jiaqi and Xueer, eh. In the closet, eh?..." Shaking copied Xiaotang and wolf-whistled.

At that, Xueer snapped back to her senses and became flustered.

"W-what?" was all Xueer could get out, her feelings and thoughts organised in one gigantic pile of mess.

"No. Ignore them, Xueer. We are leaving." Shuxin said as she held Xueer's hand, determined to get the both of them out of the closet, leaving the three troublemakers behind.

As the two best friends bypassed Xiaotang at the entrance of the janitor's closet, Shuxin's already present frown deepened. Now, even her eyebrows were frowning. Xiaotang did not even bother looking at Shuxin, only quirking an eyebrow in question when she noticed Xueer's neck marked with hickeys.

"So, you got alot of explaining to do." Xiaotang said to Jiaqi. Shaking nodded her head furiously in agreement.

Jiaqi just sighed before shooting a look at the two of them. It was a long day spent in the closet.

"So... wanna hit up the arcade?" Jiaqi asked.

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