michael gray - escape short story - part 4

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the finale! feel free to private message me or comment below imagines you want to write or other short stories:)


"to polly's house, please." y/n said to the driver as she got in the car.

"yes miss, should take about five minutes" neil, the driver, spoke back.

"okay, thankyou." y/n responds politely.

after a short journey in the car, she arrives at yet another beautiful, large house.

'this family must be very wealthy, they have such nice houses' she thought to herself.

she opened the door to the car, thanking the driver and leaving him a tip.

"oh no, this is too much!" neil refused, trying to put the money back in her hand.

"neil, you are very polite and such a gentlemen. please, take this as a token of my appreciation" she smiles, putting a few more shillings into his hand and walking away quickly -so that way he can't refuse again- leaving neil with a huge smile.

y/n knocks on the door before taking a step back, waiting a few seconds until she heard the door unlocking.

"oh hello, you must be y/n!" a woman who looked around 40 answered the door before bringing y/n into a hug.

"you saved my sons life, thankyou. he means so much to me. please come in, come in!"
the woman let go of the hug and ushered y/n into the house.

smiling brightly at her, before saying "polly, that is my name by the way! i'm so silly not introducing myself already." she chuckled and
y/n smiled with her.

"take your coat and hat off, hang it here and pop your shoes over there. make yourself at home!" polly tells y/n whilst walking into a lounge room.

they both sit on the sofa and have a cuppa whilst chatting.

"i hope you know with the whole pregnancy, i will be here for you and will help you throughout it all!" polly exclaims.

"thankyou, thankyou so much. i am so happy i hopped on the first train that i spotted was arriving when i got to the train station. i would have never met such sweet, warm-hearted people like you and ada and karl!" y/n awed.

"do you want to go see michael? he will be awake by now. i know he wants to see you!" polly smirks at y/n in a you-know-why way.

"polly!" y/n giggles "i would love to go see him.
i haven't even met him properly yet though, take a few steps back."

polly and her shared a laugh, before polly took
y/n upstairs to a closed door.

"he is in here, go get him missy!" polly whispers.

"pol" y/n groan-whispers back.

polly only walks off with a smile, moving her eyebrows up and down.

y/n softly opens the door, trying to be as quiet as possible but is only met with a loud squeak.

she sighed before shutting the door behind her, slightly jumping as she turned around seeing eyes open on the bed, staring at her.

"you must be y/n! the gorgeous girl who saved me." michael smiled.

y/n sat down whilst answering "i am not sure about gorgeous and i wouldn't call it saving you, i would more call it making sure you keep your eyes open and keep you distracted but thanks."

michael only chuckled before saying "you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. so yeah, definitely gorgeous!"

michael was laying in bed and she was sat next to him in a chair, they were holding hands.

three hours later and time seems to have flew by!

they were having a deep chat about y/n's past, yet again y/n having to explain how she was pregnant with a terrible guy as the father.

"hey y/n, i don't care if this is too early for you but i know for a fact that i love you as more than a friend." michael spoke very quietly.

"is this your way of asking me out?" y/n teases.

michael nervously gulped "i guess it is"

y/n immediately said yes, feeling like he was the one.

"hey, come here and cuddle with me!" michael asked a half-asleep Y/n.

"sure, but if i am hurting you in anyway do tell me." she responds before carefully climbing into the now shared bed and cuddling into his chest.

she felt arms snake around her waist and pull her closer in a loving way.

"y'know your man is probably going to be pissed when he realises that he lost the most perfect girl. i want you to know that i fully support you no matter what you do with the baby and i will always protect you" michael whispered and played with y/n's hair.

y/n blushed and whispered "thankyou" before they both fell into a comfy sleep.

polly walked in, thinking it is about time for y/n to leave and get some sleep but stops when she sees them both.

she smiled at them before quickly going out the room and walking over to the telephone to tell ada what she just walked into!


this has been incredibly fun writing a short story!
i hope you liked it @AnnieK400

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