Chapter 6

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Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, and Go-Go were getting their own outfits which were very unique in their own way. Honey Lemon wore a pink dress with white linings, dark magenta sleeves and leggings, purple platform heels, and pink armor with a belt to match. She didn't seem to be wearing her glasses, but instead, she wore a purple helmet with orange highlights over her head. "That's rather, um, stylish," Anna smiled politely. "Don't you agree, Tadashi?" "Oh, yeah, it looks really nice on you, Honey Lemon." Tadashi agreed. "Thanks, you guys," Honey Lemon smiled. "You look great too." Mel saw the looks in their eyes and decided to give Tadashi and little push towards Honey Lemon. "Huh? What?" Tadashi blinked and looked over. Mel quietly smirked/smiled as she did what he was doing while Honey Lemon admired her new look. Tadashi noticed the smirk and soon blushed as he knew what Mel was up to. Honey Lemon looked at Tadashi. "Oh, hello there." she smiled, a bit oblivious at first. "Uh... Hey..." Tadashi smiled to her, though blushing slightly. Mel left the two of them alone. "Mel...?" Sara called. "Yes, Sarara?" Mel replied nervously. "Did you just try to fix two people up who were clearly made for each other?" Sara smirked playfully. "Maybe." Sara said while looking away playfully. "So, Tadashi and Honey Lemon? Hmm... I guess it could work." Sara said once she saw the two college students together because of Mel's assistance. And soon enough, Honey Lemon noticed the two of them were now alone together and started to blush. Mel and Sara soon walked off together to check on Anna and the others.

Hiro helped Go-Go in her new outfit, but she had to work on some balancing. Go-Go now wore a black-and-yellow suit of armor with yellow Maglev discs on her wrists and boots, a matching helmet, and black underclothing with a hint of red linings. "Nice." Sara said. Go-Go pouted as she fell on her butt after standing up. "Uh, you want some help?" Anna asked, trying not to laugh. "No, I got it." Go-Go told her as she got back up as she stood back up getting a better balance. The girls stepped back a little to give Go-Go some room. She skated all around, doing a lot better this time. "I'd call you a Speed Racer if you were driving a car." Sara commented. "Then why don't we call her that since she has those wheels on her shoes?" Mel smiled. "Speed Racer?" Go-Go replied. "You sure?" "Yeah!" Mel beamed. "It's perfect for ya!" "Hmm... Yeah, racers are fast and these wheels do make me go really fast." Go-Go smirked. Mel smirked back as she was able to help. Go-Go skated around and around until grabbing the hose and tied Heathcliff up with it as he stood there, but he didn't seem to be too bothered about it. "Perfect." Anna said. "Uh, you okay there, Heathcliff?" Sara asked. "I'll be fine, young Master Sara." Heathcliff replied. "Yeah, he's okay." Sara smiled to her friends. "So, who's next?" Mel asked. "Hmm... Let's check on Baymax." Anna suggested.

They went back to the garage and Hiro began to give Baymax his own new look, and where they liked what they saw. "How does it look?" Hiro asked as Baymax now wore red and purple armor. "Perfect!" Anna smiled. "Hiro, he really looks like a super robot now!" "That's what I like to hear." Hiro smiled back. "So, what about your outfit?" Sara asked Hiro. "Hmm..." Hiro paused for a moment. After a while, Hiro stepped out in a new outfit to show the girls which was a super-suit made of primarily purple with red accents and black armor, with black clothing underneath that covers most of his body up to his knees, and steel-toe black sneakers with magnetic pads. "Your suit looks awesome, HiHi!" Mel smiled. "Only I can't fly without Baymax." Hiro said. "Thanks, Mel." Hiro smiled back. Then the girls went to check on Wasabi. Wasabi had a super-suit that was mostly green, almost turquoise armor, accompanied by what appears to be Japanese cropped pants with particular patterns layered over it. "Hm... That's a good color on you." Sara commented. "Thanks, I think it's a good color on me too." Wasabi smiled. "Head's up!" Mel smirked as she tossed a ball in the air. Wasabi yelped from that slightly and he used his super-suit's abilities to slice the ball in two halves which then landed on the ground. "Perfect." Anna smiled. "Thanks." Wasabi smiled back. "Fred should be the last one." Sara said. "By the way, girls, where are your super-suits?" Wasabi asked. "You'll see them soon." Anna replied.

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Wasabi was now being trained in his own way as the tennis ball machine shot balls at him and he began to slice them with his super-suit's abilities. He even went up to the machine and sliced it in half as Heathcliff stood there with a mask on to help them practice against the villain. "Nice." Sara smiled. "All right... Now... Where's Freddie?" Mel asked. Fred soon came out in his own outfit which was a lot different from the others. It was like that of a traditional Kaiju monster. The beast's skin has the colors blue and orange with limbs of a lighter shade of blue. On its body are flame-shaped spines and a back covered in spikes. In addition to having black, spiky, claw-like nails, the suit has a tail with similar features, while its head has two sets of horns and three fierce-looking eyes (with the top one acting as Fred's access to vision). Its four-fanged "mouth" is the only opening the suit has. "Impressive." Anna said. "That's... Different..." Sara smiled. "It's amazing!" said Mel. "I knew you'd love it!" Fred laughed out of excitement. "So, I'm guessing out of the opening comes fire?" Mel guessed. "Yeah!" Fred beamed. "Isn't it awesome?!" "It sure is." Mel said. "Let's get our suits on so we can go" said Sara. So, the girls put on their superhero suits. Anna's was red, Sara's was green, and Mel's was purple. Each of the suits had a similar design. When the girls met back with everyone else, their friends were amazed. "You guys look great." Hiro told them. "MelMel made these herself" said Mel. "You guys look great too." said Sara "Yeah, we do." Fred smiled. They all smiled to each other. "Whoo-hoo!" Fred cheered. "Not bad." Go-Go smirked. "I love it." Honey Lemon beamed. "This is a nice improvement." Tadashi added. "Anybody else's suit riding up on them?" Wasabi asked. "You'll get used to it." Mel said. "Hey, guys! Check this out." Hiro smiled as he led them to follow him. "Come on then." Mel told the others as they went to go and follow Hiro.

"I'd like to introduce Baymax 2.0!" Hiro smiled. "Whoa," Tadashi smiled back. "Impressive." "He's glorious!" Fred gasped from astonishment. Baymax stepped over, looking intimidating at first, until he waved to say hello, and then saw a butterfly before chasing it. "He's like a curious cat." Anna said. "Or a monkey." Sara added. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Hiro said as he stopped Baymax. "Stop. Focus." "You should, Baymax, you're programmed to save other lives now." Tadashi added in agreement with his little brother. "So, what can he do now?" Sara asked. "Show 'em what you got, buddy," Hiro smiled to Baymax. "The first! Show 'em the fist!" Baymax held out his fist before twiddling his fingers, thinking he was supposed to fist bump. "No, not that," Hiro said. "The thing! The other thing!" Baymax held out his fist before it charged up and shot out of his arm, striking a statue, and smashing a wall upon impact. "Whoa!" Mel smiled. "Rocket Fist make Freddie so happy!" Fred beamed and clapped like an excited child. Baymax's fist then came back. "That's just one of his new upgrades!" Hiro smiled back to the others before looking back to the robot. "Baymax, wings." A set of wings came out of Baymax's back. "No way!" Fred beamed. "Careful, Hiro." Tadashi warned. Hiro climbed onto Baymax's back and got his hands and feet settled. "Thrusters." he said. Baymax briefly levitated. "I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion." he replied to Hiro once a few inches off of the ground. "I fail to see of how you fail to see of how awesome this is!" Hiro smiled. "Oh, brother." Tadashi rolled his eyes playfully with a sigh. "Full thrust!" Hiro told Baymax. It seemed like they were going to fly, but Baymax hit the ground, zipping on the ground, and then flew through the air, over everyone else's head, very narrowly missing them, and soon flew through the sky. "Whew." Anna sighed.

The citizens looked up to the skies to see what was going on as Hiro and Baymax flew through the sky together. Anna, Sara, and Mel began to follow them. "Stay close to me, girls." Anna told her friends. "Right" Sara and Mel replied. Hiro and Baymax flew together, and it seemed like they were about to crash into a cat statue. "Pull up, guys!" the girls told told them. "Anna, Sara, Mel?" Hiro asked. "PULL UP!" the girls cried out. Luckily, Baymax was able to pull up in time with Hiro on his back. "Whew." Sara sighed. "Man, that was a close call, even for MelMel." Mel commented. They seemed to go up high. "Too much thrust! TOO MUCH THRUST!" Hiro yelped. "Baymax, lower the thrusters!" Anna told the robot. Baymax did that while in flight. "Uh, okay, you can fly up now!" Sara smiled nervously as it looked like Baymax and Hiro were about to crash against the bridge.

Baymax flew and zoomed across the bridge, nearly leaving the girls in the dust. Luckily, the three of them used their super-speed. "Man, you gals are fast." Hiro said. "It's thanks to these suits." said Mel. A little boy in the back of a car smiled as he played with an action figure until he looked out the window to see what was going on around him. "Up, up, up, up, up!" Hiro panicked to Baymax. Baymax did what Hiro told him. "I think they're gonna stop at the top of the bridge now." Anna told her friends, seriously this time. "And hopefully nothing bad will happen." Sara said. The girls soon met up at the top of the bridge with Hiro and Baymax. "Oh, man! Maybe... Maybe enough flying for today," Hiro smiled as he began to catch his breath. "What do you say?" Baymax looked back at Hiro before reporting to him. "Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily." "Which means what?" Hiro asked nervously. "The treatment is working." Baymax replied. The girls smiled at first before suddenly panicking as Baymax began to drop from the bridge with Hiro. "Oh, this is bad!" Mel yelped. She went to go down and help, though Baymax thrust himself over the water, speeding over it while in flight. "Whew." the girls sighed. "That was a close one." Sara said. "I wasn't scared." Mel smiled bravely. "Neither were we." Anna said. "Well, come on, girls" Akito smiled. "We better go or we'll be left behind." Anna and Sara smiled back in agreement before they flew off together. "This is amazing" Anna smiled. "You said it." Sara smiled back as this was fun for them. "Wee!" said Mel. It was an amazing flight through the city. They even flew in front of a subway which was really a surprise for the driver. Hiro smiled to his reflection as they flew by a building with many glass windows. The girls were happy to see Hiro smile. They began to pass by many hovercrafts and blimps while in the sky, and soon took a break to sit on one and look out to enjoy the view which was amazing.

"Wow, it sure is beautiful up here." Anna smiled. "Yeah... It is nice," Hiro agreed. "That was... That was..." "Sick?" Baymax said for him. "It is just an expression." "Exactly." Mel smiled. "That's... That's right, buddy," Hiro added as the enjoyed the view. "I am never taking the bus again." "You seem happy." Sara smiled at Hiro. "This is pretty exciting." Hiro smiled back. "Your emotional state has improved," Baymax told Hiro. "I can deactivate if you say you are satisfied with your care." "From way up here, that would be unwise." Anna said. "He shouldn't anyway," Hiro replied. "We still have to find that guy." "Baymax, use the super-sensor." Sara told the robot. "Functionality improved. 1,000% increase in range," Baymax said with a scan before pointing. "I have found a match... On that island." "Then that's where we're going." Mel said. "Let's round up the others." Sara suggested since they were part of a team. "Agreed." Anna and Mel nodded.

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