Chapter 55

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Airi's POV

"Seriously, his silent treatment act is so annoying." (Astrid)

"He doesn't trust us, so it's not surprising." (Captain)

"What makes you say that?" (Etsu)

"He said it himself back in Alzibria. He wasn't saying our names, so I brought it up. He said he 'didn't understand the feeling of trust enough yet to freely give it out'." (Captain)

"So we just need to gain his trust?" (Airi)

"That's probably easier said than done. He doesn't seem to keen on telling us anything about himself." (Kana)

"That's true. But he's also only 12, surely he's craving some attention of sorts?" (Airi)

"Airi, he's probably not like you. We don't know his family situation, but it can't be good if they're bandits. You atleast had me as a parental figure, but we can't be too sure he had that." (Captain)

"... Maybe it will come by naturally. Just by fighting alongside each other." (Etsu)

"Based on the conversation with the King, he doesn't seem to fond of the bandits, but he must have fought alongside them." (Kana)

"Anyway. I wasn't planning on talking about this today, but since Ryu isn't here, I can." (Captain)

We all turn to look at the Captain with curiosity.

"I'm planning on sending some scouts across the Kingdom to find the location of Ryu's sister, Akari." (Captain)

"..." (Everyone)

"Wait? He has a sister?" (Etsu)

"Why didn't we know?" (Kana)

"Calm down. It seems that the No-Names didn't have to announce Ryu's birth, and they could've hidden it, which they did with the daughter." (Captain)

"Do we know anything about her?" (Etsu)

"Her name's Akari, and she's younger than Ryu. That's it." (Astrid)

"That's it?" (Kana)

"Well, then we can assume that there would be atleast a 2 year gap between their births, since it could not be easy travelling and being bandits with a pregnant member, so she is at most 10. But if you also account for pregnancy time, she would be at most 9 years old now." (Etsu)

"But there's so many 9 year olds." (Astrid)

"... We may be able to ease the search. Ryu said he'd been in the forest for 3 years and I don't think he'd have left her in the bandit's hands." (Airi)

"So we are looking for a 9 year old who entered a village or town at 6. But she may also not even be in the country." (Etsu)

"Maybe. But we can't do anything if she isn't." (Captain)

"Then, I will get someone on it." (Etsu)

Etsu stands up, ready to start his mission, before footsteps could be heard running away from the door.

He bursts out the door into the corridor, looking both ways.

"Eavesdropper." (Etsu)

"Did you see him?" (Captain)

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