(i got this idea from a comment)
George was remembering all the fun times he had with Fred. he misses him. George is think long and hard about what he can do to let Fred know that they love him. "honey!" George's exclaims. "yes?!! are you okay?" "yes but i have the best idea!! can we please go to platform 9 3/4 for the last time?" "yes of course" they are on their way to the train station and the kids are all packed up for Hogwarts. Reagan and Rex (the kids names) are about to run into the wall in between the platforms. "alright rex go on ahead!" "he's not rex i am!" "honestly woman. you call yourself our mother." *scoffs* "we'll go ahead then Reagan." "i was only kidding mother! i am rex!" everybody chuckles. George starts sobbing, remembering this very moment he had with Fred. "i miss you Fred. i love you" George watches rex and Reagan get on the train while George's eyes are all red and puffy. the kids wave goodbye and the glass fogs up. "honey. i miss them already.." "i do too George. but for now we have each other" back home, George goes to sleep and won't wake up...