Rosemary and Tyler both looked at each other, their thoughts overcoming them. He slowly leaned down to get at the same level as Rosemary's face. She slowly started to lean upward towards Tyler's face. They both met each other with a kiss. Once the kiss was over they both looked at each other thoughtfully. They stared at each other for a moment, then they both went in for another kiss as if it was too hard to resist. This kiss lasted only a little longer than the first one. Once this kiss was over they both looked at each other too compelled to talk to each other. Rosemary thought to herself, Wow, that was amazing! I feel so warm inside. Is this normal? Should I kiss him again?
Tyler also lost in his thoughts said to himself, Wow, did I really just kiss her? I wonder if she liked it? I still have butterflies in my stomach. I haven't felt this nervous in a while.
"Rose?" Tyler askes.
"Yes?" Rosemary replies.
"Did you enjoy the kiss?' he asks, blushing, unable to look at her in the face.
"Well to be honest with you. I did," she tells him while starting to blush uncontrollably. She looked up at him shyly.
"Ty?" she asks.
"Yes?" he replies.
"Did you enjoy it? Also if you didn't I get it and I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable," she said, still blushing.
"I did also enjoy it, and you don't have to be sorry for anything," he replied trying his best to look at her without blushing.
"Well do you still want to take me out later today?" she asked him trying to get him to look at her.
"Of course I still want to, if you'll let me," he responded, finally daring to look into her eyes. Once he did he couldn't stop thinking to himself, Should I kiss her one more time, or have I had enough of her for now? Do you think that she would kiss me back?
"Ty, what are you thinking about?'' she asked him in a gentle tone.
"Well I was just thinking about if I should kiss you again," he said slowly rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Rosemary started to get firetruck red and quickly looked at the floor without saying a word to him. Tyler only looked away for a second before pulling Rosemary in by her waist again. This time his face was almost pressing against hers. They started to kiss again, this time lasting only a little bit longer than the other kisses that they had. This time once it was over they started to walk away from each other letting their thoughts run wild yet again. Tyler thought to himself, I could try to make her my girlfriend. But if I do I won't be able to ask her right now. She just got out of a relationship. Asking her to be my girlfriend will just have to wait until later.
Meanwhile, Rosemary was also letting her thoughts run wild in her head. All she could think of was, He is truly amazing, but I just got out of a relationship. I don't think I'm ready to date anyone at the moment. I hope that he will be able to understand. Rosemary looked at where Tyler was standing. For he was staring out the window with a hint of pink on his face. All she wanted to do was to be able to kiss him again, but she also wanted to know what he was thinking about. She quickly turned her head back around and checked her phone for the time. It was 8:25, which was really good since she thought they might have been a little late with all the kissing that had been going on. She looked back at Tyler again to find out that he was looking back at her this time.
"If you keep looking at me like that I'm just going to have to kiss you again," she said in a romantic tone.
"Well, maybe I'll just have to keep looking at you like that then. So who says I don't want some more of your love?" he said also in a romantic tone.
"Well fine then. If you want some more all you have to do is ask, camera boy," she remarked while she started to walk over to the window. Tyler who was already standing by the window didn't even notice that she was making her way over. He was still too busy looking out the window, the pink still clung to his face. She stopped just short of the window and looked directly at him. She noticed that he was still pink in the face, and wondered if she was pink in the face too. Yet he still didn't notice her for he was too lost in his own thoughts. I know that she is amazing. I know that we kinda already act like a couple. I just don't want to push her over the edge. Plus I have more feelings for someone else. And if I get together with her it could ruin our friendship.
"Ty? What are you thinking about?" she asked him sweetly
"Rose. I was thinking-" he replied unable to look at her or finish his sentence.
"What were you thinking? I want to know. Please?" she asked him while slowly walking closer to him.
"I was thinking that this is not going to work out. I'm sorry Rose, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. Plus I have stronger feelings for someone else." he said as he started to rub the back of his neck.
"Ty, look I couldn't be in a relationship with you either. We are too close of friends and I really don't want to ruin that too. If anyone should be sorry it should be me." she replied, her eyes starting to water.
"Hey, look you don't have to be sorry," he said, finally looking at her and seeing tears in her eyes.
"But I'm truly sorry," she said, as tears started to roll down her face.
"Well you don't have to be sorry," he replied, moving his hand towards her face to wipe away her tears.
"Ty? Do you think that we can just stay gay buddies?" she asked, her voice a little shaky from crying.
"Of course we can. I would hate to lose you," he said, still wiping away her tears.
"Thank you," she said, walking closer to him to hug him.
"No problem Rose. I will still love you the same," he said letting her hug him.
"And I will still love you the same," she replied in the comfort of his arms.

Couldn't be Straight Enough
RomanceThis book is about a basic love triangle between best friends and their fight against the outside world. Sorry if the book is trash this is my first one. I hope you guys enjoy it. Also trigger warning talks about death, self-harm, conversion therapy.