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Adored at last in a world where he's only known disdain, Iyan finds himself following his lover into hell itself...

Iyan Lutton can sing no songs, paint no pictures, and play no instruments. All he is good for is ferrying the letters of his talented neighbours across the country and following the orders of his less-than-loving uncle in the post office. Days after the sudden death of his beloved aunt, however, he meets a foreigner in the post office, a wild woman of swirling red hair and eyes like autumn leaves who is miraculously eagre to spend her time in the country with him. Bewildered by her attraction, Iyan hardly hesitates to follow her back to her homeland after his aunt's funeral,  where a once-in-a-century celebration is to last for the next three days. The deeper the revelry takes them into the woods, however, the more Iyan is forced to suffer the hallucinations of a religion far more mad than his own, to question his reality, his purpose, and most importantly, his survival.

Contains drug and alcohol use, sexual content, and graphic gore.

original cover and current banner art by the incredible @plutointhestars ❤️

original cover and current banner art by the incredible @plutointhestars ❤️

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NOTE: THIS STORY IS NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON! If you'd like to support me by purchasing a $2.99 copy for your kindle/ebook reading pleasure, please follow this link or look it up on amazon.com! --->  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCSMT176. It's published under my older penname, Eli Gregory via Raven Tale Publishing 🖤

 It's published under my older penname, Eli Gregory via Raven Tale Publishing 🖤

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