Chapter 24- Happy Birthday

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Chapter 24

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Taerin happy Birthday to you"

I smile as me and Taehyung sing to our girl, her sleepy eyes watch us as a goofy smile spreads across her face. Taehyung's eyes sparkle as he sits on the edge of the bed with the small cake

"Blow out the candles baby bear"

Taerin giggles as she sits up in bed and closes her eyes, my insides get warm as I watch the loving face Taehyung is giving her as she blows out her candles. It was hard to believe that he was now officially in her life for a year, it felt so much longer but time is a funny thing I guess.

"Yay! Happy Birthday baby bear"

Tae cheers making sleepy Taerin giggle and cling to his side, Taehyung hugs her back and kisses the top of her head as her smiling eyes find mine.

"Happy birthday my love, you ready for the best birthday ever?"

She giggles and nods her head as Taehyung places the cake on her nightstand and picks her up to hold her close to his chest. I can see the tears forming in his eyes as she hugs him back and I smile. "You're getting so big baby bear, and becoming such a beautiful young lady. I love you so much you know that?"

Taerin giggles again and pulls back to look at her Appa "Dont cry Appa!" She giggles squishing his cheeks and giving him Eskimo kisses "I love you too and I'll always be your baby bear Appa but that has to be a secret okay?"

Taehyung laughs and kisses her face up "Okay it's our secret, now you better get ready so I can set up for your big party" she dances in her appa's arms and I chuckle "Okay bub go get in the shower so we can get going" she jumps up and runs to the bathroom as I eye Taehyung "Remember nothing too big, our girl is simple she'll be happy to just have everyone there. This is technically her first birthday party so keep it simple" Taehyung nods but I don't fully trust him.

"Of course Mrs Kim"

He then gets up and towers over me as his large beautiful hands find my waist, I hate how he makes my insides flutter. "I love you so much y/n, thank you for bringing this little girl into my life and thank you for coming back to me" I smile feeling my tears swelling up as I caress his bread like cheek, he closes his eyes and smiles at my touch.

"I love you too taehyung more than you'll ever know"


The day goes by fast, I took taerin to her favorite cafe to get some breakfast we then went shopping to get her new clothes and plushies. Before I took her to get her hair done as per request, we then went to get her a special birthday outfit before returning back to the house for her party. I knew it was probably going to be a bit over the top but I was hoping Taehyung listened a little bit.

"I'm kind of nervous Eomma"

Taerin giggles gripping on to my hand. I felt like crying looking down at the sweet girl, she looked so much older today with her new hair and clothes. Flashes of her baby self flood my head and I have to stop and hold her just for a moment. "Eomma what's wrong?"

I chuckle and kiss her cheeks before tucking her hair behind her ear. "I just love you, I can't believe how big you're getting" she smiles and hugs me back. "Eomma don't cry, like I told Appa I'll still be your baby just not in front of my friends that's embarrassing" I chuckle and wipe my eyes before standing up again "okay fine we won't embarrass you, let's go see how crazy your Appa went"

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Her eyes light up as we make our way into the house and everyone shouts surprise! Taerin the actress that she is gasps and does a twirl "Wow what a surprise I had no idea!" I shake my head as everyone chuckles, I can see her eyes light up at the sight of all our family and friends.

The inside of the house was elegantly decorated with flowers but in the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse at the outside and I shake my head watching Taerin gasp. Thankfully we had a big backyard I guess, with a stage to the right and a castle to the left along with a fancy tea party set up and a petting zoo.

Taehyung's innocent eyes catch mine as I shake my head "what? Look how happy our baby bear is and this is simple I held back on a lot of things" he mumbles pulling me into his chest and kissing my lips. "This is not simple but I'm happy she is happy"

He smiles and kisses me once again and presses himself into me more, I have to force myself to push him back a bit as blush covers my cheeks. I can see the parents of some of the kids eyeing us "Behave we have guests"

Taehyung chuckles following my gaze as they all avert their eyes and go out back. "I had to let them know your mine, that one boys dad kept raving about how amazing you are" I chuckle shaking my head "Behave mr. Kim now where is my baby boy?"

"Where do you think?"

I chuckle as we turn and make our way out back Minguk is snuggled into his grandma's arm, Eonjin complaining next to her that she wants to hold him as Jae waves over at us. "When are you two going to start having babies? Mingukie and Taerin need cousins you know"

we both laugh as Eonjin shakes her head and gives Jae an apologetic look Taehyung's younger brother laughs to as he stuffs his cheeks. "Look how happy our girl is"

Taehyung mumbles looking out at her smiling face, we allowed her to invite seven of her friends not wanting too many strangers in the house but she ended up talking us into ten of her bestest friends.

"You did good Mr. Kim"

I smile kissing his cheek "now go on I know how badly you wanna go play" he laughs and kisses my cheek before running off towards the bounce structure, Jungkook is quick to join as well convincing Taerin to have a race as they divide up into teams. Jimin, jin and Hoseok decided to join in as well as Taerin and Jungkook pick between members and kids to have a race. "You look beautiful my daughter" I smile as Mr. Kim comes over to me and gives me a hug

"Looking pretty dapper yourself Appa, I see Eomma can't take her eyes off you"

this makes him chuckle as we both look over an see her smiling his way. "I hear you guys finally picked a date" I smile and nod our eyes one the race, Taerin and Jungkook take off first "You know I'd be happy to walk you down the isle if you'd like"

I look up at him a bit surprised and he smiles sheepishly "Just something to think about, you've always meant a great deal to our family and we love you and the kids very much"

I smile feeling a bit emotional as I grab his hand "I'd be honored if you walked me down the isle Appa" he smiles wide and I catch a glimpse of Taehyung in his face as his eyes get a bit watery. I chuckle and hug him "I'm honored sweetheart" I smile as we pull away and catch Taehyung's curious eyes watching us as Taerin shouts at him to go.

A bit later we do cake and presents and as the sky turns a bit darker the twinkling lights turn on to light up the small stage.

Taerin is front in center with her classmates and a few of the parents have their phones out as the boys take the stage. I smile seeing the sparkle in Taerin's eyes as the boys start to sing happy birthday to her once again. Never in a million years would I have dreamt that we'd have a big party like this for her surrounded by family that loved and adored her.

I think back to our lonely life before Taehyung and feel my tears swell up, it felt like a lifetime ago but I was more than happy to see how happy and full of love Taerin was.

I kiss my sweet boy as I rock him a bit to the next song, I was happy Taehyung would get to go through all the firsts with him and I could only hope they'd have an amazing relationship like Tae and Taerin.

Minguk kicks his feet as the boys sing and I chuckle "You hear Appa huh?" I mumble kissing his chubby cheek, Taehyung glances over and smiles wide before walking down to Taerin and singing to her.

"Those kids will be talking about this for weeks" I chuckle as Jae bumps my side I hand Minguk to Eonjin "Finally I get to hold aunties baby" she laughs kissing him up.

"Happy looks good on the both of you"

Jae mumbles, I smile up at him and feel emotional again. What the hell was wrong with me? He gives me a hug making my tears actually fall "Dont cry, enjoy this. You and Taerin have been through hell and back and you hand to make it through all that on your own so enjoy all this love and being taken care of. It's time for you both to be happy" I nod patting his back

"Thanks Jae"


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