We left the restaurant and Tom walked me out to his waiting car with his hand on the small of my back.
I couldn't believe what was happening. Me going to Tom Hiddleston's house... alone... with him...
His driver opened the door for me and I climbed in and shimmied across to allow Tom in to sit next to me.
The car had a leather interior and had that new car smell. Blacked out windows and a screen between the driver and back seats. I had no idea about cars so I couldn't tell you what car it was, but what ever it was, it was fancy.
Tom looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, but suddenly I was nervous. I didn't know where to look, or what to do with my hands so I pulled out my phone just to have something to hold.
The car pulled away and we were off into the London lunchtime traffic.
"Ummm where abouts do you live?" I asked Tom.
"Belsize park" he was looking directly at me. His eyes were burning into me with a sudden intensity.
"Ok... Ummmm... So where did you want to go for a run?" I asked the last part quickly as he was making me get that butterfly feeling again.
"Well, I have a large home gym with a few treadmills... I thought we could perhaps exercise in there?"
We're we still talking about running, or something else, because the words I heard and the look on his face said two entirely different things.
The car pulled into an underground garage, after the driver pushed a button on a the dash to open the garage doors, under a house which I assumed was Tom's house. I could imagine being famous meant you had trouble keeping anything private about where you lived or who you were with.
The driver got out and opened the passenger door for me to get out.
"Home sweet home" Tom said as he leaned over the top of the car looking at me.
I smiled and followed him around the car to an elevator that went up to the house. He pressed the call button, then we stepped inside the open doors. Tom turned, "thanks Jeff, I'll give you a call if I need you later" he called out to the driver. The guy just nodded and walked off towards somewhere else.
Now I was alone in the elevator with him. His aftershave smelt strongly in here, this was obviously a bachelor pad. The doors opened up to an open planned hall way with high ceilings leading into a kitchen.
I stepped out followed by Tom close behind.
"I always like coming home, drink? And please don't say tap water" he was smirking again. "I don't want to get told off again when I don't give you tap water if you ask for it... I'd give you anything else you ask for?"
There was the smirk again... Was he flirting with me? I mean Id only just met him a few hours ago and here I was in his house... Alone, together with just him. Surely he wasn't interested in me, maybe he was doing that method acting or whatever you call it. Playing a part about a guy falling for a divorced woman with kids. This was research for a role. Well what ever it was I can play this game. Let's see how far you'll go. Fuck it, this isn't going to happen again. I'll show him flirting.
"I thought you were wanting to run unless you had another form of exercise you were interested in?" With my most seductive look, I slid off my bag from my shoulders which contained my gym clothes and trainers and dropped it to the floor. To my surprise he didn't laugh, or recoil in horror. I stepped forward dropping my hip as I did. He stepped towards me, like he was stalking me. Slowly, eyes focused on the target.
Fuck... What was happening... I couldn't let myself get carried away. I had to know, was he messing with me or was he really interested in going further.
I looked at him with a serious expression now and he was still slowly inching closer.
"Do you really want to fuck me or just practicing for a role?" I said it so bluntly he stopped dead in his tracks.
"I mean, I'm a divorced mum of two with stretch marks, sagging tits and I haven't had sex in 6 months. So if you're playing with me or practicing for a role or its just for a laugh, then please tell me and I'll leave"
"I'm not playing and I'm certainly not using you as practice for a role" he said suddenly serious. "I like you, I liked you the moment you burst into that office this morning all flustered and panicked" my mouth opened up in an inaudible gasp, this must be a dream.
"I think your sexy as hell, I want you and I don't just ask random women I've just met back to my home. In fact Ive never done this" he was stepping closer to me as the words came out of his mouth.
"But I'm a single mum now. Not attractive. Not sexy" he was stood right in front of me now and pressed his finger to my lips to stop me talking.
"Firstly I wouldn't say it if it weren't true, that I find you gorgeous. In fact I think women who have had children are incredibly sexy. It's as BIG turn on for me. I like seeing a woman with stretch marks, your bodies are amazing and I'm in complete awe of them. Secondly don't let your insecurities rule your thoughts. It's what I think and my opinion that counts with how you look. And thirdly, have you not noticed how men gravitate towards you. Your laugh, your openness, your kindness, it's endearing. Don't let a bad previous relationship put doubts in your mind as to how beautiful and sexy you really are."
The last part he said as he was tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Have you not noticed your boss keeps looking at you, or the waiter at the restaurant or the two men outside as we left the restaurant? They all are looking at you because your beautiful Becca"
He was leaning down to me now almost nose to nose. He was intoxicating. I couldn't think straight. I put my hands on his chest. It was muscular, alot more so than I'd expected. He cupped my cheek with his hand and tilted my head towards his. I closed my eyes and slowly moved my hands up his chest, over his shoulders until they were up into his hair pulling him down towards me.
Then after a moment he crashed down onto my lips with his. Slowly at first with force, then it started to build. He opened his mouth more feverishly now. His tongue exploring mine as I responded back.
Fucking hell, I hadn't been kissed like this in a long time. In fact I don't think I'd ever felt so wanted. I couldn't control myself any longer and those dark naughty demons were getting louder in my ear egging me on.

Running To You - Tom Hiddleston Fan Fiction
FanfictionBecca is a divorced mum of 2 kids, working in an insurance office when a new famous client walks into her life changing it forever. With having to juggle 2 kids, work, her passions and an ex husband with a pregnant girlfriend she gets swept off her...