Lauren Pov
Once Joe called me, I called Brad right away. Even though we were just fake pretending to date, I actually kind of did have some feelings for him. But that stupid little brat, Gabriella, had to get in my way. I could see how Brad always looks at her, and he never seems to shut up about her either. Too bad shes not as famous as me. I need to find a way that Brad can leave her. Watch out little Gabbie..
Gabbies Pov-
Once Brad left me I decided to text Nicole.
To: Nicole <3.
Hey can I come to your house Brad blew me off :((xxInstantly she replied back
From: Nicole
Of course, you better tell me what happened once you get here <3xxI got back inside the car and drove straight away to Nicoles. Why couldn't Brad just tell me straight away? We've been friends ever since so why can't he just say it. Time went by fast as I was in front of Nicole's house. I got out of my car and rang her doorbell, soon engulfed by a hug from Nicole.
"Where's your parents?" I asked hugging her back.
"They're off in vacation so I got the whole house for 4 weeks!!!" she danced.
"Yasssssss! is it cool if I hang here for tonight? I dont feel like driving back home.." I say hoping she says yes.
"Why even as me that? Of course you can stay ya butt." she giggled.
We spent the rest of afternoon ordering pizza and watching reruns of Friends. 'Should i tell her about Brad, or should I wait until she asks?' I think as we eat. As if she was reading my mind she confronts me about Brad.
"So you wanna tell me about your little Bradders?" she asked concerned.
"Well since he was brought up..." I took a deep breathe, "I found out hes leaving to America for 3 months and he hasnt even told me yet, well he was going to, but he blew me off with Lauren."
Nicole already knew I had feelings for Brad, and that he had Lauren already.
"Well, Im sure he didn't blow you off for a reason Gabs." she reassured me.
"Ehh, I guess youre right, but he could've at least told me first before he left right?" I questioned.
"I totally agree, I think it's kind of a jerkish move of him not telling you of him leaving, I swear I can do something to that little brain of his." She started to seem annoyed by Brad.
"Ahah thanks Nic, don't know what I would be doing without ya." I giggled looking for the remote.
She gave me a quick hug and went to the kitchen to get a drink.
I changed the channel since I was getting bored, but soon regretted once I did.
"Brad Simpson and his current girlfriend, Lauren, finally share their first kiss." The reporter says on the T.V"
Tears started to form in my eyes watching Brad kissing another girl i despised..
The kitchen door opened and revealed a happy looking Nicole into a angry one once she saw me.
"That douche." she mumbled grabbing the remote and changing the channel to another one.
"Gabs, don't be sad, it hurts me to see you like this, and theres plenty of boys who are much better than Bradley, he doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you." she wiped a tear from my eye.
"Thanks, Nic, lets just try and forget about this and do something fun yea?" I say lightening up the mood.
Even though I said that I knew I just wanted to be alone and cry. Cry because the boy I loved, was with someone else, he would never like me like how I do. I was angry and disappointed because he left me hanging there in the cafe, not letting me know how he's leaving to America soon, and blowing me off to kiss Lauren. I guess I just have to forget about him.
Brads Pov
As it hurt me leaving Gabbie , i had to go, I didn't want Joe to be mad at me for leaving Lauren. He once got mad at me because I told him I didn't like Lauren and I had feelings for Gabs, but he said i had no choice because we needed it for publicity. Apparently he made a deal with Lauren's manager.
I went back home and changed into something more fancier since lauren and I would be on T.V. I dresses into black skinnies and a white button up shirt. As I finished up some touches of my hair I went and got inside my car.
I arrived in about 45 minutes later and saw Lauren, wearing a long red dress going down to her feet. She looked pretty but not as much as I see with Gabriella. She soon saw me and waved for me to come over. There were many celebrities here as well. I soon saw James, Tristan, and Connor coming over.
"Hey! What's up mate!" Connor says giving me a bro hug.
I realized they hadn't known why I was upset leaving for America, but I think I need to keep that as a secret to myself for now.
"Nothing much man." I say giving the rest hugs.
"Will catch up later as i see Laurens calling you over." James says pointing over to Lauren.
The boys never really liked Lauren, they think shes snobby and all, but I don't really thinks thats the reason. I brushed the thought off my mind and headed towards Lauren.
"Hey Lauren." I say politely.
"Hey Brad." She smiles giving a long tight hug.
"Lets go walk over to the Cameras shall we?" She says smirking.
I dont know what she was thinking but I decided to just listen to what she was saying. While we were walking,, it came to conclusion that I needed to talk to Joe, about me and Lauren. Yea, shes all pretty and all, but i can't fake a relationship, and anyways, I've been thinking more about Gabbie and I. My thoughts were stopped as the paparazzi interrupted us.
"Why don't you guys show us some lips!" said one
Yea, come on we've never seen you guys kiss!" said another.
Oh shoot, now thinking of it, Lauren and I never really kissed, I felt really pressured as I didn't know what to do, the whole camera crew was there. I'll just tell them not today since I have cold and I don't want Lauren to get sick. Yep Ill just tell them that.
"Sorr-" I was gonna say but soon a pair of lips interrupted..
It was Laurens Lips

Pinky Promise // Brad Simpson
FanficBrad and Gabriella have been best friends ever since they met in 1st grade. They told each other their deepest secrets, but what they didn't tell each other is that they both always had a crush on each other. But, ever since Brad has been famous, he...